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ferreting for the first time!


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Whereabouts are you Ryan? There's no substitute for being out with someone, as it's impossible to remember everything you are told if something happens.


I take the food out of my court last thing at night before a trip out, it's something I started doing after speaking to other ferreters and from personal experience it seemed to make a difference - but many others will tell you the opposite so find what works for you and your ferrets.

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Take two..and a spade, i feed them bread and milk with a little sugar before i go so they are less tempted to kill and eat down the bottom of the warren, keeps their belly full but their nose is still keen for blood....dont forget to put one end of the net down the hole.............

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If you are starting out on your own try and keep away from tree roots to begin with.....maybe take a jac and a jill put the jac down the hole leave the jill in the box...gives the jac somewhere to come home to


think Tug has it right, what works for one person dont really works for another...keep it to the basics and you will make it up as you go along......the real bitch is digging out ! i trained my ferrets to the whistle , when i first got them i would always peep-peep on the whistle at feeding time, they soon cottoned on to come then, so when i was out i could whistle them out of a hole and give them a tasty tip-bit.....have fun and let us know how you get on




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Feed them last thing at night DO NOT FEED BREAD, WATER OR SUGER AT ANYTIME!!! As said make sure batteries are full and have a good spade.

If you do have to dig keep checking with the finder to make sure they haven't moved on and dig slowly so as not to collapse the burrow.

I always take 4 ferrets out so that if any do stay down I can put another behind it in the hope they move on also gives them a rest between burries if your out all day.

Make sure you take water with you especially on a hot day so they can have a drink and cool them down if needed.

Take a good set of tree lopers and some secaters to nip off any low branches and roots.

If you cant retrieve your ferret leave the box out with straw in and check it every couple of hours if overnight then leave a folded hessian sack close to the hole with a piece of chicken in it hopefully your ferret will be tucked up sleeping when you check in the morning.

Last but not least a good bag to carry your rabbits home in oh and a big stick to kill the rabbits if your not experienced in neck breaking.

Have fun the best way to learn is by trying!!!

Edited by BRAD1927
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Feed them last thing at night DO NOT FEED BREAD, "WATER" OR SUGER AT ANYTIME!!! As said make sure batteries are full and have a good spade.

If you do have to dig keep checking with the finder to make sure they haven't moved on and dig slowly so as not to collapse the burrow.

I always take 4 ferrets out so that if any do stay down I can put another behind it in the hope they move on also gives them a rest between burries if your out all day.

Make sure you take water with you especially on a hot day so they can have a drink and cool them down if needed.

Take a good set of tree lopers and some secaters to nip off any low branches and roots.

If you cant retrieve your ferret leave the box out with straw in and check it every couple of hours if overnight then leave a folded hessian sack close to the hole with a piece of chicken in it hopefully your ferret will be tucked up sleeping when you check in the morning.

Last but not least a good bag to carry your rabbits home in oh and a big stick to kill the rabbits if your not experienced in neck breaking.

Have fun the best way to learn is by trying!!!


So which is it water or no water. :hmm:

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So which is it water or no water. :hmm:


Don't feed them bread, or anything that isn't meat.


Water is fine, infact bring some a long as ferrets can get very hot and thirsty! I used to stop for a cup of tea for me and some water (with a drop of ferrtone) for the fuzz.

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Also if you are going by yourself, only work one ferret at a time. Ferreting solo can be hectic when you've got a rabbit trying to escape a net, another one bolting, and the ferret wandering off by himself. Don't over do it and stick to small open areas for now where you can see everything going on, staying away from hedgerows (etc) until you've got another person helping you out.


Also, don't get over excited - wait a good 15 minutes between placing the nets and dropping your ferret in.

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Never a true a word spoken,i can't believe people still give their ferrets bread and milk.

Theres enough care sheets around to read about them.


totally agree........


Dont feed them , we always worked ferrets hungry as they hunt much better !


hmmm,do you go to work on an empty stomach? :hmm:

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Actually DAZ yes I used to go to work with no breakfast and wait for elevenses. But a ferret will work much better hungry as it is doing what comes natural and hunting for a meal , believe me we did this for years and often took bags of 60 - 70 rabbits a day.

If they have a full belly they are lethargic and dont hunt to full potential.

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Actually DAZ yes I used to go to work with no breakfast and wait for elevenses. But a ferret will work much better hungry as it is doing what comes natural and hunting for a meal , believe me we did this for years and often took bags of 60 - 70 rabbits a day.

If they have a full belly they are lethargic and dont hunt to full potential.


fair enough mate,each to their own,but i always give mine a little something to keep energy levels up so they dont tire too quickly...

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fair enough mate,each to their own,but i always give mine a little something to keep energy levels up so they dont tire too quickly...


Jills tire much quicker than hobs , we used to use big hobs which could graft all day . It cant be pleasant getting kicked in the face all day long by rabbits , we noticed sometimes jills would only stick half a day because of this.

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People tend to do what works for them.I always give mine a little something prior to going out,the theory being that if they make a kill inderground they're less likely to feast and then go to sleep.A mate works his without feeding,the theory being that they're more prone to hunt better.

He likes digging,I don't.He uses locators,I don't.Each to their own.

In time you'll find out what works best for you.

Edited by Scully
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