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BASC questions Police and Crime Commissioner candidates.

David BASC

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Finally got this from the Conservative candidate after a gee up e-mail asking why she hadn't responded. Still nothing from the Labour or Independent candidates:


Dear Mr 'Blunderbus',

I am sorry not to have responded sooner. As you will no doubt appreciate I am receiving tens of emails a day, most of which ask detailed questions as you have done. I attempt to answer each one in detail, but this takes time and as I am travelling around the county from very early in the morning until late at night, it is taking longer than I would like to respond to emails.

In brief, I am aware of all of the issues you raise and have had a meeting with the British Association of Shooting and Conservation to discuss these matters. Gloucestershire residents are entitled to possess firearms and shotguns as prescribed by law. I have said throughout this campaign that I will not make commitments concerning the budget until I have had access to the books, which will not happen for any candidate until after the election. Accordingly, I will say at this stage that I understand your concerns and will look into the detail of the licensing department budget if I am elected.

Kind regards,



Making Gloucestershire Safer

Conservative Candidate for Gloucestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner

07503 547063


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Dear Mr Reynolds, many thanks indeed for contacting me and for the time taken to do so. Please be reassured that as someone whose family members are regular shooters, I am very supportive of the issues you raise (although I am a lousy shot!).

I've answered your questions below. I am very concerned that my opponent is very York-centric. She doesn't drive and I don't believe she's ever been anywhere near a shoot (other than probably to protest!). If you have a network of people who want someone who will bat for you and won't divert resources to York, please could you spread the word and encourage people to vote....


Many thanks

With kind regards


Her father ran the shoot in sawley near ripon for a while and her brothers shoot...

North yorkshire conservative candidate!

Edited by demonwolf444
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This is the reply I received from the Lib Dem candidate. He replied straight away, the Conservative replied a week later (see above) after a prompt. Still nothing from the Independent or Labour candidate.


Dear 'Blunderbuss',


Thank you for your e mail about firearms licensing. I support the right of individuals to lawfully own firearms for sport or business. In order to do this there needs to be an effective licensing process in place which ensures that the necessary checks are carried out. The process also needs to be administered in a timely fashion. I was therefore concerned to read about applications taking 5 months or more which could well have an impact on somebody's livelihood.


If elected as Police and Crime Commissioner, I will review the licensing arrangements and consider if measures are needed to ensure the licensing process is carried out efficiently and in good time. My main concern will be to ensure the correct procedures are in place so that only the right people are in possession of firearms.


Yours sincerely


Alistair Cameron

Liberal Democrat Candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Just had a reply from Rachel Rodgers, Labour candidate for Dorset. She pointedly fails to respond directly to the principle question or express support for gun ownership:


Dear Gimlet

thank you for your very informative email. Gun ownership is something that I have no personal experience of, though I am aware that many Dorset people rely on guns for their livlihood and use them in their leisure activities.


I am pleased that you are so supportive of the existing Firearms Licensing Department and I hope to be in a position to ensure that they continue to provide excellent service.


I very much hope that this helps.


Rachel Rodgers

Labour's candidate for Police and Crime Comissioner in Dorset.

@Dorset Rachel


I call that an evasive answer.

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Just had a holding reply from the Independent candidate after me berating him for not responding to me. I'll post his full reply later. 3 out of 4, only the Labour candidate not bothered so far .


Dear Mr 'Blunderbuss',


I hope you will accept my apology for the lack of response, it was an oversight on my part., I have checked back in my inbox and confirm I did receive it and had flagged it for a response. The error is entirely mine, but it was not my intention to ignore your question as I have had a policy of responding to all questions within 48 hours. I will reply to you later today.






Martin Surl


Edited by Blunderbuss
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I had a Tory reply straight away, Labour the following day (both posted earlier)


no reply from Lib Dems


no email address for UKIP so I rang him and asked for his email address so I could ask him some questions


So after him giving it to me, me repeating it to check it was right, him agreeing, turns out it doesnt exist???


Wont vote Labour so it's looking like the Tories



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Best reply so far. This is the Independent candidate:


Dear Mr Blunderbuss,


I have no issue with the lawful ownership of firearms for sport or business and do not see legal ownership of firearms and shotguns as a contributory factor to crime.

