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All - i know ther have been a couple of posts on here about the e-cig but i was hoping that a few of you could help me out. I smoke roll-ups (Drum) so i would guess that i need the higher nicotine level cartridges to begin. What i am confused about are all the different types available so could you proffer your view on which ones have given you the necessary kick to quit real fags please especially if you were also a roll-up smoker too. Are they really as good as a fag any of them?? (i live in hope they are :lol: !!).

I should point out that i've tried the quite horrible chewing gums and sprays etc and they just felt like i'd chewed a dog-end !!! :sick:


Thanks for the help


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I have given up nearly 6 months now! I have been going cold turkey but had a few E cigs when I used to go out with my mates so if I got the temptation I could just use the E fag. You WILL NOT need a higher nicotine level, I was a 25 a day Drum/roll up man and it made me cough on the first toke! Get one, I feel much better for giving up, whats the point in smoking......it kills you, costs you money and makes you stink!

Go one, buy one and give up the fags.

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I gave up 18months ago and use e cigs for the first 6 months

Forget about getting something that tastes like a fag and try lots of samples until you find something you like

Ry4 was my favourite from liberty flights, they are also pretty good for the cigs

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I've switched to e-cigs and i've not a had a real one in 4 months. :good: I have to say though i'm a social smoker and only smoke (or have any craving to) when i drink. I was at a bit of a loss to quit as i effectively did every Sunday :rolleyes: I don't have any of the withdrawal symptoms and if shooting stops me drinking, which it frequently does, i can go for any length of time without wanting a cigarette.


Anyway, i had a poke about the internet and ended up opting for Skycig http://www.skycig.co.uk/ The starter kit comes with the case which is that same size as a 20 pack and is the charger for the batteries (you charge the case from either a computer or the mains), 2 batteries and 5 different flavour nicotine cartridges (called cartomizers). There is always promo codes for the starter kit and you usually get £38 off, so including P&P its only £15! I bought 2 packs of cartomizers once i decided what flavour i liked but now i just buy the liquid to refill the cartomizers and it works out even cheaper!



It's almost the same as smoking a real cigarette

Its 30-80% cheaper than cigarettes (depending on where you buy your cartomizers or e-liquid from)

It doesn't do you any* harm

It doesn't make you stink

They're safe to use around other people including kids etc

You can use them in SOME bars/restaurants without having to go outside like a leper


*other than keeping you addicted to nicotine



Its ALMOST the same as smoking a real cigarette - you get the hit on the back of your throat from the vapour but you don't get the same 'rush')

Charging batteries is a hassle

You need to buy your stuff ahead of time (Unless you can find a shop that sells them)


With regard to the strength, if i'm having one when i'm 100% sober or just had a few drinks the normal 12mg ones are fine, however, if i'm having a bit of a sup i need to use 18mg ones to 'feel' it :innocent:


Have a look on Youtube, there are plenty of review videos out there and you can often find the discount codes there too. This guy is HILARIOUS!


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I tried skycig and found i wasnt getting what i wanted.

I did loads of research and found this http://www.volcano-ecigs.co.uk/inferno-electronic-cigarette-starter-kit.html

Its an expensive start up kit but the vapour is much better.

Using this i have given up the normal cigarettes and the kit only cost me a weeks worth of marlboro lights.

Its easy to use and the vapour produced is good.

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My mate finds ecigs very expensive, he gets through a few because he tends to flick them out of car windows when he's had a bit to drink lol. Absolutely true. So on that basis I can only assume they're quite realistic though I gave up a long time before they came about and I do still miss em' now and again too.

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Google "E-liquid". I bought the Titan Tank from Totally Wicked. They have lots of different flavours and strengths to choose from. Had it about a month and am using it to ween myself off the weed. It is working but slowly. Packet of fags now lasts me just over 2 days as opposed to 20 a day.


The main flavour I use is Blended Virginia and it comes pretty close to the real thing.

Edited by Uncle Albert
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