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Xmas Air Rifle


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It depends on how much you want to spend (or, to be spent on you), and what sort of rifle you want; spring powered, CO2 or PCP.


In very general terms anything by Air Arms, Weirhrauch, Daystate or Theoben will be spot on, but pricey, you could get SMK if on a budget but they can be variable in quality or Gamo, Crosman etc will all do the job. :good:

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Hey guys Christmas is coming up and i still haven't found an Air Rifle. So if any of you guys can suggest one that isn't an air arms S410 (not trying to sound mean)as i have had hundreds of reply's suggesting those.


Anything will be appreciated,

Morgan. :D :D :D


Have sent you a PM regarding a Gamo SFX.

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if your tight budget you cant go wrong with a new XS78 as the build quality is much more consistant, where as in previous years its been variable. Had an airarms on loan all this week, just someone's single shotty thing dont really know what it is, but hell it was accurate! PCP, deffinately the way forward, just comes at a price :good:

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Loads of people would suggest the AA S410 for one obvious reason-they are simply the best all rounder you can buy without spending loads of money.The S410 sits in a league way above the SMK that you have purchased.

Yes, but they are more than 5 times the price!


Hope you enjoy it. There are plenty of websites with loads of info on Chinese rifles and they are easy to work on so you'll have hours of fun.

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