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Another decent fox


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decided to go out last night as there was a decent break in the weather, gave russ a phone call..and decided on the location to try a new fox call from the internet..


after 2 mins of getting into position i dropped this decent size dog fox that ran in to about 75 meters...solid shot to the heart...


another 3 foxes on that area showed interest but wouldnt give us the shot...


moved about 5 miles to another farm and after 3 mins got another fox to about 60 meters but it just wouldnt stay still long enough for me to get a shot off at it..very impressed with the new call as ive dropped 3 big foxes with it this week...


used my x-bolt again 223...S&B 8X56 scope. sako rounds.


im also sad to say i missed a fox at about 150 meters as it was reliving itself...but better a clean miss than to wound one...it will be there for another time..


once again exelent lamping by Russ.. :good:


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To me the 223 is the best foxing round of them all,I also went out last night no wind ,no moon,but havent been ut for a month due to having a virus that left me like a wind broken snail.

First farm all quiet lambs everywhere,not a sign of fox until we got to the last gate,light on and there for a split second was a big dog,gone out of sight over the hill.Pants off to the next farm,rounding a corner to our usual parking place when there in the middle of the road is a fox,which jumps the hedge,abandon ship up the hedge ,there he is sat in the field 120yds slap bang lights out,nothing else hear.On to the next farm where they have been loosing chickens ,greeted with a fox peaking out of the woods but not coming out to play.

Down the next valley call call but nothing sod it lets go,back to the truck one last flash around and theres Charlie 50 yds out coming up the field flat out,thats 2 in the bag,still dont know where he came from.

On the way home swing by another farm,quick flick with the light theres another one watching the rabbits in the moon light,thats 3.Lets call it a night,but s we turned the next corner theres another set of eyes,drove up past the field and around to the yard,up over the bank and there out about 160yds is No4,incredible all these farms are regularily visited and to see so many foxes in what you would think are useless conditions.


Dont believe the weather really has an impact on foxes behaviour.

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Nice big fox that Arch well shot mate :good: :good: . Whats those X Bolts like, iv been interested in buying one in .243 cal.

Any feed back on them would be great :good:












They are a really decent rifle, nice and light and the floor plate detachable mag is great...


I think it's really well made and a joy to use..

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