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Rugby World Cup 2011

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A great pity the ref ruined what would have been an enjoyable semi and destroyed the world cup, The French have no hope against NZ / Australia, In the context of the world cup it was one of the worst and strangest decisions I have seen, I hope it is something that he is big enough to come out and say he got it wrong. He will have to realise the consequence of his actions on deflating a World Cup and a Nation

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I think the Welsh people can be proud of the Welsh Team!Who'd have said before the Tournament started that Wales nearly got into the World Cup Final?Really speaking France were there for the taking!

I now believe that whoever wins the game between NZ and Aus in the morn will win the World Cup!


Cmon All Blacks!!

Aotearoa Kia Kaha!!

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Robbed again!! :no: :no: The ref totally spoiled what could have been an epic game. Yes, a yellow card was deserved but not red, especially in a semi final. I also don't think an Irish ref with a French father was the right choice to take charge of the game, especially after beating Ireland last week! You could almost have prediced how he would treat Wales before the kick off! He certainly won't be on my Xmas card list this year, and I expect he will come in for a fair amount of stick as well from everyone who was supporting Wales today (Welsh or not). Hope he doesn't buy a holiday cottage in Wales in the near future :lol: :lol: :lol:


Although Wales lost they can hold their heads up for and outstanding performances (and conduct) in this game and throughout the tournement, they have done us proud, thanks guys :thumbs: Just imagine what could have been if they had all 15 players on the pitch for the whole 80 minutes! Never mind, that will have to wait for another day, and ther will be many of those.


I expect it will be a very un-eventfull final because France have no chance of winning!

Edited by KPV4
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KPV4-your totally right mate!

France should have put Wales away with 1 man extra with 60 minutes left!There'll be extreme cause for concern in the French camp as they nearly lost the game with that extra man!!

Credit to Gatland and the superb conduct of the whole of the Welsh Squad-Brilliant!- not like some people!!

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They whole squad are a credit to not only Wales, but to the whole of the UK. :good:


It has also been great to see the support for the Welsh team from everyone else in the UK, so thanks to all those who became Welsh for a week, Didn't it feel great :yes::good:


If I were French I would be seriously worried about the final, and the potential stuffing they are going to get. Lets face it tomorrows game is really the world cup final now :unsure:


Roll on Australia in December at the home of Welsh rugby, and the Six Nations next year.

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Robbed again!! :no: :no: The ref totally spoiled what could have been an epic game. Yes, a yellow card was deserved but not red, especially in a semi final. I also don't think an Irish ref with a French father was the right choice to take charge of the game, especially after beating Ireland last week! You could almost have prediced how he would treat Wales before the kick off! He certainly won't be on my Xmas card list this year, and I expect he will come in for a fair amount of stick as well from everyone who was supporting Wales today (Welsh or not). Hope he doesn't buy a holiday cottage in Wales in the near future :lol: :lol: :lol:


Although Wales lost they can hold their heads up for and outstanding performances (and conduct) in this game and throughout the tournement, they have done us proud, thanks guys :thumbs: Just imagine what could have been if they had all 15 players on the pitch for the whole 80 minutes! Never mind, that will have to wait for another day, and ther will be many of those.


I expect it will be a very un-eventfull final because France have no chance of winning!


I wanted Wales to win. But


1) they have only themselves to blame. They missed the kicks

2) the sending of was dictated by the laws of the game. You wil note the rules don't say "except in a WC semi-final"

3) they lost. Now we have all the "oh they did so well to get so far" rubbish. I Don't expect the players will be happy to have gone out and neither should the fans. They came to win.


So on to the final. Don't know who to support for that looks like it will be NZ and France with 20 to go in the crimes vs kiwi game


Kiwi - best team, part of the Commonwealth but SH and vey arrogant

France - NH but French

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Well there is real heartbreak in Wales at the moment. I think the manor of our loss hurts (for me anyway) more than the loss itself. In the spirit of Rugby, and in view of the tackle i reckon (he went looking for the ball before the chap hit the ground, no malicious intent) the card should of been yellow. Losing Adam was a big loss. Can't say much more other than this: Usually i suppport France when they play New Zealand. I aint this Saturday, now this has nothing to do with the fact that they beat us, had they been a good team this tournament, and beaten us with flair and skill, which i hasten to add they are capable of i would be shouting Alles Les Blues on Sunday, but they didnt they don't deserve to be there, Their lack of interest in playing in the last 20mins on Saturday has put me right off. So because i think its the best result for the World Cup, Good Luck New Zealand i'll be supporting you Sunday. Finally how the hell are Wales going to able to lift themselvs for Fridays 3rd place play off!