I do disapprove of the apparent wide spread availability of replica section one firearms as there is evidence these are used in crime. Equally importantly from the police angle they raise the stakes when officers are faced by them as they have no way of knowing the extent of the danger they are in and therefore may respond with lethal force or make the wrong assessment and be shot themselves.


Having lived in the county for 55 years I know recreational shooting is something enjoyed by many and even though I don’t shoot myself (except with an air rifle for vermin control) I have no problem with it. I must say I didn’t realise the extent until the London Olympics when I saw our Gold Medallist had trained just down the road from me at Ian Coley’s range. I have visit the range a few time and had shot there a couple of times when it was owned by a friend of mine David Smith.


I do object and I’m sure you do too, to illegal hare shots in the dead of night. I think by the use of intelligence gathering these people should be identified and either deterred or caught. I doubt this will end up being at the top of the list of priorities for the police due to the financial situation, but it should not be ignored.


I was not aware there was such a problem with the issue of firearms & shotgun certificate as I have not worked directly for Gloucestershire Police during the last five years. (I have been doing counter terrorism). The situation you describe is unacceptable and needs resolution and it came as quite a surprise. If elected I will undertake to meet with you, review the problem and report back within three months of the election. (Hopefully quicker & I have made a clear note to do this and have put measures in place to make sure it doesn’t get overlooked).

Dealing with your summary; I have no issue with lawful individual ownership of firearms or shotguns be they for sport or business and yes I will make sure the licensing department provides an acceptable service. I have no intention of presiding over 4 years of decline if I am commissioner. It will be tough but achievable.


Finally I am very embarrassed not to have responded to your first email, it was an oversight which should not have happened. Please either call or email me if you have any further questions.

I've attached my manifesto for your information but it can also be viewed on my website www.policecommissioner.net






I haven't replied yet, but he seems generally pro shooting and keen to get to the bottom of delays in the licensing department. Not too sure about the replica point? I thought 'realistic imitation firearms' were no longer on general sale under the VCR act? I know for realistic air soft guns for example you have to be registered in some way? No issue with his hare comments though. He has agreed to meet with me if he's elected to talk about this - David BASC, if that happens I'd appreciate a briefing first.


I think he gets my vote.

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Just had a reply from Rachel Rodgers, Labour candidate for Dorset. She pointedly fails to respond directly to the principle question or express support for gun ownership:


Dear Gimlet

thank you for your very informative email. Gun ownership is something that I have no personal experience of, though I am aware that many Dorset people rely on guns for their livlihood and use them in their leisure activities.


I am pleased that you are so supportive of the existing Firearms Licensing Department and I hope to be in a position to ensure that they continue to provide excellent service.


I very much hope that this helps.


Rachel Rodgers

Labour's candidate for Police and Crime Comissioner in Dorset.

@Dorset Rachel


I call that an evasive answer.


I wonder if sending another email from a different address, expressing an anti-gun sentiment, would get her to reveal her true colours?

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Nottinghamshire area: Tony Roberts (conservative) had already responded confirming support - I contacted Paddy Tipping (labour) last week - he was showing then as not having responded - he emailed me back quite quickly to confirm that he does support lawful shooting and has worked a lot with the BASC, he is even an occasional shooter himself. He said he sent an email into BASC asking them to add his response to the list (which they have now done).


i didnt bother to contact the other candidates (not sure it was worth the effort).

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2 from the 4 i emailed the labour candidate has no email, just a twittter feed! Appropriate ???


I asked about a number of subjects without playing the "i'm a gun owner card"


Tony Verderame

Thank you for your E-mail, I don't know if you are aware I was the first industrialist in the City of Cardiff to initiate Doorstep Crime prevention and education Road Shows in high consultation with local authorities the police and other agencies to look into serious complaints made by members of our communities.


I'm pleased to announce under my policy schemes we have significantly reduced the anti social behaviour in Cardiff Central, I have also changed some areas in Cardiff from dumping grounds to become very prestigious. Referring dog fouling, graffiti and illegal fire arms the law must be revamped by reflection of the public, as soon as I would take office I would not just spend time in the community but also with people like yourself who can play a significant role in the future.


Your vote for Tony Verderame on the 15th November 2012, is the vote for transparency, unity,justice and safety across South Wales.


Quick life history, I have been in business for the past 40 years as a Mechanical Electronics Engineer, created my own companies, worked for Fiat and Alfa Romeo/Ministry of Transport. and with Police and Local Authority at every level on a volunteer basis. I received Her Majesty the Queens award in 2006, and several police awards in connection to community safety.



