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Flocking Pigeons

pigeon controller

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Started out with DB looking for pigeons at 08.00 due to work comittments could only shoot Saturday so had to make the best of it. After about twenty miles we found a cut maize field with about three hundred birds on it. as we were viewing it the farmer pulled up and challenged us . We had a chat and he let us go on and shoot as he had come down to shoot them off as he was going to plough and drill it next week and he did not want resident birds in the area eating his seed ( whatever) . As we drove across the field the birds would just move out of the way of the Disco and then go back in. We set up and the first bird in met its maker and the whole field lifted and moved away to the east. As it was a westerly wind we were gessing that they would come back into wind back to the field after and hour and a half six had returned. So we decided the move on it was 11.00 and we did not want to loose the day. We drove around looking at rape with no birds visible and we came on a half cut maize field with about one hundred and fifty birds down on it feed ind hard, contacted the farmer and got the OK and set up. As we drove the field the whole flock lifted and went very high and circled the field and went of in one block. We shot till dark and picked up 37 pigeons and 23 crows. at 15.30 I had a phone call from a farmer who had seeded yesterday and he said the field had about three hundred birds on it can I shoot Monday I replied I can shoot Sunday. No he said Ive got two old boys comming Sunday you can shoot Monday. Why do they do that if its being shot Sunday ,Monday will be Pants.









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In a very small area near me around 2/3000 are moving from one block to the other,

We had a go on Monday and got 135 and I shot close to a 100 a couple of weeks ago in a corner they were getting in.

On Tuesday I text the farmer who forgot to tell his guy and turned up to see a rocket flying over a flock of birds!! I took his mobile to save any further mix up’s some birds came in from a different direction. However the main flock went off not too return that day!

I have mentioned it before that this is a good time for the lads who are struggling for some where to shoot, they should get out and look for birds on rape and make their pitch to the farmer. Persistence is the key with the farmers in the winter because they often moan that shooters only want to turn up in the summer.




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