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BASC questions Police and Crime Commissioner candidates.

David BASC

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Just noticed that one of the candidates for Greater Manchester is an ex police officer with 30 yrs service , wonder if that experience will be useful to the role ?

Same situation in West Yorkshire.

Cedric Christie is an ex det insp (retired last year with 30 years service) He is the only independent candidate, so whether or not he has the right experience, he seems to me to be the obvious choice because he is the only candidate with any experience - the other 3 are all representing the usual political parties and none of those will get my vote.

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The only info I can find is:

  • Telephone: 077 8921 7990
  • Website: www.alunmichael.net
  • Twitter: @alunmichael
  • Post: c/o Mike Payne (election agent) at Alexandra House, Swansea SA1 5ED

Yes same as i found (no email!) i did send an email to his old parliament address but no reply to that, I dont do twitter perhaps you could ask him via Twitter?



I did post here the reply I had from Tony Verderame who i noticed had not replied to your email.

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from that website...



Well found beardy.........


Will email him tomorrow it certainly wasn't there last week!


While the conservative candidate may have phoned BASC no reply to my email!


It will be interesting as so many are double ticks how many when elected will slash liscencing office operations to cut costs.....

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I e-mailed all 4 of the candidates for Avon & Somerset a week or so ago, and asked this among other questions. So far, only one has replied. He makes some good points, supports legal firearm use and is happy to talk to BASC. The only trouble is, he's a Lib Dem. :s There's a Labor candidate who didn't reply to BASC, an independent & a Conservative who both said yes to both of BASCs questions. It goes against the grain to vote for a Liberal, but if the others won't even bother to reply before they're elected, what use are they likely to be once they've got the job?

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Thanks all,


as you will see the boxes are filling up but there are stil some to chase!


Please help if you can.







I've been in touch with Anthony Armstrong the UKIP candidate for Sussex. He has now changed his "x" for a tick.



Just for clarification I will repeat that I do not see any problems with legally held firearms. It is unfortunate that most criminals do not apply for licenses! I will also be pleased to meet with BASC after I am elected.

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I've been in touch with Anthony Armstrong the UKIP candidate for Sussex.



Just for clarification I will repeat that I do not see any problems with legally held firearms. It is unfortunate that most criminals do not apply for licenses! I will also be pleased to meet with BASC after I am elected.



Cock. He won't be simples.

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Two ticks maybe but is this as result of being taken to task over her lack of response? Based on this fact alone my vote will NOT be going her way!


I've also Emailed the Essex candidates. The UKIP candidate (Smith) has made no response at all, so no vote going his way either.


Nick Alston (conservative) has at least replied to my Emails but, in my opinion, has failed to give clear and consistent answers. Starting to limit the field a bit...


These people really need to wake up to these issues (although they are not only ones but are ones important to a lot people who have the vote) and take note.


Thanks for your efforts Christopher.


This was the responce i got from Nick. How does it compair to the one you received ?


Dear Paul

Many thanks for getting in touch.

I support the responsible private ownership and legal use of firearms.

I am afraid I am not fully informed about how firearms licensing is managed by Essex Police and so I have no plans for any change. However I am clear that I would expect and require that there is an effective and cost efficient system in place for the licensing of legally held weapons. That system should ensure so far as is possible that the persons holding firearms are reliable and responsible and aware of their responsibilities; that the weapons are held securely; and that the system enables the police to build a relationship with responsible firearms owners.

I hope this helps - and I will now make it my business to find out about the issues re licensing etc.

Kind regards

Nick Alston

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On a side note for those in Herts - here's their responses to the question of privatising / outsourcing to G4S...


Not all of them have given a clear answer about privatisation, some have made a distinction between “back office” and “frontline” privatisation. Others have said they won’t privatise but may consider outsourcing - having a private company take over some parts of the work that police forces do.



Sherma Batson MBE (Labour):

I do not have any connection to companies looking for police contracts. I thought it might be helpful for you to see the copy of a letter I sent to the the Comet in July which was published just after the announcement that G4S would not be able to deliver for London 2012 I assume you did not see it:


The true cost of cuts to our police force, Comet of 19 July

Sir, in response to comments on your letters page last week I confirm a statement I made on 25 June. As Labour's prospective candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner, I am firmly opposed to the outsourcing of police services to a private company. The plan to outsource back-office functions is driven by the aim to realise the maximum cost savings as quickly as possible. This is being done in haste without sufficient evidence that services on which our police rely will be unaffected. At the meeting of Hertfordshire Police Authority in June, the suggestion that other options for the delivery of the services should be considered was rejected. The Authority resolved that only one business case be developed for the delivery of Organisational Support services across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.


The Chief Constable was asked to develop a business case which would ultimately favour G4S. There was no question of considering an alternative option at that time, although Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Police Authority members were yet to agree. At the meeting in Hertford, some of the independent members were clearly uncomfortable at the risk that this would present but were outnumbered by the Tory majority. The only concession allowed was that the decision to go ahead with the G4S option did not necessarily have to be made before the abolition of police authorities in November. It was also clear that the Chair, Cllr David Lloyd, preferred that the decision be made before the election of the new Police and Crime Commissioner.


The massive failure of G4S to deliver services for the Olympic Games is proof that transferring so much into the hands of a private provider is far too big a risk to take and Cllr Lloyd was wrong to dissuade otherwise sensible colleagues from considering other options.


Christopher Townsend (LibDems):

1. I am opposed to the G4S outsourcing plan and know how to make savings through other means (collaboration with other counties).


