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Gun used to murder

Big Marty

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It makes you wonder if he had planned this and applied for his FAC specifically to do what he did.

You just don't know what's going through peoples heads. I feel for both families involved.


I do not think that he would have planned it as it would take to long to get the FAC and get a gun most of these types of thing are or would seem to be spur of the moment things not long drown out revenge plots.

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Sounds like lessons need to be learned if he used a FAC gun.


My sympathies.



It's NI so all are FAC even air, a tragedy for all involved but sounds like the PSNI have arrested the killer so there may be some answers

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What a sad tale of events..10 seconds of madness has ruined 3 lives.

why the hell didn't they listen to his mothers concerns


lets hope the girlfriend pulls through.so sad about the loss of her sister

Think that's the burning Question were all asking, sad thing is they have 2 kids ( 3 and 1 ) that were both in the room at the time.. The story is the sister jumped in front of his girlfriend when he fired. Three shots put off, some were trying to say accident but you don't accidentally fire 3 times.

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as we are on this rather gruesome subject yes its curiosity like everyone has that reads this thread


It's very sad news and I have a great deal of sympathy for the family, an awful thing to happen. I also feel for people like Marty who know some of those involved, which is how this thread came about. I can honestly say I have no interest whatsoever in knowing what gun, load, accessories etc were used. IMHO it's a little insensitive (to say the very least) to be posing those sorts of questions.

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The wee girl has lost part of her arm and her Bowl still not out of Danger yet..A friend of his told my wife this morning that hes been acting real strange this past few days not himself at all....

The daughter or the mother? Which ever a terrible injury hope she pulls through.


Perhaps there will be some answers this time?


1 step forward 2 steps back......

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think the feo are no longer police officers. civillians brought into do a job they have no clue about.


Completely off the mark there. Peelers know very little about firearms legislation or indeed guns. The job of FEO was traditionally given to someone who was injured and was marking time prior to getting a medical retirement.

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Its strange the way people in other Country's react to this sort of thing happening in the uk its lets ban everything in the us they seem to think its just one of those things that happen but we need our guns to protect ourself from bad people and the powers that be people are only slaves if they are not prepared to fight back all that the white people did to the american Indians but they could not make them work for them as they would stand up and be killed rather than give in we should have learned from them an unarmed people can easily be subjugated.


What on earth has all that got to do with the killing of a young girl?

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