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Incedible lung shot


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Shot this morning, unaware of us at 80m's with a .308 and 150gr hornady interlocks.

both lungs were shot out.





Hi John


Cracking footage as usual.

He sure wanted to hang on to his life.......

As he wasnt aware of you it is amazing that he ran like that without the additional adrenalin surge in a wary/cautious animal.



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As always a great video! :good:

I am not faulting the shooting, in fact I have to say exactly the same as you did "Good shot"! The exit wound looked a little low and, even though it took both lungs out could it be that it missed the heart and that is what allowed the buck to run so far?

Like I said, not faulting, just asking out of curiosity!

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Sorry to be rude but why did you not shoot it again as it was suffering before it went through the hedge at that range it should of been stone dead


As said should have been nailed stone dead to avoid further suffering. No offence intended just a thought.

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with a clear 308 hole through both lungs its dead anyway, they can run but you keep still don't chase them and they simply die quietly. Had it been a poor shot then yes a follow up shot is a good idea but in that case you could clearly see it was a decent shot in the correct area.

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with a clear 308 hole through both lungs its dead anyway, they can run but you keep still don't chase them and they simply die quietly. Had it been a poor shot then yes a follow up shot is a good idea but in that case you could clearly see it was a decent shot in the correct area.


Yep... that didn't warrant a follow up.. Better let it die in peace and quiet than stress it any more. No different to a bow shot deer.... let them bleed out quietly.

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At 80 m I would of neck shot it





a shot with infinitely more chances of a cock up, this was a guided stalk with someone who we don't know how much experience they have. They took the most appropriate and recommended shot there is, put it in the correct place and job done. The beast ran but it happens it was never going far, cock up a neck shot and you never see them again

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Sorry didnt Know it was a Guided stalk my .308 puts bullet on bullet at 120 yards and have only ever lost one in 15 years



your rifle might do that but can you? it was shot off sticks after a good stalk and i even had a touch of fever and all i was holding was the camera.

My clients don't shoot 5% off a bipod everything is off sticks.

Neck shots I do not allow unless the client is a regular and the shots are under 50m's.

Also on flatter ground like this a boiler house shot "grounds" sooner then a neckshot animal.

It was clerly a good shot and even on my monitor could see the blood gushing from the wound, when he stopped and his back dipped he was clearly in his last seconds.

I see my clients kill over 160 deer every year + what i have shot over 25 years, I think I can judge whats right and wrong.

regards john

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like others have said you can clearly see the hole through the lungs with the blood rushing out it was a good shot. i would also guess at saying the client wouldnt have been up to a neck shot at distance judging the time it took to reload i think he was fairly new to deerstalking . i am not knocking this in anyway as i see a good shot being taken the client must have had those thaughts of horror seing it running off only to be reasured by john that it was a good shot . you can clearly see the buck looking back as if to say what happened and would guess at the fact it didnt even know what had happened, keep up the good work john and keep on posting these vids,atb wayne

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Another good video John, its a wake-up call for all stalkers, dont assume you have missed.


Go to where the deer was stood when the shot was fired and do a very good close up search of the area looking for blood/hair etc


It was easy for john to see the exit through the camera, knowing it was a dead deer running, he just didnt know it yet.

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like others have said you can clearly see the hole through the lungs with the blood rushing out it was a good shot. i would also guess at saying the client wouldnt have been up to a neck shot at distance judging the time it took to reload i think he was fairly new to deerstalking . i am not knocking this in anyway as i see a good shot being taken the client must have had those thaughts of horror seing it running off only to be reasured by john that it was a good shot . you can clearly see the buck looking back as if to say what happened and would guess at the fact it didnt even know what had happened, keep up the good work john and keep on posting these vids,atb wayne

wayne he had loads of experience but in the heat of battle forgot he had his blaser and was trying to lift the bolt. LOL :lol:

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here we go always 1.

you can only see the hedge? what you cant see behind it is the kiddies playground where ****** have set camp up.(sacasm) :blink:

Idiot do you think i would tell a client to take an unsafe shot???

look at the video from the day before it actually tells you on screen we cannot shoot as there was no backstop.



I think you will find the reference to a hedge was that it was NOT a safe backstop,and that you read his reply wrong and lept in, therefore I think your reference to an "idiot" is a trite unnecessary,and not a little inflammatory.



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here we go always 1.

you can only see the hedge? what you cant see behind it is the kiddies playground where ****** have set camp up.(sacasm) :blink:

Idiot do you think i would tell a client to take an unsafe shot???

look at the video from the day before it actually tells you on screen we cannot shoot as there was no backstop.


Whoa there tiger. I`m not doubting your ability as a guide. As the previous comment referred to neck shooting which would have had a different angle on it. Granted, camera angles can be deceiving.

If you want to name call come and do it to my face and not from behind your keyboard.

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I think you will find the reference to a hedge was that it was NOT a safe backstop,and that you read his reply wrong and lept in, therefore I think your reference to an "idiot" is a trite unnecessary,and not a little inflammatory.



ah monkey hanger raises his head hello kieth. :yp:

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Whoa there tiger. I`m not doubting your ability as a guide. As the previous comment referred to neck shooting which would have had a different angle on it. Granted, camera angles can be deceiving.

If you want to name call come and do it to my face and not from behind your keyboard.

I am sorry muggins i have re-read your post and i got the context wrong, except my appoligies i am up at 3am these days and they are long days.


regards john

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