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young airgunner

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well that the first one out of the way.... we still have six minutes past 6pm to get through yet




was thinking i might pop in to go see the omen at the cinema later. but then thought nooooooooo, imma be a chicken and wait until i can find someone to drag with me. i might be skeered on my own :good:


.........not to mention how sad i'd look at the cinema on my own. yup.

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no its just about to start 3hrs of product design exams :angry:



Ermm you mean 3 hours of drawing?


They have exams for that these days? Blimey.


dont do bloody drawing in a product design exam...... dont be silly


we do have to do everything else though. Modern exams are a joke. One which is all too real at the moment :)

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also had my english exam today, writing to persuade. god was it boring.


the world has ended, during study break in the boarding house i was caught watching a movie by the deputy head, she convoed my laptop and have to work outside her office for a week. :angry:





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also had my english exam today, writing to persuade. god was it boring.


the world has ended, during study break in the boarding house i was caught watching a movie by the deputy head, she convoed my laptop and have to work outside her office for a week. :angry:






just get your own back on leavers day :lol:


i have mine in about 1yr exactly...... cant wait.... we have been plotting for years :)

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i can leave on the 16th as im going to bicton agriculture college for sixth form to study game keeping.

and young airgunner why do u think think that kids that go to boarding school are posh. just wondering.





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what you may find young airgunner is that the moajority of people that board at boarding schools have parents in the services, such as army and navy. i only go there as my dad is in the RAF. otherwise i have to change school often, sometimes twice in a year so i am near to my new home. by the time i was seven i had been to four different schools, it becomes really tedious after a while having to move school and make new friends, so boarding school was the obvious answer. and quite often the schools on the military bases dont have the facilities, for example my sister is dislexic and they said she was just "dippy", and no she isnt blonde.

i understand it was just a joke but it really annoys me when people steriotype boarding school students.
























ps. off for my afternoon tea and scones :angry:

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YEAH THE WORLD ENDED IN REVISION PERIOD... the most boring 1 and a half hours i have ever had to endure in my LIFE! because i didn't have greek exam (rather have drama) i had to revise for 1 and a half hours, and i had nothing to do.. i couldnt actually do anything because it was exam conditions (we do it with year above and we sit next to them so we can't cheat).... but other than that exams went well :angry:




Haz :)

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I think that one fell on deaf ears stuartp :good:



Perhaps they needed it translating Dave :good:

Stuart, at least it wasn't in the dreaded text shorthand that my twins use! I need a translator for them sometimes!!!




PS. Have only just got the hang of prdictive texts. Did you know if you try and type Gran, you get Iran. Must be a moral there somewhere.














Sorry mum!.

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