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PW Butchery Night part 2


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Cos, sorry about sending you a message in reply. I am definately up for this as I went to the first one. I don't have a paypal account so I will pay by cheque if you PM your details.



Hi Stephen

I've added your name on the list, unfortunately I have to do this in order of response and we do have a limit of 35 people.

I know your name is down the list but I'm still waiting on a lot of responses now a date is set, so don't give up hope just yet.

I won't take payment until I know you're at least position 35 where I will pm you with payment details.



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Latest Update, all pm's replied to, please check on the list below and ensure your status is correct and if not let me know.


Important: If you haven't confirmed then confirm, if you haven't paid then pay and if you can't make it let me know so someone else can take your spot.






Names on the list:

Black = Waiting confirmation and payment

Red = Confirmed waiting payment

Green = Paid

  1. Mungler
  2. Winchester23
  3. Bakerboy
  4. Bakerboy Alan
  5. PhilR
  6. PhilR Mary
  7. Herr Plinker
  8. john_r
  9. Bazzab
  10. ack-ack
  11. Evil Elvis
  12. Stealth Stalker
  13. Billy
  14. Brown Sauce Can't make it
  15. Twitchynik
  16. DangerousDave
  17. Mojordisorder
  18. Dunkield
  19. al4x
  20. Mungolee
  21. DrBlox
  22. Amatuer
  23. Outlander
  24. Pob
  25. The Pelt Man
  26. Blowin all blown out (geddit?) ....can't make it
  27. Blunderbuss
  28. Nick (Stealth Stalkers mate)
  29. Ian DP
  30. Ian DP guest
  31. TopDown
  32. Mario (Stealth Stalkers mate)
  33. Roly
  34. Axor
  35. Axor guest
  36. Gnome of the Woods
  37. Catamong
  38. GaryB
  39. Southeastpete
  40. Shutemytee
  41. Dunkfield Guest
  42. Dunkfield Guest
  43. Blackla

Edited by Cosd
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Latest update:

I have one payment from an A.H., can you please tell me your PW name!

Guys, when paying PayPal please put down your PW name so I know who you are.

A decent response last night guys, thanks to those that did. Still waiting for some replies,

If any of you guys know members that haven't replied please give them a kick for me.

Still waiting for payments as well.


I know there are people not putting their names on the list because they think they won't get a spot, so I have to put a deadline on this.

On Sunday afternoon I will be removing peoples names who have said they are interested (in black below) but have not confirmed they are coming.

I will then move anyone's name in red up the list and ask for payments from those people too.

Please don't be offended if I remove your names, but I have to do what's best in the interest of the night as a whole and be fair to people who have shown genuine interest.




Names on the list

Black = Waiting confirmation and payment

Red = Confirmed waiting payment

Green= Paid





Bakerboy Alan (Donating goats cheese for tasting on the night from his farm)


PhilR Mary

Herr Plinker




Evil Elvis (Offered to try to shoot a deer for the night)

Stealth Stalker (Offered to try to shoot a deer for the night)

Billy (Donating crayfish for the menu)<





al4x cannot make it






The Pelt Man (Offered to try to shoot a deer for the night)

Nick (Stealth Stalkers mate)

Ian DP

Ian DP guest


Mario (Stealth Stalkers mate)



Axor guest

Gnome of the Woods





Dunkield Guest

Dunkield Guest

Blackla Can't make it

Colin Lad Guest

Colin Lad Guest

Colin Lad Guest

Edited by Dunkield
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I only haveone Saturday free the 10th, Sundays are OK 11th 18th, 25th I am at the Norfolk Flush.

Waters will be a little cold now, but you could still pull a few out, and with a few nets the numbers may be good.


Of course we could perhaps do the Monday of the Demo and take them over nice and fresh.

Edited by bakerboy
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Given the number of crayfish I've sold to the Foragers - would anyone entertain crayfish on the menu and would anyone be up for a fishing trip too?


Cos - would you mind checking if George will get his chefs to cook up Herts crayfish?



Sounds a great idea, I'll get on the case


I'd be up for crayfishing!


Sent an email to The Foragers regards the crayfish, will let you know as soon as I get a reply.

Edited by Cosd
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Given the number of crayfish I've sold to the Foragers - would anyone entertain crayfish on the menu and would anyone be up for a fishing trip too?


Cos - would you mind checking if George will get his chefs to cook up Herts crayfish?



The man from Delmonte said yes!!!

Lets get it on, crayfish on the menu :drool:

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