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Forgetting to inform police of purchase of a shotgun.

Asa Bear

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Nope, never - got such a strong warning from the FEO on my initial visit about people who have done this that I always carry pre-printed envelopes and transfer forms ready if I am off buying or selling, (he scary! :lol: ) then I can literally go straight to the PO (Obviously if open) and get it on the way.


PS - it is even easier now, with Lincolnshire police you can now register your gun transfer on line - no paperwork needed at all ! :good:

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I use email now but have had it where they say they did not receive the letter and tried to grill me about it 2 years later at the renewal time just showed them the print out from the Royal Mail track and trace website that had the name of the girl who signed for it and the photocopy of the letter I sent with the date.


I have OCD on these thing (especially with the DVLA) but they where getting shirty with

me and did not like it when I asked how did they think Mr X had bought 1 of my guns if I had not sold it because he must have written to them, they muttered something about a different force but this was a while back.


My advice keep copies in your own file and confirm reciept and send it all ASAP. By the way I don't like the email system as I dont know who has opened the email

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I use email now but have had it where they say they did not receive the letter and tried to grill me about it 2 years later at the renewal time just showed them the print out from the Royal Mail track and trace website that had the name of the girl who signed for it and the photocopy of the letter I sent with the date.


I have OCD on these thing (especially with the DVLA) but they where getting shirty with

me and did not like it when I asked how did they think Mr X had bought 1 of my guns if I had not sold it because he must have written to them, they muttered something about a different force but this was a while back.


My advice keep copies in your own file and confirm reciept and send it all ASAP. By the way I don't like the email system as I dont know who has opened the email


Not Bridgend by any chance? :angry:

They lost mine, so I walked into their 'office' and handed them over personally.

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Nope never, as soon as get home with any new purchase all documents are posted with in a few mins.

No putting things off untill tomorrow what can be done today so to say.

Plus i ring after a day or two to see if they have had said documents saying about new purchase.

Got to be on the ball where the police are concerned.

Plus keep copies just incase any thing should happen as proof.







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I once sold a gun and notified them they rang me to say that I had never had that gun registered to me and what gave me the authority to sell it .

I notified them by recorded delivery 2 years earlier

But then again Staffs police firearms really have to be the most badly managed force I know

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They said they had'nt got a renewal for one of our lads so we suggested they checked the cctv at police hq and start an internal investigation into the theft of the renewal fee as it had been handed in personally. We gave them the time and the date and strangelly we got a phone call to say it "had all been cleared up" :hmm:

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sold a rifle to a member he put the wrong date of purchase down when he registered it at his end by a month fire arms hit the roof my end i had to show emails about the purchase as they threatend to take my ticket. But the way they compalin about the amount of paperwork they have tell them they could of lost it if they ask post date it for the day you bought it and hope for the best.

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Well, I went to Leek Wooton prepared to eat humble pie today and was told don't worry about being a bit overdue it's not a problem. So much for seven days, I was nearly a month late! Handed the sheet in and scarpered!! :D


yes been there will remember for next time





Ditto! :good:

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I hand mine in personally as I work near the HQ and they sign a book to say when you were there and what for. Cambs police are pretty good tbh :good:


I'm hot on this now. I forgot once-in the 90s--and got a ####ing (written warning) about four months later. I wasn't asked to give any reasons why, but my father was seriously ill at the time and it went right out of my mind.

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