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Question on open ticket

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If I had a open ticket for rim fire and then got a centre fire would that be also open or not?



Thanks Ydp


You might be lucky but the FAC holders that I know have had no such luck. In my case I had .22LR and .17hmr on an open condition for a couple of years, when I got my .243 centrefire it was on a closed condition. A friend of mine had .22lr on an open condition for five years, on his license renewal he applied for a 243, it came back close on the centrefire along with a mentoring condition.

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With 4 Years experience I would imagine You would have a very good case, as silly as it is, the cf caliber would maybe come into it as well - what are you thinking of?


D & C are quite good, if you were going for a foxing cf 222/223 et al in this region I would put a bet on you getting open, however, rightly or wrongly 243 upwards and they are a little more cagey.


I would give the flo a ring and talk it through :good:

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I did call my fo and he thought a open ticket was a open for all once opened. Well I am just going dropping it off at the local police station now so will post outcome.

Thanks Ydp


Definatly not with the Gloucestershire force and I know this is fact from personal experience, its such a lottery. There is no law either way, its what your force decides.

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It's a case of "slowly slowly catchy monkey for me" - I have only just got a ridiculous accompaniment condition on my .308 removed when I submitted a 1 for 1 variation on it.


My renewal is a couple years off but I am building up a portfolio of people that have provided me written requests to perform pest and deer control on land which is not currently cleared for firearms use. In the months leading up to my renewal I will be submitting numerous requests to my FEO team for land approval.

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At one point I had my rimfires open and my centrefires restricted. Often it seems forces will restrict you when stepping up a grade, ie from rimfire to .22cf and from .22cf up to Deer calibres. I think they see it as you need to be more experienced to be trusted with the larger rounds?


Hopefully you'll get the bigger round open from the start. Many do, but some don't. As others have said it's a lottery. Me and Redgum have had different experiences and we're under the same force?! :rolleyes: :look:

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At one point I had my rimfires open and my centrefires restricted. Often it seems forces will restrict you when stepping up a grade, ie from rimfire to .22cf and from .22cf up to Deer calibres. I think they see it as you need to be more experienced to be trusted with the larger rounds?


Hopefully you'll get the bigger round open from the start. Many do, but some don't. As others have said it's a lottery. Me and Redgum have had different experiences and we're under the same force?! :rolleyes: :look:

Well at least we share the same experience with open rimmie and close centrefire, once you have proved yourself though its all plain sailing, my centrefire wasnt closed for long. Its nice though when you get to the situation were all you calibres are open,now I can shoot, as long as I have permission and deem it to be safe, rabbits,fox's, deer and wild boar anywhere I like. :good:

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Its nice though when you get to the situation were all you calibres are open,now I can shoot, as long as I have permission and deem it to be safe, rabbits,fox's, deer and wild boar anywhere I like. :good:


The freedom that comes with an open FAC really is brilliant isn't it. I really hated my land restrictions as I had an open FAC under the supervision of my mentor. When I gave up my mentor I did for a while also give up my freedom! I made a huge fuss and after a few months I got my rimfires open so I could shoot with my mentor again on his land.


I actually make a point now of writing to the firearms department to back people I meet locally. Asking if they can be open so they can shoot with me and gain experience of a wider range of ground seems to swing things in their favour when they otherwise would have been refused for experience reasons. The way I see it, we both gain from it. They get an open FAC and some more ground to share and most of all, experience. I on the other hand get a larger portfolio with the police which shows how much I shoot and how much ground I have access to through the people I shoot with. :good:

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