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Boresnake Nightmare!!


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Ordered a 12g boresnake a few days ago for quickly cleaning my gun at the end of a shoot if I knew I wasn't going to have time to clean the gun properly when I got back. Never thought they were a great idea compared to using rods but keep getting told to buy one, so I did. Anyway it turned up today and I've just give it a try. No prizes for guessing what happened, yep the ****** string came off with the ******* thing half way through my top barrel! And typically, the wife just happened to be in the room at the time and is now busy laughing her head off.


Have to get this sodding thing out by Sunday as she's getting excited about me not going shooting and is busy planning a shopping outing instead. Going to try poking it out with a rod but any other suggestions?


Anyway, just though I'd share my misfortune in the hope it gives someone a laugh :lol:



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Thank you for sharing your misfortune, I will have a good laugh at it later if that's OK as I have to ring the DWP for the 8th time this week and see if they have employed any more highly trained monkeys since the last call and try and sort out the complete fubar they have made with my autistic sons benefits (again).


Good luck and keep us informed :)

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That can be worst thing to try if it is properly in there.

I heard of one that had to be drilled out of a barrel when it got compacted doing this.

Hopefully yours isn't, good luck getting it out.


That's exactly whats worrying me.


Was it a genuine Hoppes?


Well it came in a genuine Hoppes pack, although I did buy it off ebay :hmm:

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I wouldn't try to push it out, it's liable to get truly jammed. Perhaps a rod with a barbed point could be used to pull it out. You can make a barb on a piece of brass brazing rod by striking it at an angle with an old knife. Making a needle type point and several of these small barbs might allow the brazing rod to penetrate the boreshake and get a good grip on it.

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Ordered a 12g boresnake a few days ago for quickly cleaning my gun at the end of a shoot if I knew I wasn't going to have time to clean the gun properly when I got back. Never thought they were a great idea compared to using rods but keep getting told to buy one, so I did. Anyway it turned up today and I've just give it a try. No prizes for guessing what happened, yep the ****** string came off with the ******* thing half way through my top barrel! And typically, the wife just happened to be in the room at the time and is now busy laughing her head off.


Have to get this sodding thing out by Sunday as she's getting excited about me not going shooting and is busy planning a shopping outing instead. Going to try poking it out with a rod but any other suggestions?


Anyway, just though I'd share my misfortune in the hope it gives someone a laugh :lol:



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