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Soaking wet today


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I felt sure that the weather man must have got the forecast wrong when he said gales in the night followed by persistent rain. How much more rain can there be?


Following my hunch I was out at first light today on two rape fields, the plants in which which have actually grown well but which are now being eaten by a flock of pigeons which I estimate to be 500 strong. There was a very strong wind and some misty rain when I got there and I decided to set up along a tall hedge over which the pigeons were flying yesterday. Sure enough they came in droves, flying only a few feet from the ground. Unfortunately the wind was too strong for my magnet which blew over twice and I had to stop it and I had to resort to dead birds on sticks.


An hours sport put 15 birds in the bag but I was getting very very wet and the hide was billowing about and the dogs were not exactly happy about matters so I decided to pack up. It was a painful ordeal indeed to sort out the wet kit, wet birds, wet gun etc. As soon as we were in the car the heavens really did open and the tram lines ran with water.


The 'pleasure' over with, now the pain to deal with soggy kit, gun and dogs. The dogs are dry and in front of the fire, the gun has been cleaned and is near the AGA drying out and the nets are in the washing machine! The only upside is that the flock has not really been disturbed too much and will be there on a more suitable day next week.

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I had same problem this morning aswell.weather is meant to be better tomorrow so going to have a go again tomorrow never seen so many pigeons in my life. Fingers crossed.


I had same problem this morning aswell.weather is meant to be better tomorrow so going to have a go again tomorrow never seen so many pigeons in my life. Fingers crossed.

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