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Barrel length?


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Now that you have all been kind enough in my previous posts to recommend me to buy a semi-auto, I would like your opinions. I was in conversation with a friend yesterday who told me his shooting has improved beyond his wildest dreams since buying a 30" barrel semi-auto, this seems huge to me, as it is attatched onto the reciever, giving an apparent length of a 32"/34" gun.


1/ Do any of you use such long barrels on a semi?


2/ Do you think it has improved your shooting?


Regards, flytie

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I am with Stuart on this one,


My semi is 28" barrel and I shoot a 30" O/U. They both give similar "pointability" as the semi has a longer action.


It all depends on you. What you shoot well with, what you are comfortable with. A 30" semi is a long gun and probably has similar handling as a 32" O/U.


Do not worry about what your friend shoots well with, it is what YOU perform with that counts.




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At my clay club there are about a dozen middle aged men that turn up dressed from head to toe in designer outdoor sports wear, have very nice guns and who all fiddle endlessly with chokes and anything on their guns that can be adjusted gets adjusted ad nauseum.


They talk of chokes, barrel lengths, different cartridges (loads, makes, size), how the Blaser is better than the Perazzi blah bla bla bla. Its all a bunch of cock because most of them couldn't consistently hit a brick wall at 10 feet. None of the frippery makes any difference whatsoever because they are not that good and will never be that good, but it does give them something to talk about and something blame when it goes pear shaped.


Having played a bit of golf I am used to this behaviour and the talk that goes with it all - 'you should have seen me last week' 'i missed that because my x,y,z was missing' 'should have used the 3 not the 5' 'got a bad lie there' 'lots of roll on the green' 'should have used the Top Flyte xl ball for that hole'. I know a fair amount of golfers with expensive clubs who are all ****e.


Maybe off topic a bit, but hey, it's been a slow Thursday.

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Also depends on the size of the gun / chamber. My 3 1/2" chambered 28" Barrelled Beretta extrema and my son has a 3" chambered 30" barrelled Beretta 303 and although is is slightly shorter in the stock mine is aprox 1 1/2" longer. I also shoot with a 28" ou and a 28" s/s and do prefer the shorter barrels for game I am trying hard to get used to the extrema.


Tis not the size of the barrel that makes the most difference the is the right fitting stock that makes the most difference.




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Martin, unfortunately I think axe might well be right about me too :P


The longest I have had was a 29 1/2" 20g O/U and now have a 28" 12g O/U again. Did not notice any difference personally, but I think I read something by a professional shooting coach who said he noticed improved scores when his pupils used longer barrelled guns which would gell with what my friend says :lol: . Just interested what other folks use, as I was tempted by a 26" barrel because of the ease of handling in hides etc.



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If its any help, I went from a 28" SXS to a 28" auto. Now I have gotten used to the extra length caused by the reciever, I shoot far better with a 32" O/U than a 28". I think it all depends on what you are used to, andhow quickly you can adapt. IMHO if you are used to a 28" gun (non auto), I would go for a 28" auto as it isnt too much of a leap in one go.



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Well if it is any help, I used to own a 26" barrel winchester 101 o/u and I now own a 30" winchester select and I can honestly say that there is no difference in my shooting.


The 26" gun was fast and lively but you had to keep it moving, the 30" one is smooth and when you get it moving it stays moving.


Buy a gun you like one which fits and shoot it to death, when that one is worn out go and but another one.


As mungler said the more you P**S about with barrel length chokes, cartridges the more you miss.





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Well if it is any help, I used to own a 26" barrel winchester 101 o/u and I now own a 30" winchester select and I can honestly say that there is no difference in my shooting.


The 26" gun was fast and lively but you had to keep it moving, the 30" one is smooth and when you get it moving it stays moving.


Buy a gun you like one which fits and shoot it to death, when that one is worn out go and but another one.


As mungler said the more you P**S about with barrel length chokes, cartridges the more you miss.





Martin, bought a multi choke this time and rarely change from imp cyl and 1/4, but I can if I want to. And having shot some very long range clays the other day I am pleased that I did.


I like the look of the beretta 391 because you can adjust it to fit with the shims supplied and the gel tek pads of different length. I really need to try one out, so will keep saving the pennies then go and pester Mr Litts.

Intesting about your shooting, I think you may well operate on a higher level than me, swine :P



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Well if it is any help, I used to own a 26" barrel winchester 101 o/u and I now own a 30" winchester select and I can honestly say that there is no difference in my shooting.


The 26" gun was fast and lively but you had to keep it moving, the 30" one is smooth and when you get it moving it stays moving.


Buy a gun you like one which fits and shoot it to death, when that one is worn out go and but another one.


As mungler said the more you P**S about with barrel length chokes, cartridges the more you miss.







im with you on that Martin, i found my browning xs to be the perfect fitting gloove i bought another to suit before its worn out ,over 250,000 through the first one only difference is i run 30" in one and 32" in the other, personal preference i guess .



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Well, this is my starter for one.


Depends what the gun is going to be used for. Longer barrels are great if you are going to shoot down the line on clays etc, but an absolute pain in the *** in a pigeon hide.


At the end of the day this game is all about what is going on in your head - confidence.


I freely admit that I am a **** shot - and the sole reason is that I have the wrong choke in the gun at the time.


Or perhaps if I had had a longer barrel I would not have missed.


I have also been known to miss the odd shot as I have had the wrong shot size in my cartridges.


