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Well for as long as I can remember I've had this ringing going on in my left ear. I went to my gp several times who gave me different eat drops and medication; nothing worked. Ended up being transferred to a consultant were i was given a hearing test and i have slight hearing damage in my left ear at a certain frequency. He asked the question as to whether I do any activities with loud noises so obviously I told him about the shooting and he said it could be down to this.

So anyway, I went for a check up yesterday and it was confirmed that I have got tinnitus and it is mainly because of my shooting.

I was wondering if anyone else has to suffer with this and if you have a solution to help it, becAuse currently I have to go to bed with an eletric fan on to try and cover up the noise.

I was a bit down heartened to hear the consultant say he can't do anything to fix it :/

But hey ho, I love my shooting and I'm not going to give it up :)


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In actual cases (like a shot) you have to go immediately to a doctor and get infusion with vitamins and cortisone. Several days ! No pills etc.

Other possibilities are for example going to a diving chamber (sorry don't know the proper name). Under high pressure you get a high % of oxygen.

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Have a regular ringing in my right ear and my mother suffers really bad with it. i haven't been to the doctors with mine. They say its all a case of training your mind not to take notice of it. Currently if I start to notice the ringing I start repeating the words of a song in my head over and over. Trying to remember the words of the song keeps my mind occupied and usual I move on from thinking about the ringing.

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Hi bud I got a bad ear infection in my right ear years ago working under a big machine in very damp and dirty conditions.

It has left me getting recurring ear infections and tinitus for the last 15 years.

Having a fan blowing in the same room is not a good idea has any wind or draft will aggravate your ear.

Has will having a window open when driving your car will aggravate your ear.

I am on 5 mg PROCHLORPERAZINE one tablet twice a day. For Tinitus.

I also got a few boxes of foam ear plugs from TOOLSTATION they are very comfortable.

I put one in my ear before I have a shower to stop any water getting in my ear and it works.

Since showering with an ear plug in. I have not had an ear infection and my Tinitus isn`t has bad.

I am very sorry to here of somebody has young as 17 with this. You have my sympathy. yours Russ.

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Hi bud, iv always got ringing in my ears. I'm only 25 as well!


Got mine from working in noisy pump houses and next to huge motors etc. get used to it, don't let it bother you and drown it out by not thinking about it.


And wear earplugs, always makes me think when I see the old boys at the clay ground with double hearing aids

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Got it bad in my left ear after smashing my head against the inside of a tank turret,I damaged my inner ear and couldn't stand up for a week as my balance was affected,you have to learn to tune out,you may find some basic self hypnosis techniques will help, they can help you relax at night,and also get your mind to focus on other things,it works for me.

My dad was a turbine engineer and he has bad tinitus he describes it as Concorde taking off,he has tried a masker,which is a small device you place in your ear and it plays another noise to mask your noise, but he couldn't get on with it,he swears by a little whisky at night.


You should remember that the noise can get worse if you damage your hearing anymore,so wear good ear protection while shooting,as you have found out,once gone you cannot get the hearing back.

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I'm 57 and I had to retire from work at 48 because the damage and infections to my ears had disrupted my balance - a form of Meniere's disease, with all the tinnitus/deafness, and vertigo/falls etc that goes with it - it is also why they took my driving licence away, I almost had to learn how to stand up straight from scratch! I had been exposed to a lot of noise over the years, I was a semi-pro drummer in the 70s, and I had a small music business providing discos etc, as well as shooting/riding loud motorbikes etc over the years.


White noise generators can help with the tinnitus if you can't get to sleep - a radio tuned off station with the volume down low is almost as good. During the day, some background noise helps, radio maybe, again NOT loud, just enough to mask some of the squeal/roaring etc. Hopefully, as long as you don't do anything to cause further damage (i.e. no more ear infections/ wear GOOD hearing protection, inc defenders) things should settle and most importantly, not get worse, but it sounds as if some effects will be permanent. Good luck, PM me if you want the web addresses for the tinnitus society/RNID etc.


As has been said, this should be a lesson for all - DO NOT neglect your ear protection, the damage does not always appear until years later and it can be permanent, believe me, a hearing aid is NOT sexy! :no:

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Thank you for the replies and advice lads, much appreciated. I think I may start to go to bed minus the fan and have downloaded 'sleep' apps on my phone to try and help. It's so annoying, I don't tend to hear it when I'm with people talking but occasionally the ringing decides to increase it's volume and becomes extremely loud for a few seconds.

I wish they could do something about it, for all our sakes.

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Action On Hearing Loss (Was RNID):



British Tinnitus Association:



NHS Advice on Tinnitus:




Hope these are of some help, I learnt a lot from here..

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I have it bad in the morning and at night too. Also have it bad when I eat cheese (I kid you not).

Have word with your Doctor to see if he will give you a Prescription for Prochlorperazine 5 mg.


They help keep my Tinitus in check.


This explains these things:


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i stupidly went shooting a week or 2 back without ear plugs and my left ear is ringing still and i know i have done some damage to it as it just isnt getting better, the ringing isnt the only problem it feels like its throbbing and feels warm inside? also feels like pressure in it.. off to see the doc tmrw.


i know hes going to say its perminent and i will have to live with it but cant hurt to go see him.. just hope the ringing stops.

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