Kind regards Tony




A. Verderame M.Eng.,QA

Independent Candidate for Police Crime Commissioner


Mike Baker


Thank you for the message, I have made a pledge that I will work with communities to ensure their concerns drive the office of commissioner that means that where incidents of anti social behaviour, graffiti and vandalism are committed then the law is in place and they will be dealt with. The problem is that with the cuts in police budgets of £48m for South Wales the number of officers has been reduced with little prospect of an increase in the next few years. I would like to see an increase in 'Special' Constables from local communities to assist regular officers, this would be cost effective and would allow right minded members of the public to take some ownership of their communities. When you say 'Status Dogs' I assume you mean the big aggressive type of dogs, again the law is in place regarding dangerous dogs, but there is no law that says a person cannot have a large dog, it becomes a problem when the dog is either ill-treated or used in a violent manner i.e. setting the dog on someone, again the law is in place for these events. The issue is having resources to deal with them.

I have no issue with people lawfully owning firearms for a proper purpose, provided there are correct safety measures in place, namely the weapons are secured in an approved cabinet and only used at the correct venues in a safe way, then there is no issue. use of weapons outside a lawful purpose adds an extra dimension to any offence and creates a more serious situation and must be dealt with robustly.

Speed cameras have been made the subject of a great deal of comment in the past, namely that they are cash generators for local authorities, the fact is that speed causes accidents and cameras have made a difference in certain places where serious injury or fatal accidents have occurred. I am in favour of speed cameras in general, I am not in favour of them being placed at short distances on the same road, such as where there may be three or four cameras in a short distance. I am in favour of them at accident black spots. I would finish by saying that we have all seen the foolish driver who is a danger when driving at a breakneck speed and there is no police officer around, in those circumstances the camera is a good thing, we just need to find a balance.


I hope this helps


Kindest Regards



Michael A Baker

Independent Candidate for Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales


So both independents replied neither party candidate has............

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I received this reply from the UKIP candidate in Kent (who on paper looks the best qualified to be a Police Commissioner).


"Thanks for getting in touch: I am content that people without criminal records or mental illness, and with a legitimate reason (such as target or game shooting) for holding a legitimate (as opposed to a prohibited) firearm may lawfully hold firearms subject to the conditions of licences or shotgun certificates, I take it by "business" you mean Gun Dealers.

I will do my best to ensure an efficient and effective firearms licensing department in Kent.

Best wishes,

Piers Wauchope "

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I had this reply from the Conservative candidate for Norfolk who is an ex-army colonel.



Dear Mr Whitebridges,


Thanks for getting in touch. I am in favour of legal firearms and shotgun ownership: it seems completely reasonable to me that responsible people should be able to own firearms and shotguns for sport and collecting. I have a firearms licence and a shotgun certificate and, based on my own experience, I think that the current system of application and checking in Norfolk is satisfactory - the Constabulary already uses expert retired police officers, which is very efficient.


You are quite correct to say that shooting and other country sports are an important part of Norfolk life and they are under no threat from anything that i would do as PCC.


with best regards,



Jamie Athill

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Had this one from the Lib dem fella today,


Seems a bit wooly to me.....


"Dear Shaun,


I support the current legislation on firearms. I am not against people owning firearms if they and their guns are properly licensed in accordance with the legislation. At the same time I don't think that there is any need for relaxing the rules about ownership of guns.


If I am elected to be the Police and Crime Commissioner, my intention is to do my best to gather the views of local communities, including minority communities, and channel these towards to police such that the stting of police priorities and policies are aligned with preferences of local communities, respecting also differences between different parts of the Northubria Police area. I do not intend to use my personal or party political preferences to set particular policing priorities or policies beyond my general committment to democratic transparency and responsiveness to community needs. I intend to set the budget such that it reflects the priorities of local communities, including priorities of minority communities. I intend to set any component budget, including the budget for the firearms licensing department, within this framework.


With respect to the organisation and functioning of the firearms licensing department: this is an operational issue and as a PCC I would not interfere in operational issues, which will be dealt with by the Chief Constable.


Best regards,


Peter Andras

Liberal Democrat Candidate for Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner"


up to now of the 3 Ive posted it looks like the Tory bloke for me,


Only one that hasnt replied has been the UKIP chap who gave me the wrong email address even after double checking it was the right one (see previous posts)



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