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Zippo Hand Warmer £10.79

Ian E

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I bought one for the father in law this Christmas.


He isn't easily impressed, in fact he's frowned upon every gift I have ever bought him.... until I got him one of these beauties :drinks:


He was well chuffed with it, ideal for fishing, shooting or walking the dog


Thanks to the Zippo Hand warmer, he has finally accepted me into his family and I now feel complete : :bye2:

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BK try taking it out of your pocket and the bag and let the air get to it, it should warm up then, or try turning it so the burner is facing downwards.


Wriggler, the first few times I light my one, I did it on the gas stove, plenty of petrol in, then gave it a good 10 seconds over the stove, you will see the burner glow red then.


Or you could try filling it up and just before you light it, put a drop or 2 on the burner, and stand well back :)

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i got one the other week and tried it first time at work tuesday , mine too was a pig to light but im sure it will get easyer with use . a full 11 hours from one fill . its great to have in ya pocket so you can occasionally warm up finger tips whilst working on cold plant .


very impressed



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How long will the actual burner last? Is it reusable, or does it need replacing after every use?



it says 70 to 80 uses on instructions


i filled mine at 2.30 yesterday as i said above and it was still warm at 3.30 today , very impressed with this bit of kit and it will be with me on the shore and in the pigeon hide regular.

my mate got one too and didnt light it before he went shooting last night and tried to light it out on the shore in the wind and didnt manage so froze as i sat with lovely glow in my jacket pocket

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Had mine out yesterday clay shooting,over four hours on the range and still red hot when i got home lasted four hours on lowest level fill on filler

watch for the proviso DONT touch the catalyser just the ends,just held the lighter flame to it whilst the warmer was on its side for twenty seconds and hey presto lovely warmth Bm

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