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Paying people less than the amount necessary for a decent standard of living.

I think folk have an unrealistic opinion of their worth too often.

I see a lot of people that aren't worth half the minimum wage. Don't forget the employer no matter what the trade has to make a profit from paying their workers.

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There is something wrong with both the system and the attitude of many people.


The system should not be designed in such a way that it can work out as good or better to remain on benefits instead of working, where is the incentive to work?

You have to actually want to work to do so if you are not gaining anything from it, but unfortunately a large amount of people are too lazy and would rather not work.


Bring on benefit cuts, make people work for their benefits so it is easier to get a job, and pay people with food, clothes and rent instead of money.

Then if you want a new washing machine, hairdryer, laptop, phone and a TV you have a reason to go out and work for it.

with you all the way mate, you have put it in a nutshell. :good:
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I thought it was 6.19?

If it was a fiver an hour I would still want to work

I am 21 and struggle at times but i am alive and get out shooting abit

I hate not been able to work, I don't do sick days

Used 2days of my 4weeks holiday last year...saddo I know but I like been able to work.

Fair play to you for wanting to work,thats the point i am trying to make is you are an employers dream.
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so what should min wage be in your opinion?





An amount that allows a person to live a basic but respectable life without having to rely on benefits as a top-up.


I don't know precisely what that amount would be because I don't live that life but I would suggest an amount approaching £10 per hour as reasonable, along with kicking out all the eastern europeans who are driving wage rates down.

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An amount that allows a person to live a basic but respectable life without having to rely on benefits as a top-up.


I don't know precisely what that amount would be because I don't live that life but I would suggest an amount approaching £10 per hour as reasonable, along with kicking out all the eastern europeans who are driving wage rates down.

Well said, :good:
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An amount that allows a person to live a basic but respectable life without having to rely on benefits as a top-up.


I don't know precisely what that amount would be because I don't live that life but I would suggest an amount approaching £10 per hour as reasonable, along with kicking out all the eastern europeans who are driving wage rates down.


and do you REALLY think businesses could afford that!!!!!!


SWMBO is on just above NMW and works part time and I am not much above her...its called living within your means...the first 3 years have been a right struggle...ask anyone that knows me but I am still able to save to treats for myself and the family ...and have a mortgage aswell to boot...


Benefits should be cut to BELOW the NMW...why should someone who sits on their ***** all day get more than someone who slogs it out for 40+ hours a week..thats the part that is wrong

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I think the minimum wage, set up as it is, actually depresses wages. Employers just shrug their shoulders and pay it without considering a wage that will encourage productivity and respect for employer. If businesses had to think about this the market wage for lower end jobs would be higher.

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I think the minimum wage, set up as it is, actually depresses wages. Employers just shrug their shoulders and pay it without considering a wage that will encourage productivity and respect for employer. If businesses had to think about this the market wage for lower end jobs would be higher.


The minimum wage appears to have been introduced just before the influx of eastern europeans. I don't think this was a coincidence.

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I think some people are in cloud cuckoo land to think min wage should be £1500 a month!


You can live on way less than that comfortably - you just have to do without some luxuries - that should be an incentive to work your way up the ladder and better yourself.




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I think some people are in cloud cuckoo land to think min wage should be £1500 a month!


You can live on way less than that comfortably - you just have to do without some luxuries - that should be an incentive to work your way up the ladder and better yourself.




exactly....that use to be more than our joint income a month after tax...

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I think some people are in cloud cuckoo land to think min wage should be £1500 a month!


You can live on way less than that comfortably - you just have to do without some luxuries - that should be an incentive to work your way up the ladder and better yourself.





How much is that after tax and work related expenses?


exactly....that use to be more than our joint income a month after tax...


Well excuse me if I don't join you in your race to the bottom.

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I dont mind people taking a wage in benefits. What i do take exception to is the fact they do not have to lift a finger to get it.


If you take a wage from the state, you should work for the improvement of that state. Now wether that be litter picking, road sweeping etc i couldnt care less.

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How much is that after tax and work related expenses?




Well excuse me if I don't join you in your race to the bottom.


and I dont care if you sit on your high branch in the tree of life looking down on me.....I am happy with life and what I have ...aslong as I have enough money to keep a roof over my head and food in my family belly that is all that I want...

Some might want the latest gadget or the best of whatever...I use to be like that ..now I know that life is for living and enjoy it...


Do you live to work?? or work to live???

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How much is that after tax and work related expenses?




Well excuse me if I don't join you in your race to the bottom.


Work related expenses?? Like what? You choose what work related expenses you have (such as commute costs, lunch etc) so you tune your life to suit.


And what a silly comment to make about a race to the bottom - you show your ignorance there, the man was simply commenting on how distant your ideas seem from the reality of it.





I dont mind people taking a wage in benefits. What i do take exception to is the fact they do not have to lift a finger to get it.


If you take a wage from the state, you should work for the improvement of that state. Now wether that be litter picking, road sweeping etc i couldnt care less.


Very true - I also don't like people given benefits because they simply don't want to work, ok if you have a legit reason for not doing it but laziness should not be one of those reasons!

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It's called the poverty trap and one of the big ways that helped people out of it was the 10k limit on tax. Effectively, if you earned 10k or under you did not pay tax. Guess who scrapped it.. Yup Gormless Gordon.


KW, is that a flat £185 a wekk or do bills like rent etc have to be paid out of it.


I could not give a flying fig if bills have top be paid or not 185 for the best part of a full weeks work is as has been said exploitation :yes: christ its nowt but a good pee up these days, I thought Lincoln abolished slavery.



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