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Few fushing and stalking pics.


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Few fishing pics from a couple of weeks ago.Water up and doon all the time but great numbers of Salmon,grilse and sea troot running and the most i have ever seen at this time of the season so heres hoping it carries on.Ended up with 12 various and lost at least the same again including some big salmon and also 2 on the fly which is the usual for me.Took a wee friend a few times and she was spot on and caught her first couple of troot oot of a wee burn with the worm.













Weather has been a wee bit better the last week or so and have been seeing if the rut has got going yet.Seems to be slow but they are running although a bit stop start and the weather wont be helping.

Had the first one in the morning from a high seat where the roe were coming oot of the trees and grazing on some crop that had been sown in the clearing.Only 100ish yards and a very old beast gone well back and he came into the call but withoot a doe.A good fella to get at his age and the teeth were well down.









Next one was in the evening,a cracking warm night at a place i get the Jeep right up to the wood and get a nice comfortable seat to wait from.Didnt have to wait at all as when i got to where i sit there was a doe,kid and a buck half chasing.A wee crawl to get oot of the long cover for a shot and an easy 180ish later he was doon.Gralloched,boxed and waited another hourish but nothing else showing so held to the MILs where there were 2 bucks and a few does but the cover is shocking high with nothing ever getting done to the ground and left to go wild.The second fella looked ancient so decided to try for him although it meant stalking 300ish in full view along a treeline.Took the rangefinder and everything went spot on and when i pinged to show 120 i thought that would do so set up the sticks and waited for him to go broadside.Didnt take long so took the shot,and on that the rifle dropped an inch into the sticks as it hadnt been seated properly and it looked and sounded like a clean miss so after a half hoor checking with Rab and no signs we abandoned it and headed hame.







Next morning we went back and had a look again but no signs so was hoping it was clean.I think this was the day we then headed away hoping for a stag or buck from a wee bit of high ground we get on.Wasnt the best of days but dry,and when we arrived there were already 6 reds oot,including 1 staggie but they were just off our bit so sat away hoping they would work doon.We were there for a few hours and with the red making no moves towards us a buck that had been below us the whole time got the shot.Hes been there everytime we have been this season and a total runt.A small beast with tiny antlers so better off the ground.Had a lamp during dark but unusually not a sign of fox at all and held home.







Next beast was in the morning,again a poor head with nay doe in sight.He was lying down in some rough wet ground around the 120ish and due to the cover a head shot was taken.No pic as the heed was a tad messy.

Number 5 was again AM,this time on his solo in a park that had been cut for silage.Very straight forward and good to get one in the open.Theres at least two bigger bucks in the same bit and this fella always gets chased but never strays far so hes got a bit of peace noo.





6 and 7 were this morning.Plenty of bucks with does but get a chap is the trouble with the amount of cover.Finally saw a shootable fella with a doe,and with the wind perfect we got into a position where they would walk straight into us.Hadnt even got the sticks set up when the doe crossed us so let her go by and got set up waiting for the buck.A good 10 minutes later and no sign of him a thought he had maybe legged it so started walking towards the gap where we thought he would cross when 2 roe came crashing oot the fund bushes just to our right and it was the buck chasing a different doe that had been unnoticed.Their minds were on other things so a walk of 50ish got us into position for a chap.Had to wait a wee while for them to come doon a bit for a good backstop but when they did it was an easy shot not more than 100 yards and he dropped on the spot.He was a buck i last saw when he was newly clean of velvet and his antlers were bright white so he knows how to keep a low profile.

After gralloching we headed to the MILs which marches the ground and straight away spotted the old fella in the same place so held oot on the same stalk and again although being in full view got within 100 of him.Set up the sticks and rifle and when he presented the pill was put through the base of the neck this time.On getting to him i noticed the other evening hadnt been a clean miss and although minimal damage the pill had just grazed him so good to get him this time.A very old beast with the whitest face on a roe ive ever seen.













The End.

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excellent all round!


Cheers fella.


Great stuff I have a pic of my sidekick with a record mullet like that the kids love fishing keep up the good work :good:


Cheers Tam.A big mullet must have wiped your eye a bit but well worth it.Mac fished 16 hoors one day that week and still keen for more.Great to see the weans involved and oot the hoose.


What can I say, cracking result, and superb scenery, I`m envious!!!!! :yes:


Cheers fella,and great scenery indeed.


looks like you all had a great day out . what a great looking river what is it called mate .well done.


Cheers fella.Its the river Deveron.



Right Dave what time next season was it you said you wanted me up. :lol: :lol:


All jokes aside mate fantastic photos well done buddy.




Cheers Alex.Joking aside,anytime you want fella,but begiining of April would give you good choice of bucks and plenty aboot.

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Excellent. Love reading your write ups. Perfect mix of detail and piccies.




Ta Adam.Too many details and pics maybe but thats the way i like it so hopefully others too.


looks Like you have had a great time mate :good: Time well spent with your Kids too by the look of it,


Well done :good:


Cheers fella.Time with the wee ones is priceless.


Great stuff mate lovely fish and deer class



Which river do u fish?


Cheers fella.Its the river Deveron and the wee burn is tiny and runs straight to the sea and has a cracking run of fish,mainly sea troot but a salmon of 14lb was caught just up from the picture last year.Not a lot of folk know about what it can produce so we keep it pretty quiet.

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top read fella as always no sure about shooting does wi pubes on there heeds tho :lol::lol::lol: fair play for posting about the bad shot a will bet there are no many on here that wid of posted that but it doesny always go to plan

the wee lass is no yours right amean theres no way she could ha come from your inter bred gene pool way too bonnie :good::good:

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Quality kit mate, start the family on the right track.


For sure fella.Plenty time for joyriding and stuff later.


Thanks mate maybe next year!!! Just say when you fancy a trip down south mate welcome any time. :good:


Nay probs Alex.Might take you up on the offer later in the year if still handy.


As always Brilliant !!! Awesome scenery , wish I could move up there :yes:


Ta fella.Great place right enough but the weathers ****.

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top read fella as always no sure about shooting does wi pubes on there heeds tho :lol::lol::lol: fair play for posting about the bad shot a will bet there are no many on here that wid of posted that but it doesny always go to plan

the wee lass is no yours right amean theres no way she could ha come from your inter bred gene pool way too bonnie :good::good:


Wind it weegie.You keep seeling your munty heeds on Ebay claiming they are roe ye bam.



Good write up,fella. :good: Much better than that keech they put in Sporting Rifle. :lol:


Ta fella.Get some good write ups but there is a lot of keech right enough.


Busy boy top stuff Dave


Cheers fella.Wouldnt let that bam Cock3 onto your new bit btw.He will just ruin it like i ruin his missus when hes away.


dave top shelf as always bud thanks for the info


Cheers fella.

Edited by sako751sg
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