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double trio


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I had spent all afternoon zeroing in all my rifles with a mate as I had planned to go fox shooting on Friday night.






The forecast was rain for later on this evening. We met up and set off about 7.00pm and arriving at the first farm it started to rain. We drove round the whole farm and not one set of eyes anywhere., We couldn't believe it, our favourite farm for a guaranteed few foxes. We moved on to another fancied farm and yet again; 500 acres and not a thing showing. By now it was chucking it down and we were getting very wet lamping out of the open windows. Onto a third farm and after an initial once round again nothing showing. The stubble fields were very wet and slushy and so we kept to the tracks only. The only thing moving was the farmer ploughing in the top field. I don't know who was the nuttiest- him or us.


We got the coffee out and lamped and squeaked for about half an hour , when at long last one fox started to run up the hill straight toward the jeep. Wrong angle for a window shot , so I had to jump out and shoot off the bonnet. Lamped him again and had to Bark to stop him. I dropped him and I was just about to jump back into the jeep out of the rain when Alan motioned me there was another one coming in behind the !st one. Back on the bonnet went my rifle and after about 10 minutes squeaking and calling him he finally presented a shot. 2 down and now feeling a bit happier for our troubles, albeit a bit wet.


Just sat there calling and having a coffee when a 3rd fox was now moving towards us from my left. A quick remanouvre of the jeep to give me an angle and back on with the lamp. He had moved about 20 yards and was head down and grubbing about. I barked again and he looked up for a couple of seconds too long. 3 foxes in 15 minutes from virtually the same spot. It was now midnight and the rain was getting heavier so we had a quick last drive round but nothing else about. I said I would return in the morning and try and find the bodies.




Up at 5.00 am as we were off to the river for a bit of goose shooting. We met up on the motorway and headed to the river. We arrived about 15 minutes before daylight and quickly put out the decoys. It was foggy as hell and we saw the first skein flying well over to our right in the distance. It was very cold standing about waiting for our chance. We then saw 5 or 6 more skeins fly over us but none within range. We then all split up and after about another I spotted about 10 heading straight toward me. At the last 200 yards they veered to my right and I had to sprint down the hedgerow to cut them off. Finally , they flew straight over my head and bang,bang,bang 1,2,3 dropped to my gun. Happy days , a lovely trio of geese. My second only on that river. Al and his son came over to congratulate me and we waited for another hour or so and then on the road to look for some pigeons.










Trio of foxes last night and now a trio of geese. I am BUZZING!!!!!!


I drove to last night's farm to look for the foxes and after a bit of walking about my dog found them and I couldn't believe that the first 2 foxes I shot were facing each other about 2 feet apart. Almost kissing lol. Unbelievable.










I got a phone call from the boys to say they had found nothing in their patch so I headed to the far end of my patch and finally spotted a few pigeons on the wheat stubbles. They joined me soon after and we set up in 2 fields for a couple of hours and ended up with 47 pigeons.






Again up about 5.00 am as we were going to have a change today and were going for a stalk in the high seats. When we arrived at the farm it was almost a pea-souper. Our hearts sank a bit as visibility was about 50 yards. We drove out onto the fields and the young lad said he would like to go in the high seat. Off he went and myself and Alan drove 3 fields away and decided to shoot from the jeep. Only 15 minutes later we heard a rifle crack in the distance and half an hour later another one.


We drove back to where Alex was in the high seat and spotted him way out in the field dragging a big dog fox back. He reached us and dropped the fox and then walked back up the field to the wood and promptly came back with another one. Nice one Alex. made the early morning start worthwhile.










He had to go to work , so we had a nice chicken Korma curry for our breakfast and then went drive-abouts looking for some pigeons. A few farms later we finally found some on the wheat stubble fields I had shot the 3 foxes on, on friday night. We had a nice steady few hours in the warm sunshine and shot 59, picked up 46 and a jackdaw.














Cracking weekend, enjoying it and making the most of it now, as we know the hard times are just around the corner.


106 pigeons

5 x foxes

3 x geese

1 x jackdaw


Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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