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be careful whats in your car


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thats ok im sure you would have plenty of time to reflect on the error of your ways after they charge you :lol:


Ya reckon.


Maybe in the US. I mean according to that bloke in the video all you have to say is you'd been in the dead man's town and didn't like him for you to be banged up for the rest of your life!! All a bit far fetched, but obviously good business for lawyers like him eh? ;)

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if i were inocent personally if it were me i would say my version of events that i was happy with and didnt incriminate me in any way then say nothing further answer no questions as i have already made my statement. in other words co operate up to a point.

Edited by storme37
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if i were inocent personally if it were me i would say my version of events that i was happy with and didnt incriminate me in any way then say nothing further answer no questions as i have already made my statement. in other words co operate up to a point.


Yeah, but surely if you were 100% innocent and told the 100% truth then you couldn't incriminate yourself? :hmm:

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if i were inocent personally if it were me i would say my version of events that i was happy with and didnt incriminate me in any way then say nothing further answer no questions as i have already made my statement. in other words co operate up to a point.


(not knocking 99% of the police :good: :good: )


and then they would twist it and the questions so you trip up somehow

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Yeah, but surely if you were 100% innocent and told the 100% truth then you couldn't incriminate yourself? :hmm:

indeed and that would be reflected in my statement but i would not risk my words being twisted i would say my piece and nothing else, its safer. i would also hope to have a lawyer if i felt like it was "getting awkward" to be honest it is best to avoid this kind of contact its the way to go but there's always the wrong place wrong time hazard that can happen to anyone

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Call me a cynic but once upon a time you could talk to the local police force and get good sound advice without any recourse these days its safer to say nowt without a solicitor. I have a couple of mates in the force old school nearing retirement and even they say the same say nowt without a brief

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The law professor in the video on page 4, gives some excellent reasons for innocent people not to answer any questions.


Yes but in USA. It's not the same here. I'm not sure how all the posters who have had "experience" have come to the conclusion that they will be fitted up, find themselves in more trouble and would be better not saying anything if interviewed. The reality is very different. At the roadside being "tripped up" is more of a problem.

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Whilst i sympathise with the OP, I can imagine being car jacked to be a very unnerving experience!!


The problem lies in the fact ''when the police go to take my car away for forensics they spot a baton in the door pocket and tell me i will be getting arrested for an offensive weapon

the baton is used to dispatch wounded wildlife and was next to my catty''


We are not sure if you mean priest or 'baton' as by definition and appearance they are two different items.


Any baton is usually classed as an offensive weapon by nature (in that it is designed to injure (albeit either in attack or defence) a priest on the other hand has in context a differing 'clearly defined role'


Obviously whatever you had in the door card was not destined to be used as a 'weapon' or it would have been deployed when you were car jacked, but that does not in itself prove that it may at sometime be used as a weapon.


You could have easily left it in the boot and retrieved it should you have had the need, as in essence you don't need it readily to hand for a specific task and the 20 seconds to retrieve it from the boot is neither here nor there, same applies to wheel brace, we all have them in the boot with no problems, when they are placed at the side of the seat things change, as in above there would be no logical reason to require it 'immediately'



Chances are you are the victim of sheer folly, and that will probably be obvious.


Its the same as the guy who leaves his training pistol in the car Monday night and gets pulled over for a spot check on Tuesday on the way to work.


I hope this gets sorted, you have recovered from your ordeal and this is put to bed tomorrow.



Edited by ph5172
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Gents thanks for all the replies and advice I realise that it is my own doing having the offensive weapon in my car and if I had been quicker thinking I could have avoided this situation but my main concern during this incident was to get me and my dog out of there. It was not my normal stance on something like this but my thoughts were if they get the upper hand then they get my car and dog in the back. For this I will stand loud and proud and take what's coming but it's a hard Pill to swallow losing a 30+ year hobby. They are currently charged with aggrevated kidnapping and other things and nothing said about me being charged. Will keep you informed

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Yes but in USA. It's not the same here. I'm not sure how all the posters who have had "experience" have come to the conclusion that they will be fitted up, find themselves in more trouble and would be better not saying anything if interviewed. The reality is very different. At the roadside being "tripped up" is more of a problem.

As a police officer you may of course take a different view, but I believe that if you are going to be arrested there is nothing you can say that's going to stop it from happening. On the other hand if the officer was not going to to arrest you there are plenty of things you could say that would either enable or motivate him/her to arrest you.


So on balance I don't see any upside to speaking without a solicitor, only potential downside.


As to your point about people with 'experience' being worried that they will be fitted up. It is worth noting that not everyone has had positive interaction with the police, some pigeon shooters have had armed response units point guns at them for acting within the law.

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Gents thanks for all the replies and advice I realise that it is my own doing having the offensive weapon in my car and if I had been quicker thinking I could have avoided this situation but my main concern during this incident was to get me and my dog out of there. It was not my normal stance on something like this but my thoughts were if they get the upper hand then they get my car and dog in the back. For this I will stand loud and proud and take what's coming but it's a hard Pill to swallow losing a 30+ year hobby. They are currently charged with aggrevated kidnapping and other things and nothing said about me being charged. Will keep you informed

The part I bolded is not true, you had an implement for dispatching wounded game in your car. Do not accept anyone's interpretation that your humane dispatch tool is an offensive weapon. Please consider editing your post as you have publicly confessed to a crime you have not committed.

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As a police officer you may of course take a different view, but I believe that if you are going to be arrested there is nothing you can say that's going to stop it from happening. On the other hand if the officer was not going to to arrest you there are plenty of things you could say that would either enable or motivate him/her to arrest you.


So on balance I don't see any upside to speaking without a solicitor, only potential downside.


As to your point about people with 'experience' being worried that they will be fitted up. It is worth noting that not everyone has had positive interaction with the police, some pigeon shooters have had armed response units point guns at them for acting within the law.

I don't agree. Take Offensive Weapon as a topical example. If a police officer suspects you are in possession of an Offensive Weapon and you don't offer a lawful reason then you are going to be arrested. If on the other hand you tell them what it is for your good reason has been offered from the outset. This may not avoid the arrest but it stands a better chance than silence. There are many other examples. I don't suggest that it is always a good idea to pour your heart out but stony silence rarely ends up going well. It has surely got to be better to offer a lawful reason for something and potentially avoid arrest than spend hours in a cell wasting your shooting time?


I accept not everyone has a positive experience with the police. I don't see what an armed response for pigeon shooters has to do with being fitted up though. It's not good but what have the results been? I don't think any have ended in an arrest let alone a prosecution for anything.

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I dont follow all this.


this morning while on a camping trip one of the lads blew himself up with a gas cannister, badly burned we patched him up and took him to the hospital,


I dropped him at the door and went to park the car,

when I came back two cops standing at reception looked at me, cammo trousers a multi tool on my belt etc, I nodded and said "morning" they had seen the multitool but nodded back,

why would they bother with me?


its not like I was some homicidal maniac walking in just a normal bloke, had they checked I had a small locking blade that lives on the house keys too,



I suppose I passed the "attitude test"

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I think you just had a pretty standard interaction. There are "weapons" wherever you look. Sunday morning in a hospital does not normally set alarm bells ringing. 2 a.m. in the middle of nowhere just might. As with any of these things it is about circumstances.

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