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Re: Oh my God & Airgun Poll


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I didn't get a chance to read the Oh my God thread when it was in full swing. As it is now closed because it took a wrong turn and ended up heading towards an uncharted part of the universe, I will make my comments now.


As some of you will be aware, I have been a menber of this forum for quite a while. I try to keep my posts factual and polite. Recently however, I am becoming increasingly annoyed by the number of members that feel the need to start pointless dross threads or post totally useless replies to equally dross threads. Presumably posting a reply comprising of just a smilie face is some members limit of intelligence. Far be it from me to suggest that they reply to anything/everything just to increase their number of posts so that they can achieve the status of "ace pigeon shooter" in about 3 nanoseconds.


The member who started the oh my god thread should have said something in the gun shop at the time of the incident if it really happened and he had genuine concerns. The thread rapidly went downhill due to members spending too much time having totally pointless arguments instead of doing something constructive like getting their guns out and going shooting. I do wonder if some members actually have guns.


Right, here goes.....



1. Mimic, you are a grade A ****. ;)


2. Anyone who thinks that the money the police/dvla/government rips off the motorist is used to make our roads safer is also a ****. :)


3. Anyone who thinks that changing the law so that airguns need to be licensed will help reduce the amount of airgun related offences is an even bigger ****. :o


4. Starting a poll related to a thread which went so far off topic (especially when you are a moderator) is knobbish. :lol:


5. Mungler, you show seriously knobbish tendencies but are amusing, so I can overlook them. I would however point out that the third "A" is not silent in amalg_m. A man with your immense knowledge should already be aware of this fact. :lol:



Half of the old boys in Norfolk who turn up every year with their 12 bores for Cock day haven't got a licence. Just about all of them sleep with the same 12 bore at the side of the bed. They don't see the need to have permission to own something that they had already owned for donkey's years before someone decided that they needed permission to own it. Unless someone breaks into their house, they are a danger to nobody.


There are probably several million air rifles owned by people in this country. Nobody knows who has got what. If our useless government decided to charge the public a fee for the privilege of declaring to the police a weapon that they have owned legally for decades (and have never commited a crime with), how many air gun owners are going to take up the kind offer from Tony & Co to part with some more hard earned cash?


Suggesting that the money raised from motoring taxes and fines is used to make our roads safer is bordering on cretinous. My wife, my son and myself all own cars. They are all 100% legal and it costs me a ****-pot of money to keep them that way. I also own a very fast motorcycle for which I pay an extortionate amount of insurance to use legally.


My son was stationary in his car when it was hit by another vehicle. The driver didn't have any insurance. This happened on good friday and so far, the combined might of Norfolk and Leicestershires finest plods have managed to do absolutely jack **** about it.


Mr Boyski-Boyski comes over to Norfolk from Lithuania. He buys (or steals) a £25 wreck with no tax/mot/insurance/tread on the tyres. He very probably runs it on red diesel nicked out of a farmers tractor. We see them in the local paper every week on the court page. Fined £40 quid (and the cost of an interpretor paid for by public funds).


Our government (no matter which party is running it) d*cks us because it is both traditional and because we have a long history of putting up with it. They don't do it to spend every penny raised on putting matters right. Anyone who has not already worked this out must have spent their life under a stone and also be a ****.


This forum has got radically more and more PC over the last few months. The latest thing I saw was where a guy asks for info and a member posted a link to a website. This was immediately edited by a moderator. Shortly after this, a moderator replies to the same thread and posts another link to a website. This is OK, because he is a moderator. For Christ's sake, get a life you anorak's.


As a result of this post, I suspect I will be banned in the very near future. To anyone who supports my feelings. Thank You. To anyone who doesn't. Kiss my ***. :P

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The latest thing I saw was where a guy asks for info and a member posted a link to a website. This was immediately edited by a moderator. Shortly after this, a moderator replies to the same thread and posts another link to a website. This is OK, because he is a moderator.

The original link was to a website in direct competition to the sponsor of the site you are posting on,the other was not.

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The latest thing I saw was where a guy asks for info and a member posted a link to a website. This was immediately edited by a moderator. Shortly after this, a moderator replies to the same thread and posts another link to a website. This is OK, because he is a moderator.

The original link was to a website in direct competition to the sponsor of the site you are posting on,the other was not.


In that case, why didn't you let both addresses stay on? Then whoever was selling the goods for the best price would get the sale.


Free enterprise is the term.

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Get real,would you pay to advertise somewhere that your competitor didn`t ;)


If you don`t like it here don`t stay but please don`t vent spleen because it doesn`t fit with your thoughts.Have a laugh and a bit of craic,join in with a healthy debate,give some of your experience to those that have little.In short add a little to this community.

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Get real,would you pay to advertise somewhere that your competitor didn`t :o


If you don`t like it here don`t stay but please don`t vent spleen because it doesn`t fit with your thoughts.Have a laugh and a bit of craic,join in with a healthy debate,give some of your experience to those that have little.In short add a little to this community.


