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Driven Game Ethics


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Hello all,


I have done various kinds of shooting in the past from back yard sniping at pigeons and squirels to rabbit shooting and clays but I have always thought that I would avoid driven game as I was put off by ideas of snobbery and rumours that on some shoots birds are not put to good use. Ie not eaten!


I am no wannabe no-nothing activist, it's just I don't beleive you should kill something unless it's a pest or for food (or preferably both). There have been plenty rabbits that have met their demise via my rifle! :yes:


Can any of you comment on the wastage that's meant to go on at driven game shoots? Am I totally misinformed here?


Thanks in advance!

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yes your are miss informed-granted their not worth much but all gets sold to game dealers we send in almost 2000 a month

ive only ever heard of one shoot burying their birds and that was in the snow last year as the game dealer could not pick them up so they went funky in the chiller and had to be disposed off

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I have been a beater on 4 local shoots of varying sizes and without exception shot birds are used as food by the beaters, guns, local pubs and restaurants and if there are any left after that they are sold to game dealers. All would think it a crime and completely unethical to waste shot birds which had provided good sport. The guns are selective allowing birds considered to present unsporting shots to pass unmolested. As far as I understand it that is the case with most shoots.


I think there was a short period in less austere times when shooting as corporate entertainment was in vogue, when large commercial shoots catering for merchant bankers (rhyming slang) released ridiculous numbers of birds to be shot by idiots who were only interested in excess and bragging rights. The same sort of people who think its clever to snort coke and order vintage champagne by the crate only to puke it up. On some of these shoots there were cases of birds being burned :mad: Absolutely unforgivable in my book. I think, I hope such things are a rarity now.

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I have been a beater on 4 local shoots of varying sizes and without exception shot birds are used as food by the beaters, guns, local pubs and restaurants and if there are any left after that they are sold to game dealers. All would think it a crime and completely unethical to waste shot birds which had provided good sport. The guns are selective allowing birds considered to present unsporting shots to pass unmolested. As far as I understand it that is the case with most shoots.


I think there was a short period in less austere times when shooting as corporate entertainment was in vogue, when large commercial shoots catering for merchant bankers (rhyming slang) released ridiculous numbers of birds to be shot by idiots who were only interested in excess and bragging rights. The same sort of people who think its clever to snort coke and order vintage champagne by the crate only to puke it up. On some of these shoots there were cases of birds being burned :mad: Absolutely unforgivable in my book. I think, I hope such things are a rarity now.

what you seem to forget is that game shooting is also an industry! that means jobs lots of jobs (mine included)

most shoots thease days are comercial thier are very very few in house shoots,i should laso mention the 1000 bird day we are haveing tomorrow...you know bragging rights!

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what you seem to forget is that game shooting is also an industry! that means jobs lots of jobs (mine included)

most shoots thease days are comercial thier are very very few in house shoots,i should laso mention the 1000 bird day we are haveing tomorrow...you know bragging rights!


Be good to no the shots fired , just for the bragging rights :lol:

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what you seem to forget is that game shooting is also an industry! that means jobs lots of jobs (mine included)

most shoots thease days are comercial thier are very very few in house shoots,i should laso mention the 1000 bird day we are haveing tomorrow...you know bragging rights!

What you seem to forget is that you need to read other people posts properly before lecturing them! :P I'm not saying all commercial shoots are unprincipled just the few who reportedly catered for people who weren't really interested in shooting and who burned or buried hundreds of birds. Like I said, I'd hope such things are in the past. I've no issues with the fact yours is a commercial shoot running 1000 bird days, so long as they are quality birds being driven over guns who can shoot and you're not wasting the game which is shot.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Sparked lively debate already! :good:

I'm glad that it would apear that the bad days are in the past. Incidentally.. maybe we should have driven days with the 'investment bankers' as the quarry? Once shot, we can then burn 'em! :hmm:


So my next question, is it really as expensive as it's made out to be? I was told once that it was good ettiquet to tip the game keeper a 20 for every bird shot... 50 birds = £1000!!! Plus the cost to be one of the guns in the first place..