Nothing whatsoever to do with ability - I am otherwise an absolutely perfect shot.


As I have said - it is all about confidence.


Come to think of it - I am certain now that the fit of all of guns is slightly adrift.


Today that is. Tomorrow - well depends on my cartridge to kill ratio.



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Well, this is my starter for one.


Depends what the gun is going to be used for. Longer barrels are great if you are going to shoot down the line on clays etc, but an absolute pain in the *** in a pigeon hide.


At the end of the day this game is all about what is going on in your head - confidence.


I freely admit that I am a **** shot - and the sole reason is that I have the wrong choke in the gun at the time.


Or perhaps if I had had a longer barrel I would not have missed.


I have also been known to miss the odd shot as I have had the wrong shot size in my cartridges.


Nothing whatsoever to do with ability - I am otherwise an absolutely perfect shot.


As I have said - it is all about confidence.


Come to think of it - I am certain now that the fit of all of guns is slightly adrift.


Today that is. Tomorrow - well depends on my cartridge to kill ratio.



Don, I like what you say :P I will never get onto serious trap shooting, or any clay stuff. My mates and I do it just for fun and to keep the cobwebs at bay :lol: We have a friend who was a county shot, and he stands behind us saying things like, "you'r over the top of those rabbits" and "just behind those crossers" bless him. He knows exactly where his shot is going unlike the rest of us idiots. I just want an allround gun that I can take to clay shoots and sit in a pigeon/duck hide with. I am however interested in the barrel lengths that people favour, as it seems to go in phases! If you read some old shooting books the standard length of game guns used to be 30", wildfowling guns and live pigeon guns are still sold mainly at 30", sporters 30"/32" yet game guns are now 28" as a standard. Add into the equation the gun being a semi and it intrigues me! Especially as some people are so definate as to what works best for them.



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Well, this is my starter for one.


Depends what the gun is going to be used for. Longer barrels are great if you are going to shoot down the line on clays etc, but an absolute pain in the *** in a pigeon hide.


At the end of the day this game is all about what is going on in your head - confidence.


I freely admit that I am a **** shot - and the sole reason is that I have the wrong choke in the gun at the time.


Or perhaps if I had had a longer barrel I would not have missed.


I have also been known to miss the odd shot as I have had the wrong shot size in my cartridges.


Nothing whatsoever to do with ability - I am otherwise an absolutely perfect shot.


As I have said - it is all about confidence.


Come to think of it - I am certain now that the fit of all of guns is slightly adrift.


Today that is. Tomorrow - well depends on my cartridge to kill ratio.



Don, I like what you say :P I will never get onto serious trap shooting, or any clay stuff. My mates and I do it just for fun and to keep the cobwebs at bay :lol: We have a friend who was a county shot, and he stands behind us saying things like, "you'r over the top of those rabbits" and "just behind those crossers" bless him. He knows exactly where his shot is going unlike the rest of us idiots. I just want an allround gun that I can take to clay shoots and sit in a pigeon/duck hide with. I am however interested in the barrel lengths that people favour, as it seems to go in phases! If you read some old shooting books the standard length of game guns used to be 30", wildfowling guns and live pigeon guns are still sold mainly at 30", sporters 30"/32" yet game guns are now 28" as a standard. Add into the equation the gun being a semi and it intrigues me! Especially as some people are so definate as to what works best for them.




For the record, I currently have:-


Beretta 391 12g with a 27" barrel (the more lead in the air the better)


Miroku s/s 12g with 28" barrels for posh shooting.


Double barrel 20g s/s percussion with 27.5" barrels for missing in style


Double barrel 10g percussion with 30" barrels. Macho gun for impressing non-shooters


Single 6g percussion with 36" barrel for setting light to magpie nests with the wadding.


All are totally different in handling, and I enjoy and miss with them all - but not because I'm a **** shot. It's the choke/barrel length/shot size/gun fit/air pressure/uneven gravity etc.


Show me a shooter that hits everything with a shottie and I don't want to shoot with him. Unless it comes to foxing, when one shot with a rifle is all that you've got!



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28" for now


Viewing a 36" on tuesday with any luck :beer:


Should just be able to poke them out of the Sky :blush:




Stick a bayonet on that, and save on ammo LG :yahoo:

Should improve your cartridge to kill ratio too :drinks:


Who the hell makes a 36" barrel other than matrix churchill and Krupps?



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IN my honest opinion if I could only have one gun it would be a 30" barrel O/U and there really is nothing between, Winchester, Berretta, Browning or Lanber. This list could go on forever but some of the cheaper end guns tend not to balance as well, however they do suit some people.


Buy a gun you like which feels right and start shooting with it. Nothing will teach you more than a thousand cartridges down the range. Except perhaps the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of the fine people on this site.


Although half the time we can't agree that today is friday!







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on the blaser f3 the 3 barrel weights avalible in each model weigh exactly the same amount, so you will feel next to no difference on your forend arm.


personally i believe people are mistaking ballence for a prefference in barrel length. In most other guns the longer barrels weigh more, as sich they slow your swing down and make quick shooters slow down a little. I wouldnt mind betting that if they had a 28" gun with the same weight in the forend they would shoot just as well.


One thing this topic does proove is how much people think about their equipment as opposed to their shooting (yes i am as guilty as the next man of this) but simply buy a gun with a barrel and shoot it and dont stop shooting it, you will soon get used to the new length and it will become the normal length.


what is it they say about the man with one gun? :blush:

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