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New Game - Guess where Nial's put his cabinet keys....


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Guys, I am happy to put £10 in a British Leigion poppy collection box tomorrow AM when getting the papers.


And I'll get a poppy out of it (although I've already bought one!).


Thanks again for the suggestions,




Good man Nial......and theres nowt wrong with the Irish about one thirty second dilutey Irish myself, anyhoo I will if you will.......tenner each then.


Anyone else? ???





Edit = typo

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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il ask my missus she puts everything away safe ,never to be seen again .somewhere in here im sure ive heard lord lucan and the crew of the marie celeste chatting :lol::rolleyes:

It's not just mine then? Not only does she hide everything but then denies ever having even seen them and blames me for losing things!


Having read this thread I realise that I don't like where I keep mine, far too obvious, but I'm blowed if I can think of anywhere secure AND original! Perhaps I'll lock them in the gun safe, they'll never find them there.

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Nial,how did your 1st day of season go. Barry


There were only 11 of us our, quite a few couldn't make it (the full compliment is ~17) so we didn't have enough for two beating/ standing teams.


It was decided to walk the lower slopes of an adjacent grouse moor so we did ~ 4 miles over very heavy going moor. The other end of the line

had a few shots and got a couple of grouse. In the afternoon we had a couple of short drives with the grand total of 4 pheasant, a couple of

which took ages to find in a turnip crop adjacent to the wood, we had a few dogs but it took them a while to find the birds.


So not a very bounteous day, but it was bright and sunny (if cold) and it was good to get out!


We weren't anywhere near the spots which were most productive last year and there were a lot of birds about generally

so I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.



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well dissapointed - I said it would be in the little box - check out my post just before you posted you found them - maybe its a coincidence !!!


You said "In the box you keep all your little knick knacks in."


But it was in a box I haven't opened in the last 10 years (apart from when I must have put the keys in). It really just sits there getting

in the way.


Still help for heroes would have been my choice.


Help for Heroes only support wounded servicemen and women who've been injured since '9/11', so anyone injured serving in NI

when I was growing up there isn't supported by them.


It's a small point but as I understand it H4H is pretty well funded but the British Leigion isn't.


Anyway, knock yourself out...






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