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Sparked lively debate already! :good:

I'm glad that it would apear that the bad days are in the past. Incidentally.. maybe we should have driven days with the 'investment bankers' as the quarry? Once shot, we can then burn 'em! :hmm:


So my next question, is it really as expensive as it's made out to be? I was told once that it was good ettiquet to tip the game keeper a 20 for every bird shot... 50 birds = £1000!!! Plus the cost to be one of the guns in the first place..


ours is £28 a bird times that by 1000 (maybe more) plus lunch £100 each ,tips around 40-50 pound per gun for the head keeper (ive not seen a tip yet) and about the same for the loaders.

but on the big days its almost always one guy who pays for the shooting :blink: :blink:

the other guns just give tips

the other 7 guns buy their own days and invite the other 7 as guests if that makes sence?

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Sparked lively debate already! :good:

I'm glad that it would apear that the bad days are in the past. Incidentally.. maybe we should have driven days with the 'investment bankers' as the quarry? Once shot, we can then burn 'em! :hmm:


So my next question, is it really as expensive as it's made out to be? I was told once that it was good ettiquet to tip the game keeper a 20 for every bird shot... 50 birds = £1000!!! Plus the cost to be one of the guns in the first place..


I bet there is a lot of keepers who wish there were truth in that ! , the keeper usually gets tipped I would think on average £20-£40 per gun not per bird !

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IIRC the dumping birds issue came about when a game trailer was stolen off a shoot still with the days bag hung up in it. The birds were dumped in a layby by the thieves. The press got photos of the birds and used it as a base for an articLE on the evils of thE shooting industry. LACS of course lapped it up and milked it as much as possible, using the photos as a core part of their anti shooting propaganda.

Edited by scolopax
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Hello all,


I have done various kinds of shooting in the past from back yard sniping at pigeons and squirels to rabbit shooting and clays but I have always thought that I would avoid driven game as I was put off by ideas of snobbery and rumours that on some shoots birds are not put to good use. Ie not eaten!


I am no wannabe no-nothing activist, it's just I don't beleive you should kill something unless it's a pest or for food (or preferably both). There have been plenty rabbits that have met their demise via my rifle! :yes:


Can any of you comment on the wastage that's meant to go on at driven game shoots? Am I totally misinformed here?


Thanks in advance!



what you want to look for is a small day or two 50 bird walked up or driven to get a taster for what its about. They don't get wasted there may have been a period where there was no demand for them but the various game to eat campaigns has sorted that out. You will still get some disposed of which may be why the stories still circulate but these will be ones too damaged for consumption whether by a silly shot or for example hitting a tree on the way down it happens. If they are put in a dead pit and some anti comes accross it you can almost see why they put 2 and 2 together and get 5.

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What you seem to forget is that you need to read other people posts properly before lecturing them! :P I'm not saying all commercial shoots are unprincipled just the few who reportedly catered for people who weren't really interested in shooting and who burned or buried hundreds of birds. Like I said, I'd hope such things are in the past. I've no issues with the fact yours is a commercial shoot running 1000 bird days, so long as they are quality birds being driven over guns who can shoot and you're not wasting the game which is shot.





Heartening to know you will be satisfied with any shoot as long as they meet your conditions! Just what do you propose, testing all the guns before you let them out, and waiting for exactly the right weather conditions to present quality birds? :hmm::hmm:


It's called a Commercial shoot for a reason!



Edited by Dekers
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Heartening to know you will be satisfied with any shoot as long as they meet your conditions! Just what do you propose, testing all the guns before you let them out, and waiting for exactly the right weather conditions to present quality birds? :hmm::hmm:


It's called a Commercial shoot for a reason!




