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Ever regret selling something???

leeds chimp

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Few albums and singles I sometimes wish I'd kept,but most of my classic and antique firearms have now gone,including edged weapons and militaria(helmets,medals etc).The only shotgun I regret selling was a Winchester Model 12 'Goose' gun(on FAC)in its own wood and canvas fully lined motor case.

I still wake up screaming at times! :sad1:

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You own your gear out right, it wont cost you a thing to keep it but it will if you ever fancy going fishing again!


My cupboards are full old roadbike gear, one piece leathers, arai rx-7. I may never ever use them again but I will not get close to what they are worth to me, so in the cupboard the shall stay.


Always regreted selling a Honda CR125 that we had resurrected. So much time and effort went into getting it going and back in shape, only to sell it and see it occasionally on my friends farm rusting away.

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I need some advice on this one as I have 3 Delkim TXI+ and RX reciever, 2 greys 2.75lb X Flites and 3 solar hangers union jacks that I have not used for a bit and cant decide to sell or not...plus other bits like unhooking mat etc but I am worried if I sell them that I will regret it if I return to carp fishing but its quite a few £££ that are just kept under the stairs.


So have you sold something then thought..hmmmmm maybe should have kept that???




i have absolutely no idea what any of that stuff is :huh::hmm::no: but i know if your having to ask us your having doubts so don't do it, you'll only end up buying it again and paying twice as much as you get for it.

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Ah but then the "new gun" syndrome cuts in


I get it about once a year and so far have managed to fight it for the last 12 months or so,


although on my last renewal i had almost filled the whole certificate buying and selling (and giving away 1) guns



Now on my second sgc as i filled the first one :lol: ,have been to rehab and managed to get the collection down to 2 rifles,2 shotguns,2 air rifles. :lol:

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