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6-10 guns - Want to start a syndicate (joint partnership) - North Wal

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Who would like to stat up a syndicate with me from the wirral area? (NOW!)


in short I am looking for 6-10 guns to join me in a completely open book management of , this year rough, next year our own birds shoot. 500 acres in total (split between 2 lands) plus 2 duck ponds. (exclusively on all unless we decide we can bring guests)


These lands come complete with a keeper of 20 years, man and boy living and beating in the area. It is my intention he will be paid well. Fed well and beer'ed up.

We have the feeders and grain. We are ready to roll for the start of the season.


6-8 guns (or more) who are not Syndicate owners, land hunters, but want to go when you can to the shoot, at least fortnightly, in a group or as I like, 2 of with own dogs. A democracy where we all decide what is best for the land, what we want to do with it going forward etc.I want to go on every saturday, meet up with a couple of lads, organise a rough, walk up, mini drive, what ever. Have a good walk with my dogs, miss everything in the air, have a laugh over a beer... and let off steam.


I have 3 areas in the north of wales I am talking to the land owners about. These are not definite but we have a backup piece of land. The duck ponds are a cert. depending on the response will depend on what we can afford.

  1. 250 acres plus 100 acre separate areas we can use in the afternoon only. Sheep land in a valley completely secluded with one route in and out. I never saw a car or a person on my shoots. (I got pics)
    20-40 degree incline west facing. River at the bottom. Larks' wood, hedges, gorse 2 dingle, 2 coppice 6 feeders (6? to go in). On the south side (not part of the shoot) is heather.
    For the summer it is full of bunnies. Full of them!
    I cut my teeth on this land. There has been no birds put down for 5 years but I out of 6 rough visits bagged 2 bunnies, 8 pheasant, 3 woodcock (my first) , the odd crow and jay, its a valley and the birds don’t leave. It can easily be a full 6 hours walk from end to end top to bottom.

  1. 200-250 acres of sheep land again. South facing 20 - 30 degree incline. Big pine spruce and oak wood. Crops on 2 fields. Had birds down 2 years ago to support an estate. The pen are still there but I don’t know ho many or how many feeders.
    Intention again next season is to put bird down. This would be welcomed and supported from surrounding estates.

  2. Duck shoot. 2 ponds. This is a cert. 500 ducks went down last year and there are still wild (counted 60 on saturday) living quite happily there. I will be honest we have been able to get 50 for this year (ducks ready in 6 weeks) Plus goose use the run as there flight in but you need a sharp eye to hit them as they are high. We have been and are feeding the ponds a bag a week.
    Next season it is the intention to put in 500 again. If not just to put back to the regions level (share and share alike) but to pay for our way for next year by accompanied guests. Again we will work out the figures and all agree up front.


So what do I want to start with is 6-10 guns.

Money obviously.. Estimate dependant on Response £300 -£500 for the year

(I can split and pay on the go as is needed if you cannot effort this up front. I wont stand you over just cos you are not rolling in it. As I said this is open book non profit making, keeping the keeper happy gig.)

Offer open to young guns, old guns, young guns, lady guns, new guns.

Support on mini drives, help with the pens, feed the bins, pest control in the summer, keep the piece and the sport respectable.

Licence and insurance a must.

And prefer local chaps only Wirral, Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales.


I will make this clear, if I get sniff of anyone out for themselves or to make money they will not be entertained... my biggest announce of what it meant to be a gentlemen sport is being shafted by syndicate owners who disappear with your money, last minute directions to land and having to leave quickly because the owner arrives...


PM me if you want to have a chat, meet for a drink, see the pics and discuss the numbers. This is a totally genuine offer from someone who just wants to shoot.



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