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Locked threads and warnings from Mods


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The bad language question is quite simple.

We have an auto censor that will automatically replace certain words with *****'s, those members that try to bypass this by posting part letter and part symbols to spell bad language, will get their posts edited and receive a warning.

If you feel you have to post bad language, then post all *******'s with no letters.


From the House Rules.

"The use of bad language, or mock bad language, is prohibited."

("mock bad language" is the part letters and part symbols mentioned above.)


fair play

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I like many people do not have the best of spelling skills and then there are also those that are dislexic, but I would love text talk to be banned :yes: at least people should try !


+1 Some times I for one do not understand the meaning of the so called Text Talk.

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I like many people do not have the best of spelling skills and then there are also those that are dislexic, but I would love text talk to be banned :yes: at least people should try !


I'm with u 2 on tht 1, txt tlk grips my ****.


Oh what have I done!!!


Seriously, when my daughter used to text me at work I had to give my phone to my young secretary to decode it.

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I have been warned for potty language. Truth be told I know the rules so fully deserved it.

This is by a long long way the best forum I've been on. The people are incredibly helpful and friendly they have aided me getting permission and learning so much and have meet some people i now consider to be good friends. So i am more than happy to follow the rules if it means I can stay on here.


The mods play a big old part in making forum what it is so hats off to em. Sounds blunt mate but if you want swearing etc then there plenty of other forums out there. :-) :-)

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I agree with the comments already made regarding the Mods...They do a great job of moving posts,editing numbers etc and dealing with 1000's of posts per day....As for ending/blocking threads...Its there choice if they want to end something,sometimes it can seem a little harsh/over reacting,but they have there reasons....no arguments from me.


As for the swearing...I probably should have had a warning by now but as yet,i havent.... :yp: :yp:

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I have found this is a fair site - I have little experience though as its the only such site I visit.

People do actually come across a bit more as personalities rather than merely keyboard warriors (excepting a few, like the 700 yd hare).

The Mods are, well, normal, and do their bit for free and fairly for the good of us all. I haven't yet been censored or written to (time is short therefore).

It suggests to me that its moderated well, talk is usually unfettered until Harnser, Ackley and the other guy get going, but we all need a little colour.


If it doesn't suit you, no doubt something else will.

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ok folks first off I want to be clear I am not starting this thread to upset or dredge up previous closed threads so please keep this thread on topic :good:


I am still a newbie on here and learning on the way, I realised after the first time I swore in a thread and was sent a message giving me a slap on the wrist (felt like a wee school lad) that swearing was not allowed on here. However being a member of several different forums where certain words are allowed in one place but not allowed in others I again today used two words that are obviously not allowed :blush: and was sent another warning PM from the Mods telling me that is the 2nd time and next time could lead to a suspension!! Ok rules are rules I suppose BUT I thought this was a forum for like minded shooters who will no doubt use some choice language when they are together? I know we dont want a forum full of folk Fing and blinding all the time but if a word is xxxx out by the filter on here is that seen as a problem? I pretty often will type in slang (I know bad habit) and as a result maybe swear words that would have been caught with the filter would slip through which may have happened on this occasion I really cant mind!


Anyway I notice loads of folk have their swear words xxx'd out and wonder if they are also being warned off like myself? or is it only if your swear word manages to get through the filter that you are in the xxxx!


The second point was around the amount of threads that seems to get locked on here! I dont think I have ever been on any other forum where the mods feel the need to lock topics becaues members are bitching at each other :lol: I for one would leave them to it unless things are getting out of hand or going round and round getting no where, but some I have read are just heating up when they are locked down so to speak. Is this the normal on here and is everyone in favour of this type of moderation?


As I said at the start I am not raising this to start a war or upset the mods! I like this place and enjoy reading some very interesting threads and dont want kicked off for a slip of the tongue er slip of the finger! em both sound a bit dodgy :lol: :lol: I am interested to know what you think?


I think you have just about answered your question in your own post - I have highlighted what you posted in bold and that is fine if your shooting friends are happy with bad language.


For myself, if the chain comes off my chainsaw for the umpteenth time, or I bang my thumb when knocking in a staple on a new fence, or I miss the 6th pheasant in a row, then an expletive will probably be forthcoming, but I try to keep that private and to myself.


So, if I am on my own or with people that I know and who - more importantly know me - then that is fine.


The difference is that on a public forum like Pigeon Watch,you just do not know who is reading what you post and that is why you have to restrain yourself and moderate your language - would you want your wife/partner and even more importantly your children [if you have them] to read a post full of obscenities?


I certainly would not - and for that reason I think that the mods do a fantastic job - and as some one else said, unnoticed, unpaid and largely unloved - thank you guys! :good:

Edited by woodcock11
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I think it's a shame the swear filter is so fussy. Take door **** for example, and maybe if you ***** your finger when sewing....