2. No, I have no such connections.


3. We must not privatise any core police services, but, as a last resort only, we may have to outsource some of the administration (only!) parts given the financial situation the country was left in.


David Lloyd (Conservatives):

There are two issues - which are being (I suspect deliberately) confused by some.


Firstly whether we need to outsource - and the argument for this seems particulary strong; I do not think it is essential that back office services such as HR, payroll, legal and IT are kept in-house and certainly not at a premium cost. As you might already know, some operations, such as forensics are already outsourced. If we are to keep police officers on the frontline (and an independent report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary says we are one of the best at this) we will need to make savings in the back office if we are to keep the books balanced.


The second issue is whether G4S are used - I am not a cheerleader for G4S, but taking forward a business case with them will allow us to compare the market and see what the lowest cost for providing the service will be - and one of the questions we will need to ask is whether the public would have confidence in G4S (who are already providing the service for Lincolnshire). I will make that decision on the facts before me if elected - but I will be very interested to see the alternative options which are already starting to come forward.


Let me assure you, there is no suggestion that Policing (the work of frontline officers) is being outsourced.


Finally, I have no pecuniary interest in any company involved in outsourcing.



Marion Mason (UKIP):

I do not agree with outsourcing / Privatising any section of the police force.


I do not have any connections with G4S or any other similar company.

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Well the Labour candidate Vera Baird got in for Northumbria


Her is her response to my question


Dear Shaun,

I support the rights of individuals as you outline for sport and I am aware that there is the wide diversity of activities in the county that you refer to. I used to live in rural West Durham and we had licensed guns. Allthough I was never a very good shot I did enjoy target shooting with a 22 rifle. I didn't get very good at handling a shotgun but had an ambition, never fulfilled to do some clay pigeon shooting. I didn't stay long because being a barrister requires a lot of travel to courts, sometimes at short notice and so I needed to move into Newcastle for transport and convenience. So I do know a little bit more about firearms and their recreational uses than may be most people would expect of a town-living Labour person.


Obviously it is even more important to acknowledge the right of individuals to own firearms for their business and their work.


I have had quite a few conversations about this as I have travelled around parts of rural Northumberland county, campaigning.I think there is concern that somehow this importance is not understood. But I do understand it.

As for Firearms Licensing, the department will be under pressure; the law changed on a specific date resulting 'all' licenses requiring renewing at the same time, this is what causes the demand, not the volume. Northumbria have over recent years boosted the department during these peak times and also used police officers to conduct the license checks. From my contact so far Northumbria Police are well aware of the risks involved and treat firearms licensing with the appropriate level of importance, this will continue, if I am PCC, as to do otherwise places the public at unnecessary risk, which is at odds with increasing public safety and trust and confidence.


It is an important area of business that I will continue to managed effectively for those reasons.


thanks for writing and let me know if I can answer further for you"


To be honest Northumbria have always been very fair with me and people I know




Edited by shaun4860
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Best reply so far. This is the Independent candidate:


Dear Mr Blunderbuss,


I have no issue with the lawful ownership of firearms for sport or business and do not see legal ownership of firearms and shotguns as a contributory factor to crime.

I do disapprove of the apparent wide spread availability of replica section one firearms as there is evidence these are used in crime. Equally importantly from the police angle they raise the stakes when officers are faced by them as they have no way of knowing the extent of the danger they are in and therefore may respond with lethal force or make the wrong assessment and be shot themselves.


Having lived in the county for 55 years I know recreational shooting is something enjoyed by many and even though I don’t shoot myself (except with an air rifle for vermin control) I have no problem with it. I must say I didn’t realise the extent until the London Olympics when I saw our Gold Medallist had trained just down the road from me at Ian Coley’s range. I have visit the range a few time and had shot there a couple of times when it was owned by a friend of mine David Smith.


I do object and I’m sure you do too, to illegal hare shots in the dead of night. I think by the use of intelligence gathering these people should be identified and either deterred or caught. I doubt this will end up being at the top of the list of priorities for the police due to the financial situation, but it should not be ignored.


I was not aware there was such a problem with the issue of firearms & shotgun certificate as I have not worked directly for Gloucestershire Police during the last five years. (I have been doing counter terrorism). The situation you describe is unacceptable and needs resolution and it came as quite a surprise. If elected I will undertake to meet with you, review the problem and report back within three months of the election. (Hopefully quicker & I have made a clear note to do this and have put measures in place to make sure it doesn’t get overlooked).

Dealing with your summary; I have no issue with lawful individual ownership of firearms or shotguns be they for sport or business and yes I will make sure the licensing department provides an acceptable service. I have no intention of presiding over 4 years of decline if I am commissioner. It will be tough but achievable.


Finally I am very embarrassed not to have responded to your first email, it was an oversight which should not have happened. Please either call or email me if you have any further questions.

I've attached my manifesto for your information but it can also be viewed on my website www.policecommissioner.net






I haven't replied yet, but he seems generally pro shooting and keen to get to the bottom of delays in the licensing department. Not too sure about the replica point? I thought 'realistic imitation firearms' were no longer on general sale under the VCR act? I know for realistic air soft guns for example you have to be registered in some way? No issue with his hare comments though. He has agreed to meet with me if he's elected to talk about this - David BASC, if that happens I'd appreciate a briefing first.


I think he gets my vote.


I voted for Martin and interestingly in my area "Cotswolds" over 19% turnout - and Martin won.

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