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Flocking Pigeons!!!

pigeon controller

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Anyone who handles hundreds of pigeons knows what a nuisance and time consuming exercise it is.

To imagine that anyone would unload a hundred odd birds from a freezer, take them into a field and photograph them ( using a different field every time), just to pretend they were shooting loads of birds is laughable.


PC has given up most of his secrets, he lives in the Forest of Arden area, he shoots most days, is a good shot and knows what he is doing.

Duplicate that list and you will be able to take the same photographs as he does...........and no I haven't forgotten the magic brown eye bands. ;)


Thanks PC

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You only get results like that, by doing your homework, having years of experiance in pigeon shooting, and doing all the leg work finding the pigeons, to get your good results, fair play to you mate, you tick all the right boxes, when it comes to pigeon shoting :good: :good:



Thanks lads you restored my trust in human nature, thanks again for all your support.



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First I'd like thank you all for your support. With reference to door knocking we find that just asking for a days shooting gets your feet in the door. At the end of day pop in and thank them.


I'll try that - thanks for the tip. It seems that, like most things in life this all comes down to good manners. When I finally get somewhere, I just hope there are at least a couple of pigeons left in Warwickshire, after you and DB have finished!

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at the end of the day you must ave the 3 things you need for good bags pc, not in any order,you ave plenty of pigeons about, the you ave good field craft to get the ******* in range, and last but not least you can shoot, end of realy and fair play to you.

:good: they are the key ingredients and he just does it very well
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Pc, I also know that you are 100% genuine with your posts. As has already been said, lugging pigeons from pillar to post to photograph on different fields would be a very time consuming and back breaking exercise.

Though i shoot nowhere near as many birds as you, i have shot over 50 100+ bags in my shortish 'career', and i'd bet that there would be many people who wouldn't believe that, either.

Keep it up, Pc, i enjoy reading about your exploits!

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Pc, I also know that you are 100% genuine with your posts. As has already been said, lugging pigeons from pillar to post to photograph on different fields would be a very time consuming and back breaking exercise.

Though i shoot nowhere near as many birds as you, i have shot over 50 100+ bags in my shortish 'career', and i'd bet that there would be many people who wouldn't believe that, either.

Keep it up, Pc, i enjoy reading about your exploits!


Thanks for your support, I'll keep posting.


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