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Grandma's and grandpa's


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Just got me thinking of grandparents reading the other thread of the young lady out with the hawks.


What memories do you have of your grandparents, my tide ( welsh grandad) would always watch the rugby on Htv Wales and I didn't speak welsh so could not understand it.

My nine (welsh grandmother) like my mother were great bakers and could make a meal from near nothing

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Dad's mum and dad went belly up before i was born..mums mum had already died..and her dad..my grandfather was almost dead..and what i remember was, he was horrible.... I envy you lot who had nice grandparents..


i do love my grandchildren though..and let them get away with everything :lol: responsible adult....naaaaa

Edited by jasper3
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Just got me thinking of grandparents reading the other thread of the young lady out with the hawks.


What memories do you have of your grandparents, my tide ( welsh grandad) would always watch the rugby on Htv Wales and I didn't speak welsh so could not understand it.

My nine (welsh grandmother) like my mother were great bakers and could make a meal from near nothing


my Nain and Taid would lynch me for spelling it nine tide

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I was bought up by my Grandparents from the age of 5 until I was 12

They had a little farm we had a couple of horses for working

pigs and chickens but by the time I left it was just chickens,fruit and veg

my grandpops had come from traveling folk.So he just loved to share his story with us girls at night,while we sat infront of the fire after bathtime.

He would never carried money on him, he always said he didn't need too and once a month he would go into town for a haircut and all he would take was a box of veg !!!

I was his little shadow and to me he was a God

when he suffered his Stroke it was me who cared for him,My poor nan still had a farm too run and we both knew the last thing he wanted was to be on a ward

So I got too spend the last few days of his life,Really getting to know my Grandpops

He spent most of those days thinking he was a young man once more.So I got too know about the young man who became my Grandpops

Something I will always have to remember, And I got my chance to say goodbye



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I was bought up by my Grandparents from the age of 5 until I was 12

They had a little farm we had a couple of horses for working

pigs and chickens but by the time I left it was just chickens,fruit and veg

my grandpops had come from traveling folk.So he just loved to share his story with us girls at night,while we sat infront of the fire after bathtime.

He would never carried money on him, he always said he didn't need too and once a month he would go into town for a haircut and all he would take was a box of veg !!!

I was his little shadow and to me he was a God

when he suffered his Stroke it was me who cared for him,My poor nan still had a farm too run and we both knew the last thing he wanted was to be on a ward

So I got too spend the last few days of his life,Really getting to know my Grandpops

He spent most of those days thinking he was a young man once more.So I got too know about the young man who became my Grandpops

Something I will always have to remember, And I got my chance to say goodbye


Great to have memories like that lass. :good:

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I grew up with granpa and 2 granmas living with me. Spent so much time learning so many practical things from him like fishing. My mum's dad died in the war, but I spent time with his brother who ran the family farm. Learnt most of what I know from him. Had my first .410 when I was about 9 years old. That would cause a stir today. :shoot:

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My grandpops used too keep his by the kitchen chair

I was his Gundog lol he knew it would upset my nan when I used to come home covered in feathers and blood

we used too have pet chickens which we used too help plucked come Christmas.We never used to mind because we always got a Little chick to replace it




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My Grandad on my Mothers side served with the Royal Artillery in the First World War,and although he didn't talk about it much,would let slip little bits now and then...fascinating.He died when I was 18.His wife,I only have one vague memory of,but apparently she was a wonderful woman and as she had three out of four sons serving she became a surrogate mother to many young recruits who passed through Warcop Training camp in the Second World War.All her sons came back,whereas she often received letters from Mothers thanking her for the kindness she had shown their sons;many of whom hadn't come home.

Never knew my Dads Dad,he died from throat cancer when my Dad was 13 after developing a tumour in the throat from being hit with a cricket ball.That was in 1939,just after war had been declared.His wife,my Grandma,was a real character.She could often be seen sawing railway sleepers up for kindling in the backyard,and storing the wood in the outside toilet.I can remember sitting on her knee playing the piano while she boiled pigs trotters on the stove for potted meat,and another soot encrusted pan would be stuck in the fire front in which was cooking rice pudding the likes of which I have never tasted since.Wonderful woman.

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