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Hobs or jills for beginner


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Hi there

I am thinking of getting a couple of ferrets but was wondering if either gender is better than the other. i know that a jill can get ill if not mated with during her season so would it be best to get a hob and a jill? I have had experiance working ferrets but ive never kept them before any guidance would be a great help

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Nice to see somebody thinking ahead ,Ferrets are social animals but if your just getting one go for a hob , a hob will come into season and all that will happen is his stones will drop out his body . A jill will swell up and if not given a jill jab or mated with a snipped hob will have to be kept really clean but even then i think repeated not mating a jill in season reduces her life span . And getting a snipped hob and jill you might still have to separate them as the hob can force himself on the jill repeatedly marking up her neck or even cutting her . I prefer running a snipped hob with 4/6 jills and unless he has a Favorite he shouldn't mark that many jills up

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I was thinking of getting two will two hobs live together happily?

Mine do.They may squabble a bit at meal times but it's nothing to worry about.

In another run I have a hob and jill living together in the winter months,which I separate as the nights grow lighter unless I want them to mate.

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Hi there

I am thinking of getting a couple of ferrets but was wondering if either gender is better than the other. i know that a jill can get ill if not mated with during her season so would it be best to get a hob and a jill? I have had experiance working ferrets but ive never kept them before any guidance would be a great help


I have 3 of each…and one of the hobs had the snip, so he takes the jill’s out of season.

He does get a bit of stick when he is put back with the other 2, but that doesn’t last to long.

Good cages, plenty of water, keep them out of the extreme cold and heat. I won’t get on what to feed them as the varied diet mine have of rabbit, hare, pigeon, pheasant and the occasional egg and milk works a treat for me.

My ferreting partner Chris gets his ferrets from a rescue centre and they all come sniped in one form or another, they all work very well, he has taken one back as it started to pick on the smaller ones. So food for thought :D




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