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Time had caught up with an old pet


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My wife used to breed guinea pigs as she liked the challenge of trying to get the markings and her interest in genetics etc as she did this at Uni. It did help that baby guinea pigs are brilliant little things and are hilarious to watch. Well one of the boys that she had for breeding died overnight which may not appear much but it was at least 10 years old which is pretty good for a animal that more usually lives to 4 or so and he had a great character that the kids loved.


We got him when he was at least 2 as his exact age was not known and we have had him for just over 8 years and he has seen of most of his kids and grandkids bar one and he had fathered a lot over the years. Its not as if he led a charmed life either as he lived out in the stable and when it dropped to -18 a few years ago he just got a blanket over the cage and he was still running around yesterday. Sad day so just have to break the news to my son when he comes back from primary school. No doubt he will be upset but we have never sugar coated it even when relatives have died as I believe it's good for kids to learn about the cycle of life and think having pets is a good way of teaching them responsiblity by looking after them.


Just out of curiosity how many of you have had pets that have not only lived longer than they are usually expected to but just seem to go on forever.

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Sad day for the kid, but as you say, its important to learn about the cycle of life, something which I stand by with my kids and the edible quarry I bring home from a days shooting which they help me prep!


I had a Jack Russell terrier that was put to sleep on my 18th birthday - he was 21 years old!!!!!!!

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had a manky old tom cat that came from my uncles farm...he just seemed to go on and on and on...cant remember exactly how old but could be well over 10/12 years..


was a proper old battle scared old cat, i think he disowned us after a while and moved in next door, the old lady used to feed him salmon so i dont blame him really...

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My dad's cocker is 15 and still going well.

She has cost him an awful lot of money aswell, many trips to the vets.

She has fought off some unbelievable accidents and infections

She just will not give up

She is a remarkable little dog and I will be gutted when her time comes

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