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well merry xmas to all firstly hope you all had a great time .


spoke to a farmer i shoot for and he told me there were lots of pigeons working one of his rape fields and could we sort it out (do bears **** in woods )now we have shot this field before a few years ago when it was in rape so flight lines were no problem to sort out.

arranged to meet my mate gilatz for on here today and after a night of heavy rain today did not look to good but woke this morning to a dry cold morning with no wind :oops:.arrived at the shoot at 9am and put 1000+ off the field we intended to shoot.after getting set up QUICKLY(40 decoys and 2 magnets and 2 bouncers ) i settled into the hind and birds started to drop in almost on cue .gary had gone to a strip of wood at one end of the field to flight them as they came over but with no wind it was hard work but he was knocking the odd one down .


after a hour it went quite and there were just the odd birds coming into the field but the ones that did came to the decoys like they were on rails and the bag started to fill gary went for a look round some other rape fields to see if the birds were feeding else where but to no avail at about 1.30 pm the birds were on the move once more and we started to get some good numbers coming to the decoys and had quite a few left and rights by 3pm the birds seemed to be heading for the trees and just passing the decoys without a second glance in favor of there sitty trees so we packed up but will be back out at them very soon .we finnished with 81 and 6 lost in woods

only 5o odds in the photo as gary was away with some before i took the photo and i picked 8 in the field behind me on the way back for the car .


atb andy




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you are my hero andy shooting all these on rape let us all into your magic

geeee thanks :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: but to be honest its just one of those fields they really want to be on i passed 15ish rape fields on the way to the shoot and not one had pigeons on it .but i will say 2 magnets and plenty decoys does help .wind in your back a group of 20ish 20 yards out on the left of me with a 20yards gap between them and the same on the right and a magnet on each side 2 bouncers 50yrds out heading to the decoys always seems to work best for me



Well done lads nice bag. :good: The cocker looks great :D who said you need labs for pigeons :P

too true eccles would never head out shooting doo,s with out one of the cockers even tho i have 2 labs as well bud the cocker in the photo is my best hide dog will sit for hours quite happy till he has work to do and has a nose like a **** house rat :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Well done Andy, the Cushies seem to be in fair fettle :good:

i tam the doo,s are in great shape the now some stompers were shot the day


nice one mate :good: out this week with my mate shooting over rape hope we have as much look as you :hmm:

well heres hoping you do buddy you just never know :good: :good: :good:
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geeee thanks :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: but to be honest its just one of those fields they really want to be on i passed 15ish rape fields on the way to the shoot and not one had pigeons on it .but i will say 2 magnets and plenty decoys does help .wind in your back a group of 20ish 20 yards out on the left of me with a 20yards gap between them and the same on the right and a magnet on each side 2 bouncers 50yrds out heading to the decoys always seems to work best for me



so do you put two small U shape patterns ou either side or two clusters either side ?

Edited by Matt Gould
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Nice bag fella.They must be in better nick than this time last year.

to be honest dave the birds down here were in great nick last year too :good::good: with just the odd thin bird


yeh matt i put them a cluster like a feeding flock with the magnet closest to me so as not to spook the birds as they enter the pattern :good::good:

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well merry xmas to all firstly hope you all had a great time .


spoke to a farmer i shoot for and he told me there were lots of pigeons working one of his rape fields and could we sort it out (do bears **** in woods )now we have shot this field before a few years ago when it was in rape so flight lines were no problem to sort out.

arranged to meet my mate gilatz for on here today and after a night of heavy rain today did not look to good but woke this morning to a dry cold morning with no wind :oops:.arrived at the shoot at 9am and put 1000+ off the field we intended to shoot.after getting set up QUICKLY(40 decoys and 2 magnets and 2 bouncers ) i settled into the hind and birds started to drop in almost on cue .gary had gone to a strip of wood at one end of the field to flight them as they came over but with no wind it was hard work but he was knocking the odd one down .


after a hour it went quite and there were just the odd birds coming into the field but the ones that did came to the decoys like they were on rails and the bag started to fill gary went for a look round some other rape fields to see if the birds were feeding else where but to no avail at about 1.30 pm the birds were on the move once more and we started to get some good numbers coming to the decoys and had quite a few left and rights by 3pm the birds seemed to be heading for the trees and just passing the decoys without a second glance in favor of there sitty trees so we packed up but will be back out at them very soon .we finnished with 81 and 6 lost in woods

only 5o odds in the photo as gary was away with some before i took the photo and i picked 8 in the field behind me on the way back for the car .


atb andy




nice big bag and more to come by the sound of it well done. :D:good:

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