So is John Norris a sponsor? I haven't seen his name at the top of the page. :lol:


I was under the impression that I had been adding something to this community since I joined. ;)


What exactly does 307 posts (21 pages) of toss called "good to pass the time and funny" contribute to the knowledge distribution stakes? :lol::)

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Get real,would you pay to advertise somewhere that your competitor didn`t ;)


If you don`t like it here don`t stay but please don`t vent spleen because it doesn`t fit with your thoughts.Have a laugh and a bit of craic,join in with a healthy debate,give some of your experience to those that have little.In short add a little to this community.


I thought he just did Henry old chap. I agree with just about every word he said about law, order and government (apart from the bit about the url which I know nothing about).


A. ****.



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I'm not sure "****" has a "K" at the beginning of it. ;):)


This section is called General Banter and as such more light hearted posts are tolerated.


As a member, I have a lot of sympathy with your comments about the quality of some threads and the responses posted on them, but as a Moderator, I do not have the right to edit, or delete the content, (if it is within the Forum Rules), just because I think its a load of tosh.


Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

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John Norris sell this....












Fly Tying




Lures / Baits





....amd the other this.........

Vermin Control Wildfowling Pigeon Decoying Trapping & Snaring DVD / Video


Rifle Scopes Binoculars Night Vision Lamping Equipment Economy


Ferreting Equipment Dog Training Clothing & Footwear


Therefore the first website was removed as it was in direct competition to the sponsor of this site,I can`t make it any plainer than that.The sponsor of this site would,quite rightly,regard that as a breach of contract........ don`t you think?And what would you do if you were the sponsor of a site that allowed direct competitors to link their sites?It doesn`t take a lot to find any shooting sites as long as you type in what you want.

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I'm not sure "****" has a "K" at the beginning of it. ;) :o


This section is called General Banter and as such more light hearted posts are tolerated.


As a member, I have a lot of sympathy with your comments about the quality of some threads and the responses posted on them, but as a Moderator, I do not have the right to edit, or delete the content, (if it is within the Forum Rules), just because I think its a load of tosh.


Everybody is entitled to their opinion.


Thanks Cranners. :)

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John Norris sell this....












Fly Tying




Lures / Baits





....amd the other this.........

Vermin Control Wildfowling Pigeon Decoying Trapping & Snaring DVD / Video


Rifle Scopes Binoculars Night Vision Lamping Equipment Economy


Ferreting Equipment Dog Training Clothing & Footwear


Therefore the first website was removed as it was in direct competition to the sponsor of this site,I can`t make it any plainer than that.The sponsor of this site would,quite rightly,regard that as a breach of contract........ don`t you think?And what would you do if you were the sponsor of a site that allowed direct competitors to link their sites?It doesn`t take a lot to find any shooting sites as long as you type in what you want.


Dear Henry Mac Moderator,


If you are going to delete a link to someones site who sells similar equipment to a site sponsor, you make a hypocrite out of yourself by posting a link to the site of someone who is also not a site sponsor, but still sells the same goods.

If our benevolent sponsor (God bless him ;) ) was to find out that Lurcherboy had purchased his waders from John Norris as a direct result of one of the site moderators providing a link, I fear he may not be best pleased. :o


A lost sale is a lost sale, irrespective of who you lose it to.


Please note that I have not included you in my ***** list so far, but the night is still young...... :)

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With all the ***** and nobs floating about why did you finish your superbly enlightening first post with kiss my ***? :)


**** would have ended the post elequently in my opinion. ;)


Now you've vented your spleen do you feel any better?


Cranners are you getting mixed up with ***'s?



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With all the ***** and nobs floating about why did you finish your superbly enlightening first post with kiss my ***? :o


**** would have ended the post elequently in my opinion. ;)


Now you've vented your spleen do you feel any better?


Cranners are you getting mixed up with ***'s?






Thank you for your comments, which I gladly take on board :)


Whilst I am willing to provide my A** for members to kiss, I am afraid I am unable to extend the invitation to other parts of my anatomy at this point in time. :lol::P:lol:

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5. Mungler, you show seriously knobbish tendencies but are amusing, so I can overlook them. I would however point out that the third "A" is not silent in amalg_m. A man with your immense knowledge should already be aware of this fact. ;)




With my immense spell checker I can add:


menber = member

commited = committed

interpretor = interpreter


This forum is full of up tight self righteous my opinion is more valuable than yours angry ***** and I am glad to see that you have not fallen into that trap :)










Oh wait a mo.............

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Lets all sit back & moan about the state of the Country & how hard we have it.


Criticize those that even though they dont always get it right, have the front to put themself in the fireing line to try to make things better in a rapidley changing Country.


Think that we know best even though we do ****** all about.


Then when we get so fed up with the way things have gone that we turn our unlicensed guns on ourselfs.



You can have your opinion but please forgive me for not joining in, in your narrow minded pessimistic veiw of the Country & its future. ;) IMHO





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5. Mungler, you show seriously knobbish tendencies but are amusing, so I can overlook them. I would however point out that the third "A" is not silent in amalg_m. A man with your immense knowledge should already be aware of this fact. :lol:




With my immense spell checker I can add:


menber = member

commited = committed

interpretor = interpreter


This forum is full of up tight self righteous my opinion is more valuable than yours angry ***** and I am glad to see that you have not fallen into that trap :lol:















Oh wait a mo.............





I type so quickly that my spellchecker cannot keep up the frenzied pace. :P


The trap is so full already there is no room left for me ;):) :o

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