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Any diving instructors out there ?


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Just wondered if any of you were diving instructors on this forum, where did you qualify, im thinking of doing an internship in thailand to become an instructor and was wondering how difficult it may be . I already hold advanced diver qualification, thanks for your replies.


In Thailand!!! Do they even have any road rules there? :lol:

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Just wondered if any of you were diving instructors on this forum, where did you qualify, im thinking of doing an internship in thailand to become an instructor and was wondering how difficult it may be . I already hold advanced diver qualification, thanks for your replies.

Contact Scott "super sharp shooter"

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Hi mate

My wife and I were going to Thailand about 9 years back to train to be DI. I think the cost was going to be around £1500 each for the training, we had to pay towards the accommodation ( living in a shed ) and then we would be inslaved to the dive school for around a year. Make sure you do the ground work before you make your final decision.

We didn't go in the end as we now have 2 sons but might look into it later on. If you need to know anything more my buddy is training over here for his DI so I can ask him.


Go for it buddy

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Hi mate

My wife and I were going to Thailand about 9 years back to train to be DI. I think the cost was going to be around £1500 each for the training, we had to pay towards the accommodation ( living in a shed ) and then we would be inslaved to the dive school for around a year. Make sure you do the ground work before you make your final decision.

We didn't go in the end as we now have 2 sons but might look into it later on. If you need to know anything more my buddy is training over here for his DI so I can ask him.


Go for it buddy

Thanks for your valued input,far more valued than most of the replies, but thats what you come to expect on here. I have looked in to this a lot and the cost to get me from advanced diver level to the position where i can instruct and teach novices is in the order of about £5500 including accommodation and everything else, also included staying there for 3 months which i dont think is too bad considering there is a lot of courses to do !

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That's not a bad price really as I looked into it about 7/8 years ago. Just remember to check how much it costs to keep the DI certificate up to date I'm sure my buddy said that it isn't cheap.

Hope you go for it then I can come out for a dive or 2


:) :)

Cheers again mate, you never know ?

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I was discussing becoming a dive instructor with a good friend and dive instructor who did my PADI cross over (from BSAC) and AOW when I lived in the Caribbean 11 years ago... He is currently in Egypt and is (or has recently) moving to the Bahamas. One of my friends who I dive with recreationally was talking about a life change and moving abroad and becoming an instructor so I asked an expert for her (Richard has been an instructor for 20 years now IIRC)... this is what he had to say..


Hi Paul,

Languages are a big requirement here - German, Italian, Russian, Japanese - do you friends speak any of these?

There will be no requirement for a DM or AI here but IDC's are being run all the time that might be a way in - some of the companies get their instructors from the best of the IDC candidates.

In addition to those points working in the dive biz in Sharm became a lot more difficult from Feb this year. We have an organization here called the Chamber of Diving and Water Sports who's role is to clean up the industry. Now every instructor has to have a CDWS card and work permit - cost US $500.00 !!! and they are issuing very few cards at present. I really do not think Sharm is a good bet for your buddies at present. I would suggest they look at the PADI website where DM and AI positions are advertised by companies who would like to train people up their way in Thailand etc.

Word of advise - no dive shop owner will care about your buddies Navy/commercial experience it is not relevent - I know I'm ex- commercial myself - sure he can put it on his cv low down the page but they want things that can make them money - PADI specialties. Also speaking as a 43 year old instructor (with all my own teeth thank you young man don't put your age on the cv, use an old photo and lie about your age if you have to. Most dive shop owners don't care too much about experience but demand PADI qualifications. This is a young persons game and therefore we are paid poorly and in some cases make a livable wage with tips. Sure it's a great lifestyle but it is a lifestyle choice not a career despite what PADI say !

You say that your friends are talking about selling up in the UK - why? I would say keep the UK base and try the dive biz for a while. If the rent can meet the mortgage you still have a place to return to.

These are my first thoughts - you asked for a heads up

If they have any questions or I can help them in some way please do ask them to contact me at


Edited by Vipa
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Have a good pal who has just given up His job as a DI.


He was with PADI - there is a residential course run in Exmouth Devon, He also has His commercial diving tickets etc, As Vipa said language is very important, He worked in Abu Dhabi for 3/4 Years, based in a Hilton hotel, the he went to Australia for a change of scenery and found that unless You spoke chinese etc there was no future.


He loved the playboy life, posing around the hotels but he basically came home with nothing but great memories!


Good luck if you decide to do it!

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Hands up who also read it as Driving :D


Your mind can read what it wants to sometimes.



My step lads father is a DI in Sharm, he has a nice life out there BUT, he is not making enough to save and will bring nothing back. When he decides to come home he'll be no better off than when he went 5 years ago. :blink:

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Are you going to teach in England or thailand? If in the uk I would really say bsac is really the better option as Padi is not really suited for our tides and vis, I did Padi in oz then crossed over to bsac when I got back here.

the intention was to work abroad in warm water maybe thailand or maldives, indonesia.
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Are you going to teach in England or thailand? If in the uk I would really say bsac is really the better option as Padi is not really suited for our tides and vis, I did Padi in oz then crossed over to bsac when I got back here.


I beg to differ ???

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PADI is not only suited to warm water just as BSAC is not only suited to cold... one is a commercial enterprise the other a club based diving system and they each have their own way of teaching and guaging proficiency. One can be done quite quickly with little hassle, the other can take years, particularly if you don't get in with the clique! The PADI dive centres (and clubs) based in Britain are very cold water oriented... they have to be. PADI dive centres in warm climes are geared towards warm water, just as branches of BSAC in warm climes are. Any other differences are purely emotive.

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PADI is not only suited to warm water just as BSAC is not only suited to cold... one is a commercial enterprise the other a club based diving system and they each have their own way of teaching and guaging proficiency. One can be done quite quickly with little hassle, the other can take years, particularly if you don't get in with the clique! The PADI dive centres (and clubs) based in Britain are very cold water oriented... they have to be. PADI dive centres in warm climes are geared towards warm water, just as branches of BSAC in warm climes are. Any other differences are purely emotive.


like you say one is commercial, and believe me over the years I have dived, I have seen some toe curling bad instructors that the commercial side of the sport has turned out, bsac is not perfect and yes it takes time, but with that time comes true experience and in the main ability, rather than someone who has paid the money to do a course that is geared such that should you have something to keep your ears apart you will pass.


If I needed an instructor, I know which one I would rather have. I have for instance on one live aboard in the red sea been actually asked to lead a group of divers as the resident "instructor" was quite simply a buffoon he had his party "lost" from the boat the previous day the divers drifting for a few hours before being picked up, not good in mid July!!and the first dive of the next day he was unable to take them below 10 meters as his ears would not clear? yeah pull the other one.



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