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Rabbit advice


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Do you guys leave them were they fall and carry on shooting, or collect them straight away, does it put other rabbits of seeing there mates lying there



Either or both, depends on the situation.


Twitching bodies may disturb other rabbits but dead ones seldom do in my experience.


We all too often attribute HUMAN feelings/reactions to wildlife, and whilst there is without doubt more than an element of truth in this with some animals, many are happy to keep on eating around the bodies of their dead siblings/parents/friends! :yes:

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If ambushing I normally only pick up when finished shooting area,dead rabbits don't seem to disturb others.Sometimes get a bonus with a magpie coming down for a feed & even once shot a buck that was trying to hump one of the corpses :blink:

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If ambushing I normally only pick up when finished shooting area,dead rabbits don't seem to disturb others.Sometimes get a bonus with a magpie coming down for a feed & even once shot a buck that was trying to hump one of the corpses :blink:


Same here. Never pick up until I've finished shooting that patch. Bodies don't bother other rabbits at all. If you rush to pick up you spread scent everywhere and if you're spotted they'll learn to associate death with the appearance of humans which won't do you any favours at all in the future.

I have shot a fox before that trotted by and helped itself to a free carcase.

I never leave them lying when I've finished though, unless they're shot to bits or they've got mixy. Always try to use them, sell them or give them away, and the ferrets never go hungry.

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"I have shot a fox before that trotted by and helped itself to a free carcase.

I never leave them lying when I've finished though, unless they're shot to bits or they've got mixy. Always try to use them, sell them or give them away, and the ferrets never go hungry."


Mirrored my experiences almost exactly!Have on occasion shot opportunist(unlucky) fox & majority of rabbits I shoot end up food for dogs/humans/ferrets. :good:

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I don't shoot anything that does not get eaten by me or one of my animals, dogs, ferrets or hawks. I don't like the fact that people shoot quarry and leave it or leave in hedge :angry: if your not going to use it shoot targets. IMO

Hmm when culling for a farmer are you suggesting I somehow find an outlet for 50+ bunnies over a weekend and have pre-agreed number to be taken by someone, or do u suggest I buy a chest freezer to fill and then another one, coz I'm damned if I'll eat bunny every night, and mrs wouldn't be happy either.


Real life and practicality dictates most bunnies end up in the hedge. I have often ended up keeping bunnies that someone said they would take but they can't take the quantity I shoot.

Edited by Chr15j
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by law, if you don't take em away then you need to burry em a metre down. I eat what I shoot or give them away but then I don't shoot great quantities, a dozen in a night is a good bag. If they are left were they are shot I think nature will normally find a use for the meat by morning.

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I don't shoot anything that does not get eaten by me or one of my animals, dogs, ferrets or hawks. I don't like the fact that people shoot quarry and leave it or leave in hedge :angry: if your not going to use it shoot targets. IMO

spot on,they deserve a bit of respect and ive this argument on here before but im just a big softy ! craig

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Lucky for you getting £2 a head.


Interesting you describe pest control as a sport though. More fodder for the antis I guess.


Oh I have every regard for my quarry. I always ensure clean kills. Rabbits dont care once dead!


I will see if I can find someone willing to pay me £50 plus a weekend for my bunnies.

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I don't shoot anything that does not get eaten by me or one of my animals, dogs, ferrets or hawks. I don't like the fact that people shoot quarry and leave it or leave in hedge :angry: if your not going to use it shoot targets. IMO



can't see you being very popular with farmers round here. Most I shoot do get eaten but early season rabbiting when most are small a lot do get left to enter the foodchain very rarely are they still there 24 hours later. My farmer mate is one of the "worst" culprits they eat his wheat so really he just shoots them wherever and whenever he can, its about pest control nothing else

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I shoot about 500 rabbits a year on my main farm and a couple of hundred next door, though mixy has kept the total down a bit this spring.

Very few go to waste. Of those I keep I fillet off the loins for myself and the ferrets get the rest. I find that clean loin meat will get eaten, it is easy to give away and body shot rabbits still get used.

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I don't shoot anything that does not get eaten by me or one of my animals, dogs, ferrets or hawks. I don't like the fact that people shoot quarry and leave it or leave in hedge :angry: if your not going to use it shoot targets. IMO


While this is nice if you live in a fairytale world, some people have to control large numbers of pests and there is a limit to how many they can store, eat, give away and feed to the dogs.

It may not always be practical to get them to a game dealer, the cost of the fuel (and time) can far outweigh what you get paid.

Everyone's circumstances vary, I'm not suggesting people should shoot quarry for the fun of it if it's not needed and then leave the bodies to rot, but quite often pest control results in large numbers that can't always be used.

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