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Just moved house... how long for FEO to visit?


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Good question.


I've just moved from Lancashire to Cumbria. I've notified both forces in writing, spoken to both and they confirm my address on the PNC has been updated. Cumbria say they will visit and re-issue my certificate, but nothing yet. Only one month though.

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So when you move do u have to store firearms with rfd until cabinet is inspected?

Or just bolt to new property with firearms and notify change of address?


I will be looking into moving soon and dont fancy leaving my firearms with an rfd :/ .

Haven't done it myself but i think goes like this:

Guns etc out of cabinet into your possession, cabinet into removals vehicle with tools, to new house and fit cabinet, guns back into cabinet, letter to FLO advising of move (pre written) dropped into post.


Rifles are trickier but for shotguns I would drop off with a mate night before (72 hour rule) collect after move and cabinet fitted. (thats my plan anyway!)

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Haven't done it myself but i think goes like this:

Guns etc out of cabinet into your possession, cabinet into removals vehicle with tools, to new house and fit cabinet, guns back into cabinet, letter to FLO advising of move (pre written) dropped into post.


Rifles are trickier but for shotguns I would drop off with a mate night before (72 hour rule) collect after move and cabinet fitted. (thats my plan anyway!)





This could start wondering and opening up a bit, but put simply, you DO NOT have to store your firearms etc in a cabinet all the time. You have to take all reasonable precautions for there safe storage!


Move, install cabinet as soon as is practically possible, it is NOT necessary to lodge firearms with anyone (unless you think this process will drag on), if you can install your cabinet in the new property in a timely manner you can store the guns under the bed, if that is the most appropriate secure storage you can arrange in the short term.


Think on, you go on shooting holidays etc, and possibly store your guns in the hotel bedroom or car boot or whatever, you DON'T rush off to find the closest RFD to arrange storage with him!



Edited by Dekers
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