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Applying for a patent?? How?!


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You can apply for a patent yourself - and I'm sure the Patent Office will be helpful - but I'd not recommend doing it yourself if you might actually want to use the patent at some point.


You really need to speak to a patent attorney. If you PM me I can give you some recommendations. It isn't cheap, but you should be able to find someone who'll do the initial part cheaply, and then you'll have a year to see if there's any commercial interest in the invention.


And as hinted above, it would be a good idea to see if someone else has already come up with the idea before you go to the effort of filing an application.

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Prior art search is the key, you would be amazed at what has been aptented and a patent doesnt mean the idea will work or be a commercial success, or a prior patent a barrier to success.......... There are a few patent firms in cardiff and as you say the offcie is at Tredegar house. http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/patent/p-applying.htm

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This may be stating the obvious so sorry if it is but thought it was worth saying......


Don't tell anyone about your idea unless they have signed a non disclosure agreement beforehand, if you do then it classes as being in the public domain and you won't be able to patent it.



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Been through the process and spent money to find out it was already patented (but did not exist), as you are in wales there is some assistance available PM if you like.


Its not the electromagnetic drive shaft brake is it?



Talking about electric brakes ....Rear offside cable worn on my Scenic ....Can I buy the cable on its own? ...... No way ....have to purchase the complete electric unit ...over £600 ....plus £86 to have it re-programmed. .....Thanks Renault.... Rip-off ....****.

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I went through this process on the uk. In Liverpool there is a program called the seed fund to help new business, bit like dragons den. I got offered 100k to get to first prototype stage. Patent is only by country, Europe counts as one country. 4k per country patent on average but some countries like china are not on the patent agreement so will still rip your idea off anyway. It gives you about one year lead into market.

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A few things to consider:

HDAV said it above - do a prior art search. Think of all the ways you could describe your invention and search those on the web. Don't pay anyone to do this for you until you've done the basics yourself. If it still looks to be inventive then go to the next stage.


Is there another way to do what your product does and is that already out there.


Decide how it's going to make you money - how many would you be likely to sell, or, if you have the patent what's that likely to be worth to a company (sell the patent) if they wanted to fit your idea to a whole load of trucks. Royalties are generally not liked. There is more than one way to make money.


Get in touch with a company and ask them what they need in place to discuss any product idea - if they say nothing then walk away. A good company will aim to protect you as it is in their interest. I once approached Ford with an idea and they wouldn't discuss it until I had a patent filed. At minimum it should be an NDA (non disclosure agreement). These are binding but get someone who knows to look it over - the devil is in the detail!


Sharing your idea does not immediately put it in the public domain, but you need agreements with anyone you plan to share with! Alternatively you share with someone you trust but that depends how much you trust them!


Be honest about costs - are you expecting the company to come up with the money for a prototype because you either don't want to or can't afford it. If so, why would they pay for the initial stages. Why not have a prototype made under an NDA.


Decide what you really want from it. Do you just want to see your invention in the market to say - I did that, or do you want to make some money. The UK patent process takes ~2-4 years if everything goes well. You might be better off getting the NDA prepared plus all your documents / drawings about the invention and then talking to a bigger company (parts or trucks) who will also have their own patent lawyers who will know the area well and can spend the money to get the right protection for the invention.


An alternative is to start your own company and produce the product - doesn't protect it but can make you money.


All the above sounds like a lot of hurdles but it's just about being honest with yourself, doing some searching, and spending some cash. Hope it goes well and good luck.

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Talking about electric brakes ....Rear offside cable worn on my Scenic ....Can I buy the cable on its own? ...... No way ....have to purchase the complete electric unit ...over £600 ....plus £86 to have it re-programmed. .....Thanks Renault.... Rip-off ....****.


No idea but a cable is a cable........just need to match the spec and connectors.


Back to patents google have an archive, which is quite good. As I said the welsh govt innovation support offer support and advice

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There is such a thing as intellectual property in law anyway. If your going to produce the thing yourself then protect it more fully but you will also need to produce a working prototype, this can be expensive. Many great ideas never get produced due to alternative forces in the economy (thinking of the everlasting wiper blade) it was an idea bought by the biggest producer of wiper blades to not be introduced and protect the replacement market

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Apparently using a Paten lawyer can cost between 6 to 30 thousand pounds dep on the complexity of your idea..its a cost that usually snowballs and may only cover a part of the whole thing...Best of luck to you though, its something that should be made a lot simpler but unfortunately lawyers got involved and screwed it all up . Change just one small critical item in development and you basically have to start again so maybe a working testable prototype may be the first stage .

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Patents are supposed to cover processes, designs and inventions. Normally people get confused as to precisely what it is that they think that they have created and so plumb for the default setting of "I must need a patent". Anyhows, 9 times out of 10, it's actually a design right that's required and that's cheap and easy. Have a looky >here< . P.S. I have no idea what the OP thinks she has invented or created but I bet I'm right about a design right being required (because I am always right and yet it's a curse). Anyways, don't take any advice off anyone on here and go and seek independent professional advice.

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Well the professional advice is that at some point someone is going to need to do a prior art search whether it's a design change or inventive step. Searches involve time and time is money. Either you start it, the patent lawyer starts it or another company starts it, and only one of these is free! Even when you think you've covered everything it doesn't mean you are the first with the design or inventive step as all sorts of things come out of the woodwork once you file either the design registration or the patent and other interested parties take a look at it. Even after a design or patent is granted it can still be revoked.

As was said above, you will be surprised what's already out there as IP even though it hasn't made it to the market as a product. If a patent office can give you free guidance then take it. Ask them to advise on the best process for your idea. Then they'll say to you, "are you sure it hasn't been done before and what have you done to check?

Take a look here (patents only) and just add in some key words and hit return http://worldwide.espacenet.com/advancedSearch?locale=en_EP

Let's say you have invented a new fuel filter for trucks. Do the search under AT LEAST all of the following

Fuel + Filter - 3,495 hits

Fuel + Truck -148 hits

Fuel + filter + Commercial vehicle - 1 hit

Filter + commercial vehicle - 40 hits

Engine + Filter - > 4000 hits

Diesel + Filter > 2800 hits

and so on..... and then start to narrow it down.


Have a read of the titles of the first couple of pages and check that nothing looks to be the same as your idea. This will give you more confidence to go the next step. Lots of folks come up with inventions and many are very good, but often it is only an invention to them and not to someone skilled in the art i.e. someone who's been around the field of invention for some time. The real hard work is first making sure you have something new. Alternatively, you just pay someone to do it for you but, even if done by a patent lawyer it is not a guarantee that you have an invention or new design, only that they haven't found any prior art so far.

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