Yeah whatever. Can't be ***** to rise to to troll bait. Have a nice day :)

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That is a lot whichever way you look at it, out of interest How many drives and How many guns?

5 drives ,,,4 pheasant/part,,,1 duck drive 7 guns with loaders and double guns.


one loader had lost most the skin on one finger the barrles were that hot!

all in all a very good day, we only put down 11,000 pheasants!

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Can't imagine many shoots would deliberately waste birds as they do have a value, even if it's only small.


I've never been on a driven shoot, and I'm sure it's great, but I prefer the excitement (and frustrations)of rough shooting, where you don't know how the day will go. Paying to bag huge numbers dosen't float my boat but each to their own. I also like sea fishing but the idea of going to a well stocked fishing lake bores me to tears.

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5 drives ,,,4 pheasant/part,,,1 duck drive 7 guns with loaders and double guns.


one loader had lost most the skin on one finger the barrles were that hot!

all in all a very good day, we only put down 11,000 pheasants!





That is some going!


6 Drives, 5 Pheasant 1 Partridge, 7 guns on Sat for me at a Big Estate, just scraped past 300, shocking, they were terrible shots, but it would never have got close to 1000 anyway!

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Can't imagine many shoots would deliberately waste birds as they do have a value, even if it's only small.


I've never been on a driven shoot, and I'm sure it's great, but I prefer the excitement (and frustrations)of rough shooting, where you don't know how the day will go. Paying to bag huge numbers dosen't float my boat but each to their own. I also like sea fishing but the idea of going to a well stocked fishing lake bores me to tears.


I love rough shooting i only go on driven shoots to beat and pick up driven shooting does not apeal, i even give my space on cock days to one of the young ones and stand with them while they shoot not many do that that's for sure

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That is some going!


6 Drives, 5 Pheasant 1 Partridge, 7 guns on Sat for me at a Big Estate, just scraped past 300, shocking, they were terrible shots, but it would never have got close to 1000 anyway!

we got 300 on the first drive.....god i love being awsome some times :blush::blush:


we only do it once a year,big days that is that one day will pay for my and the head mans wage for the year as well as fuel.tax.mot and insurance for the landy so you can se how much it means for the estate


our worst day this year was 3 guns on a walked up they fired 250 shots and got....... 24 birds (4 of with were pegged) :o

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I sometimes get pheasants on estates when we've been there with hounds or the terriers and I accept them process them and feed off them all winter one of my mates was doing fox control in perth and phoned me theyed missed the game dealer I got 20 brace of pheasants a pinkfoot a woodcock and a teal they all went on to make me the fat b***ard you've all grown to love :lol:

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I have done between 12 and 20 driven days a year for the last 40 odd years. Was out today, I have never come across anyone who buries birds, prices for shot birds are pretty poor, we are competing with table reared shot free birds from Europe so most are given away to locals. Big shoots tend to have deals with game dealers who collect big quantities.


Most big days are corporate let days, no real experience of that but if I was a gun in a drive that shot 300+ I would be bored to death after the first few minutes. You tend to get the birds taking the same 2 or 3 lines, so once you have found them on a given line its like production line. No skill in that just the ability to repeat an exercise. On a drive today I had shot 6 or 7 on the trot mainly on two lines, birds continued to come along the same lines so I let my next door guns shoot them, I knew I could if i wanted to but what was the point. They were all very good high fast birds that anyone would be proud to shoot, I knew I could have them if I wanted and that was enough for me. Maybe I am getting soft.


My issue with corporate days is safety and lack of respect for the quarry. People with no shooting experience at all are hele coptered in, a loader puts one of a pair of guns in their hands and the gun is expected to use the guns safely and skilfully. He is on a hiding to nothing. I heard of an American who a friend was loading for on a partridge day, they put one gun away and the loader stuffed the other one. After lunch the loader stuffed over 600 cartridges, to his knowledge his gun shot 4 birds, thats 150 to 1, undoubtedly the poorest shooting I have ever heard of.



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