Cheers from a rather Sad Wales



ps I celebrated my 40th Birthday last week, found out after the match my family had pooled together to book me seat on a plane to New Zealand on Thursday, but only if we'd won!

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Good write-up Aled and the whole nation of Wales is hurting-Bigtime!!In all fairness Wales should have beaten France with 14 men!The referee technically was right in sending off Sam but your right it wasn't malicious and Sam isn't a dirty player!The card should have been Yellow and NOT red IMO.Rolland should have taken a moment to think instead he brandished the RED instantly!

The sport is a contact sport at the end of the day so it shows now that there's a very fine line in how you tackle a player!

Common sense should have prevailed but it didn't on this occasion!

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yeah i was livid but i'd like to think the ref did genuinely make a mistake, nothing pre empted due to his irish/french connection.


the team have done us proud, and when you compare it to other nations on and off the field, we have been a real inspiration. it hurts to lose but at least everone in the squad can come home with their heads held high.

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After a couple of days to cool down. I have to say. We should have won that game even with 14 men. Sam was sent off and under the new laws quite rightly so.


That said, when you miss out on at least 11 points, 3 penalties and one conversion, that is not counting the two attempted drop goals, you cannot expect to win any international rugby match.


It was the same for the SA match if we had got the balls (Wayne Barns apart) between the posts we would have won that game. The way modern defences are, it is hard to break them down, so when a kickable penalty is awarded you have to take that opportunity.


No matter how flash Wales are playing with ball in hand until we can convert the pressure into points, we will always be also-rans.

Edited by columbus
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The ref did not make a mistake. Red card offence. Sending off justified.


This is not to suggest that Sam harboured any intent or malice. The rules require neither.


This is a player welfare issue. Simple.


sorry but disagree..there had been worse tackles than that in the WC and some did not even get a yellow card :no:

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sorry but disagree..there had been worse tackles than that in the WC and some did not even get a yellow card :no:


But that's just an issue of referee consistency. Playing to your definition would mean that there would be never any penalties because there had always been something worse that didn't get punished. I think he was unfortunate - not because he got sent off but because the intent wasn't there.


I got sent off once in cup final for 'kicking a player in the head'. I went through a ruck, was just clumsy with my feet and caught one of the other team in the face. The ref saw it wasn't intentional as did the other player. But I couldn't argue with it. I got sent off and they scored the winning points from the resulting penalty. I was gutted but to this day don't believe the ref had any option. Yes the game has 'softened' up recently. Personally I hark back to the older days but as Osin said it's all to do with player welfare. I would be happier my sons playing today than 20 years ago.

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Congratulations to Wales.

4th place is a great achievement but shame about the poor kicking, it could have won you the game.


Sorry but it's not a great achievement. Nobody who supports Wales should be happy with that and I bet the team aren't. They didn't go into the cup with hopes of coming 4th.

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Kind of agree at the beginning of the tournament, i would of taken semi final place, but as things stand i do feel we could of done better. However after all the cr*p we've put ourselves through in other World Cup's we have'nt done too badly. Finally i would like to mention an opinion i have: If we look at this World Cup's results, The Tri Nations, results and the 6 Nations results i don't believe that there is a large gap between the top 10 Rugby Playing Nations of the World as things stand at the moment. (There are some e.g. Scotland who could beat Wales or England, but unlikely to beat New Zealand) But in 4 months time, with some retirements of players and coaching staff, a sacking or two, end of contracts, and perhaps even a resignation we may be looking at a different situation!

1 more game and thats it for another four years.

Tight Lines


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Sorry but it's not a great achievement. Nobody who supports Wales should be happy with that and I bet the team aren't. They didn't go into the cup with hopes of coming 4th.


Sorry but I disagree.I would say the majority of Welsh supporters before the Tournament would have thought that Wales might not have reached the play-off stages!As WC's gone by Samoa and Fiji have beaten Wales and knocked them out,and i'm sure people had this running through their minds!

Wales have been by far the best and most exciting team of the home nations to watch!So to reach the semi's and coming 4th is a huge achievement and promising times to come,IMO!

Well done I say!

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