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my mossburg 410 is only around 2" longer than a standard escort semi auto, meaning it will go in the cabinet just, how long is the 12 bore version? bit of a pain if you have to keep removing the barrel


12 bore heavier to carry, yes theres more carts available, but you need to think what you want the gun for, and only you can say that

me, I wanted less lead (damage to trees) as I'll be shooting into my own trees, therefore went for the 410 version

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Ive got the .410 mossberg version. Cartridges arnt cheap, and the gun is pretty long. It wont fit in my cabinet without me unscrewing the barrel on it, and yet my 30" Beretta 391 will fit fine.


After buying my .410 i did debate for a while about whether i should have gone for the 12bore version, but all in all im pleased with the .410. Once you get the point of aim worked out you can get some good shots. They are a very tight choke also. Ive taken mine out on the clays and it dusts them.


Only bad point (or good i guess) is that they hold their value well on the 2nd hand market. You can get the normal single barrelled hushpower .410`s for £200->£250, but the mossberg pump action ones seem to be £450 upwards 2nd hand!

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I'm surprised yours wont fit in the cabinet jack, mine fits in the firearms cabinet, which must be shorter than a shotgun cabinet because of the internal locking ammo safe?

Im amazed at the price differences for new too

saddlery in Kent quote £599

eastern sporting quote £625

yet got mine, synthetic at Essex gun £499 saving £100 plus


carts expensive, so looking for somewhere that I can buy all the bits in one go to start home loading

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Guest cookoff013

carts expensive, so looking for somewhere that I can buy all the bits in one go to start home loading


there are tons of 12gauge subs recipes, for the 20 a few.

there are 28gram, 32, 36,42 subsonic recipes for 12gauge,

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I'm surprised yours wont fit in the cabinet jack, mine fits in the firearms cabinet, which must be shorter than a shotgun cabinet because of the internal locking ammo safe?


Ive got the Brettonsound ST7 Cabinet, which apparently is a fraction over 130cm internal height. Looks like thats exactly the same length as the .410 mossberg is (52inches). **** law really!

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ok, so a sub 12 air rifles got a better range than a 410g?


Yes and no. The air rifle would be no good for moving targets, so the .410 would be better for birds in the air, bolting rabbits etc. But, in my experience, I would say the sub 12 air rifle would give a more accurate kill than the hushpower .410 at 40/45 yards. I know with my air arms s410 I can get pellet on pellet at 45 yards and as a result find myself using that more when im out lamping rabbits. But, for ranges less than that and moving targets the hushpower 410 is ideal.


2 different weapons really for different jobs, but with some overlap.

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I have the pedretti 410 hushpower, but never had any luck with it on clays or pigeons, the range is too short and over 25 yards the killing power is minimal, the single barrel is also a drawback as injured birds and rabbits are away before you can reload, it just collects dust in the cabinet now, I prefer my beretta 12 gauge o/u, get the right tool for the job and you cant go wrong.

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Anyone tell me what kind of range you get with the 410g, Also how much do the cartridges cost?


like anything, its the right tool for the right job, 410's are light to carry, great for rough shooting, where your walking is going to put up birds/make rabbits run in the long grass, great too for squirrels, and less lead = less damage to trees, as stated ranges between 25-30yds, some may say a bit further, and others not, Ive had single shot hushpowers, but now have the mossberg pump and love it

cart prices will vary on shops, but your normally looking at around £6 plus per box 25, I just picked up a 1000 two and half inch, cost me just over £200

as subsonics seem to only come in certain lead sizes, it makes sense to load your own, have been told you can get the price down to costing you around £3 a box

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