There are some quite normal words that get blocked which I find annoying, but generally this forum is nice because everything is kept decent and in check. :good:

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Swearing is part of language the auto filters are clumsy ask anyone from S****horpe or offas dyke! But the forum is well run and a public resource swearing evolves just like any other part of language if you don't like swearing you can smeg off.......

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I don't answer on here as I would in writing :hmm:???


I know, I know. What I mean is I try to type as I would talk if answering face to face. If I happen to swear it's not my lack of vocabulary I just ******* like it. ;)


The swear filter has always censored me so I can't cause offence to more delicate members :wub: and I have no problem with this. It has on occasion been over censored as in S****horpe :yes: but I found that funny. :lol:


The only warning I have had is when I accidentally spelled my swear word incorrectly as in French Connection UK. :D


PW is a great forum. My dealings with the mods have been fair and consistent. Happy shooting. :shoot:

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Good to see the different responses on here and I appreciate you guys posting up, sadly some have missed the original point which has been answered by one of the mods but hey ho thats fine :good:


Got to say this is a very good forum and it is run well, personally I do think some of the threads are shut a bit quickly but it is up to the Mods to decide on that one so who am I too complain?


Woodcock you make a fair point m8 :beer: GordonR sorry but some of us cant be as perfect as you matey :rolleyes:

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The difference is that on a public forum like Pigeon Watch,you just do not know who is reading what you post and that is why you have to restrain yourself and moderate your language - would you want your wife/partner and even more importantly your children [if you have them] to read a post full of obscenities?


Or your boss, bank manager, the farmer who allows you on their land to shoot, shoot managers/possible shooting partners, customers & potential customers............etc etc etc.

Best not to upset anyone who's path you may cross or more importantly, who's help you may need in the future.

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I've just been banned for a month for swearing, the mods said I had several warnings, I have got only one.

I then posted some non PC jokes that were totally acceptable on FIVE other forums, which got me the ban.

Can't say I'm too bothered by magic words or non PC jokes, but if the mods want to create a nice sanitised world for the benefit of us then its up to them: I simply use other shooting forums now, and just visit here now and again.

Ruined it for me.

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Ruined it for me.

Looking at the other responses, you seem to be in a minority of one, maybe that should tell you something?

You may not have had written warning for all your offences but your record shows we have had to edit/delete your posts 5 times.

With 25,000+ members we simply don't have the time or inclination to do that.

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Looking at the other responses, you seem to be in a minority of one, maybe that should tell you something?

You may not have had written warning for all your offences but your record shows we have had to edit/delete your posts 5 times.

With 25,000+ members we simply don't have the time or inclination to do that.


I would have thought by now that the general consensus is loud and clear - if anyone has an urge to trowel on bad language [isn't curious how often it happens late at night and maybe after drink has been taken], then let them go elsewhere.


Davva - your addition to the lists on my original post, makes very good sense - You really do not know who might be reading what you write.

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Locked topics are brilliant. I can't resist reading through them to see what all the fuss is about.

There's a belter just been locked on General Shooting Matters. Cranfield, you must have been holding your sides as you shut it down.


I think its quite encouraging that a handful of moderators can successfully police the postings of 25000 people. But when the fur does fly, God its entertaining! Thank you mods for letting us have a bit of sport before you shoot them down.

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Locked topics are brilliant. I can't resist reading through them to see what all the fuss is about.

There's a belter just been locked on General Shooting Matters. Cranfield, you must have been holding your sides as you shut it down.


I think its quite encouraging that a handful of moderators can successfully police the postings of 25000 people. But when the fur does fly, God its entertaining! Thank you mods for letting us have a bit of sport before you shoot them down.

here here the lock downs are the funniest lol

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The second point was around the amount of threads that seems to get locked on here! I dont think I have ever been on any other forum where the mods feel the need to lock topics becaues members are bitching at each other :lol:


There are those, who regulars are painfully aware of, who get some strange pleasure from attempting to point-score and belittle others. Few other people actually want to read hissy-fits and bitchfests.


Others post without thinking first or needlessly repeat something because they didn't check it.


I've never had a ban or a private warning on a forum but I've visited and left most of them in disgust due to the superior attitudes of the mods. This one may look like more threads are closed but they are invariably just noise. The mods here are the most open to others' reasonable views of any similar forum I seen. If they were wrong then everyone would leave.

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i was suspended twice and considere myself lucky to be back on ......i work in front of a computer all day and the 2 month ban was making life boring as the other forums are pretty manure compared to pw so fair play to the mods

it realy is pay yer penny take yer chance

if it ain't cute keep it mute


LOCK DOWN it's like prisoner on cell block h

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I think the mods are doing a great job. This is the best forum I go on, because there is a lot less bitching and more good advice/ help. They stop the threads getting trashed.


If you prefer swearing and bitching then try the huntinglife forum :good:



Yes...definately...go elsewhere to swear.


Keep up the good work mods.



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