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12 bore fox


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well done mate :good: :good: i remember shooting my first fox with a shotgun it was 1 march 1986 it was about 11 in the morning i was at the top of a wood looking for sqizzles when this vixen came walking across the field with not a care in the world it got about 15 yards from me and gave it both barrels of no6 shot it went down like a sack of spuds i was over the moon my first fox :drool:

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Congratulations! Shotgun can be effective:personally I prefer 1's or 3's broadside shots.Club,block of wood,priest or second shot immaterial as long as despatch as quick/effective/humane as possible.


Why go looking for a lump of wood in the dark when you have a gun in your hand , nothings quicker or more humane than a gun :shoot:

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The recoil was not too bad really more than the normal pigeon load im used to but fairly tame,

as for the lump of wood issue it was late houses near by and i thought one bang would be enough so dispatched it with a bit of wood did the job, as I said I will be taking suppressed .410 out next time for dispatching, live and learn.

but its one fox less although while me and my mate was taking this pic we lamped around and saw another too far for a shot though and then 10 mins later in another field saw another one but again too far.

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It wont be as much of an issue next time as we have now spoke to the neighbours to see if it disturbed them and they said they barely heard the shot and not to worry about it and to do what has to be done so wont be as worried about the noise next time.


Noise can be quite an issue,the use of a "priest" or substitute is a sensible alternative IMHO.I don't think there would be comments if the quarry had been pigeon or rabbit.You did what you believed best at the time:as much as can be expected of anyone IMO.But opinions are like *********,everyone has one!

Edited by drut
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Dont really mind what people think the the block of wood :D its a dead fox thats not going to kill any more chickens, I would prefer it to drop dead clean from one shot but didnt and to avoid having to use wood again will be taking .410 in future if it was a rabbit I would have necked it but im not getting bit by a fox trying to break its neck.

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Yes I do have permission to shoot the land from my friend who rents the small holding and one of the co-owners ok'd it with us but they both live next door and didnt want to make to much noise due to not speaking with the other owner yet, but we have now spoke to him and hes fine with it so wont hesitate to fire both barrels next time.

I dont think it was a problem to club it with a big stick it was near the fox anyway and I dont think the fox was bothered about being "humane" when it was ripping the chickens and ducks apart and leaving ducks still alive with its chest hanging off.

Before I get aload of hassle it was a humane way of dealing with the fox it, and I do believe every live quarry deserves a humane end so as I said it will get both barrels from now on and .410 for dispatch just incase it survives both barrels of 50 grm BB.

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