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It is hard to be certain as the details are sketchy.


Couple - alone - in an isolated property - four burglars. You can easily assume the householders were in genuine fear for their lives.


Surprised about the number of burglars - but assuming nothing untoward about the householders emerges - I would say it was going no further.

Edited by Gordon R
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Good on him. Protecting his family from 4 people with unknown intentions. Never know if he didn't have a gun headline could read man and wife murdered.


If it's found to be self defense, with no charge, would he loose his sgc for fireing it????

Edited by parapilot
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Occupiers released ASAP with a quick "Sorry we had to arrest you two but it was a precautionary measure" with SGC kept and renewed next time no problem. Burgulars given stiff sentances.


How it should happen, hopefully it will :good:

Lets hope the story is as told and this is what happens.

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Splendid. That's the way.

I know a farmer (admittedly not in this country) who has a rifle exclusively for human intruders. Its a .30-06 and jolly good it is too.

A re-offending rate of 0% he reckons and no need for expensive rehabilitation. Its the future.

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good lad about time we gave people like this a medal instead there the criminal are laws are so ******* up it unreal vermin like should have there hands chopped off were to soft on them they think the cops are a joke if they was to get caught best they wood get is 80 fine big deal.


Feel free to move to Saudi and enjoy

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All speculation at present but I do see a slight problem with this scenario, in fact any scenario in this country where a firearm is used to 'protect ones life/family/property!'


I do hope it works out as has been mentioned above BUT, let us not forget that sense and sensibility seem to leave the room when people are put on trial for defending themselves...


In the wee hours, the shotgun should have been locked away securely. If the shotgun was liberated from it's cabinet, ammunition located, gun loaded and then used on intruder, it will hardly be seen as a spur of the moment 'grab for something' to defend one's self with but more likely will become 'pre-meditated' and therefore not reasonable force. After all, ithe time it would take to make the gun available and ready would suggest it was gotten out on hearing the intruders early on. If the shotgun was in a place/state to be 'grabbed' and used in an instant for fear of one's life, then it can't have been properly secured in the first place!


Whilst I agree with the sentiments so far, I doubt this one will end well for the homeowner, it's not like grabbing a knife in the heat of the moment and stabbing a burglar... Using a properly secured gun requires planning and preparation to some degree!

Edited by Vipa
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It says that no one has been charged, just suspicions.


And 4 people against 2, you don't know what's going to happen, so they definitely had a reason to be in fear of their lives. As long as the PC brigade don't get involved, justice should be done.

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Without knowing the circumstances it's impossible to say. Hopefully it wont go as far as court. If householder acted appropriately. May some interesting case law if it does.


But cabinet in bedroom, shells on top (not recommended but not against the rules) Single vault lock door keys "to hand" hearing someone downstairs mooching around perfectly possible to get it load it and be ready to use it. 30 seconds or less.



Edited by HDAV
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Could have been cleaning his gun when he heard threatening noises. Or just about to set off on a hunting trip, or just a bout to photograph his weapons before putting them on sale on gunwatch. Theres a million reasons why he could have had it to hand and maybe it saved his life and the lives of his family.

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Is there is a such a thing as" British justice" for the innocent victims we'll see. I hope he does get off with it,I'd do the same,and reload and have another go.

Some Twisted solicitor will support the 4 scumbags and plead there case,and that they were doing no wrong,probably the innocent victim will have his SG revoked,suspended sentence and have to pay compo to the victims :no: .



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It's my opinion that, in time, the inability of the police to protect people from the sort of scumbags who attempt aggravated burglary will result in a groundswell of demand for the use of firearms for home protetection. If the authorities decline to listen, the demand for shotgun certificates will rise accordingly and others will go to the black market for handguns--which will be a nice earner for more criminals. I think the whole subject needs a rethink without the PC ********. We were able to keep guns for home protection--including handguns--as late as the end of the 1940s and the decision to stop the practice was not made by Parliamant as a whole, but by the Home Secretary of the time.


But politicians are afraid of guns because they fear their full troughs and powers over us are threatened by firearms...

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