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You can shove any old loads in a cheap escort(hell have'nt we all) and you'll get a bang......but overtime and with maturity you realise it is sometimes necessary to be seen in public so you take more pride from your bangs and look for something you have more pride in regularly stuffing.At that point in life you leave cheap escorts behind. Obviously a cheap escort is better than throwing your loads by hand so beggars can't be choosers I guess...sorry what was this thread about....

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Escorts are the Skoda of the gun world.


They where at first **** (They really where), lots of people liked to talk about how rubbish they where.


Then, they got better but a few niggling problems meant many people over looked this in favor of dissing them straight off (Such as the whole 'hold this button to reload' thing)


Now, they are sturdy, reliable guns that very few people would ever argue are ****, but far more people like to go on about how they own one and they've never had any problems.





How do you know someone owns as Escort?



Don't worry they'll tell you (And also inform you they've got no problems with it)

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Ha ha, it was so funny. Me an my m8 was at this clay shoot and there were these blokes in camo with their Hatsans. Me an my m8 took out our Beretta Sporters with Optima chokes (etc etc) and these tossers were laughign [sic] at us behind our backs.


So we then preceeded [sic] to str8 the stand.


Should ov seen the looks on their faces. :good:
















Just thought new take on an old tale might be fun.

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Ha ha, it was so funny. Me an my m8 was at this clay shoot and there were these blokes in camo with their Hatsans. Me an my m8 took out our Beretta Sporters with Optima chokes (etc etc) and these tossers were laughign [sic] at us behind our backs.


So we then preceeded [sic] to str8 the stand.


Should ov seen the looks on their faces. :good:














Just thought new take on an old tale might be fun.


Parody at it's best :)

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Ha ha, it was so funny. Me an my m8 was at this clay shoot and there were these blokes in camo with their Hatsans. Me an my m8 took out our Beretta Sporters with Optima chokes (etc etc) and these tossers were laughign [sic] at us behind our backs.


So we then preceeded [sic] to str8 the stand.


Should ov seen the looks on their faces. :good:



Just thought new take on an old tale might be fun.



Edited by Chard
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I think this will go on for ever or as long as hatsans are still in circulation, as someone else said they was pants they have improved but will never be a beretta/browning or even close but they are getting more reliable and may one day be less frowned upon.


I've owned 2 and only got rid of them to fund other guns, I intend on getting a 20g semi a little later in the year (£275 new) might even go for a pump just for something different. I know there limitations on loads I know to check my chokes and I know it's never gonna last me a lifetime but for less than £300 for a new gun with a 3 year warranty I don't think you can go far wrong. Admittedly if I win some money on the lottery I would be going for a al391 20g as I think they are things of beauty :yes: but I'll still shoot s### with the same as the hatsan :blush::oops:

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The 'problem' with them as far as I can see is that the early ones seem to have had a few quality control issues and sometimes used to jam up a lot and chokes came loose resulting in barrels bulging and exploding, giving them a reputation for dangerous problems.

And of course because they are cheap and Turkish people abuse them, never clean them, don't check for the chokes coming loose and expect them to work with short cartridges that aren't designed for semi's and then they moan that they don't work reliably.

There are a lot out there and a lot of happy users (including myself, I have a pump and can't fault it - and I'm not trying to justify buying it as I was given it!).

Most of the Hatsan haters out there have never used or owned one but love to jump on the bandwagon because they are sheep (probably also after regretting spending double the money on another brand that does the same job?!?!).


I borrowed 1 once...its was pretty new...what a load of gash...the quality of it was poor at best/jammed up numerous times...so much infact,that the shooting trip was cancelled in the end because i got so sick of it......For the same money id have a second hand beretta 301/302..better looking,more reliable....


I use a £50 baikel sbs...now theres quality...haha :lol: :lol: :lol: .


Other users might have quite different experiences using...that was mine and i wont be repeating it soon...

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i bought the model before the current one with extended chokes


It was brand new and while it was ok it wasnt great.It would cycle anything from 24g to 50g, but i was out decoying once and got to about 20 birds with plenty more still about and the extractor retaining pin worked loose and mangled the insides. i was not a happy bunny, called up edgar brothers who promtly sent me out a replacment part (fantastic service from edgar brothers it has to be said!) but this was always at the back of my mind. i only had 3 jams not including the pin working loose, all at important times, 1st i put down to deformed brass on the carts i was using so wont mention that, 2nd time was on a pair of cock pheasants, dropped the first went for the second and it had jammed, 3rd and the final time for me was when i was mooching a hedge row and out pops a fox gave it 1 cart and it rolled around went to give it the second but the blooming thing had jammed!!!!


Build quality is quite bad too in all honesty, the rib was canted on mine and it just felt rather cheap. I bought a used beretta semi auto to replace it and i will NEVER buy a hatsan again!


the beretta felt asthough it was made to last and the hatsan felt like it was a throw away item. Sums it up for me!

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