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12g cases

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I went clating yesterday and picked up some empty cases while i was there some black gold as they give good crimps and i got some more fiocchi golden trap which load up just like fac loads but there is not many at the clay ground is there anywere in uk that stock 70mm fiochi cases or is it a case of getting them from siarm ??

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I have never seen fiocchi for sale in the uk if you find any I'm looking as well! I have a 32grm load for pheasants for fiocchis i want to play about with!


Are the black golds the gordon system? i read somewhere they should not be reloaded, I'll see if i can find the link! I found that surprising but never researched it further!

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Guest cookoff013

there are many venues that sell new factory cases.




65 or 70mm. usually thats the price, £30 for the hulls and £30 for the primers, thats about standard.

i use cheddites all the time, but got tired of stuff being impounded by customs, as i have ordered from abroad.

the black golds are the gordon recoil system. they usually produce more pressure than the normal hulls. this is due to the very high basewad filling the hull.


fiocchi are a standard hull, as well as cheddite.

good luck

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Yes some of the black gold are gordons but there was only about 50 of them they were 1-1/4 #5 (on a clay ground). But i picked up over 100 normal blck gold as well they do crimp good but not as good as the fiocchi. I put a couple of the black gold through the gun today that had the gordon system all loaded with my normal recipe and they seemed to be fine.

Cheers for the heads up about the pressure increase with the gordons system cookoff i have learned something new today :good:

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Hears a couple of crimps

post-51696-0-76659000-1357412283_thumb.jpg white gold

post-51696-0-90084200-1357412302_thumb.jpg white and black gold a fiocchi and one which i thought i would try as there was 1000s of them cci clay buster.

post-51696-0-18606100-1357412319_thumb.jpg the fiocchi crimp

post-51696-0-49730500-1357412263_thumb.jpg the fiocchi cases i picked up

All gave good crimps but what do you guys think.


ps sorry about pics took them on my phone

Edited by pestcontrol1
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there are many venues that sell new factory cases.




65 or 70mm. usually thats the price, £30 for the hulls and £30 for the primers, thats about standard.

i use cheddites all the time, but got tired of stuff being impounded by customs, as i have ordered from abroad.

the black golds are the gordon recoil system. they usually produce more pressure than the normal hulls. this is due to the very high basewad filling the hull.


fiocchi are a standard hull, as well as cheddite.

good luck


So what was the story with the customs?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest cookoff013



its an offer that cant be beat, club together with friends if need be, but for that price its a bargin.

it is crazy not to use these !


primer only £34/k = £64/ 2000

hulls £97 /2k = £48.50 /k


essentially an extra £16 to reload new hulls /k



i have just started my first lot.

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