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Eye Dominance


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Basically been shooting shotguns right handed for years, but it wasnt until i had a go with my dads rifle i found that had to close my left eye.


I have never given my eye dominance a second thought until now, just wondering wether i could improve my shotgun shooting.

Although i dont miss everything i shoot at, as with all of us i do miss some easier shots i have just put that down to not shooting regular enough

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I knew i had an eye dominance problem before i srated shooting, So although i am right handed, I've always shot left handed. My eye dominance is so bad I have no chance shooting right handed.


If you are happy to keep shooting right handed as thats how you always have then stay that way, if it was me i'd try to change, on the idea that the only way to get really ggod is to use your strongest eye.


There is a lot of talk on here about eye patches and spots on glasses to correct eye dominance, (do a seach loads come up) that might work but I know what causes my problem and no dot will alter my vision.

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Thanks Neil

Will definatley do more searching and researching on the matter (doing right now)


Probably stay right handed cause shooting left handed seems so unatural to me so miss more,so will try other things first see if they make a difference.


Failing that just have to come to terms with the fact that i will never be a crack shot!!!!!!! LOL :/

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There is a lot of talk on here about eye patches and spots on glasses to correct eye dominance, (do a seach loads come up) that might work but I know what causes my problem and no dot will alter my vision.

Same as me i tried everything until i met a man who knew what was what

Probably stay right handed cause shooting left handed seems so unnatural to me so miss more,so will try other things first see if they make a difference.

Unnatural at first but you need to go about it the right way not just shoot off the left shoulder and decide you dont like it.........

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I'm right handed, used to be right eye dominant but gradually over the last 10 years I have become left eye dominant. There are quite a few people out there that are left handed but were taught to do everything right handed from and early age. Most of these people will be left eye dominant and I would suggest these indiviuals could very easily learn to shoot left handed. However true right handers I suggest would have to practise long and hard to master shooting left handed. I personally use shooting glasses with a Browning magic dot over my left eye, ( small opaque circular patch about 10mm in diameter) It is critical that you position the patch over the eye when mounting the gun. That blurs your vision for the left eye and the right one takes over. Alternative is to squint or close the left eye but I much prefer the patch. I got the patches from Browning UK

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Yeah trouble is i wear everyday prescription glasses so might get a spare pair and try the magic dot on them, and/or a truglo sight bead for the old shooter.


I wear vari-focals but my distance vision isn't too bad so can get away without them. If you just wear distnce specs you could have a spare pair with a dot on for shooting

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Make an appointment to see a good Coach. People on here will point you in the right diection for a good Coach, also ask around locally. Get the problem sorted out correctly now and benefit for the future, it will be the best few £'s you will spend

Edited by bakerboy
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Hi Bakerboy got your pm

I dont live too far from there so will make an appointment. Thanks for your wise words,thinking about it your dead right getting it looked at by a good coach and for a few pounds hopefully getting it sorted WILL benefit for the rest of my shooting days,and make it more enjoyable


Cheers Again :good: :good:

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As the SA80 is right hand only, we have to train our lads to become right eye dominant. We check for left eye dominance early on it training and get them to use an eye patch over their left eye for a few hours a day before they even pick up a rifle. This encourages the right eye to become dominant. They may have to use the patch whilst shooting initially to establish correct sight picture but then obviously it has to be removed and they must pass the shooting assessments without it.

Edited by Gregthegreat
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Make an appointment to see a good Coach. People on here will point you in the right diection for a good Coach, also ask around locally. Get the problem sorted out correctly now and benefit for the future, it will be the best few £'s you will spend


Sometimes a good coach knows he has a problem. He is not only coaching the discipline but the shooter's physical ability/mental attitude as well and he will recognise that the best option for the student may well just be the second best of the solutions available. The foremost example of this is age - the older end of the scale. Not so far down that list is frequency: It's absolutely no good suggesting a solution that is dependent upon regular practice to someone who shoots once a month. Consequently, it should not be taken for granted that the optimum solution will suit everyone.


IMO, because once a patch/dot - call it what you will - is correctly placed (don't forget to cater for overhead shots) on a pair of shooting glasses (possibly even plain - non prescription - glass ones) you can forget all about the need to blink, squint, etc, and just concentrate on the target and as such this is the second best option behind the same eye/shoulder.


The biggest problem is remembering that you're wearing them. If you have the left eye patched, look over your left shoulder - can you see everything? Now imagine that you're reversing the car, if like me, you do that over the same shoulder.

Edited by wymberley
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Hi guys

Thanks for all your suggestions and opinions,i had a word with a mate whos friend is a instructor apparentley and he said similar to you Wymberley that ideally you would try and change to left handed but you need to be shooting quite alot to get used to it, which i cant do on live quarry due to lack of good permissions or clay due to expense.

So as an alternative as you said Wymberley the next thing to try is the patch/dot trick, which after a quick experiment on my prescription glasses seemed ok (not tried on live shooting yet) so if that works for me then all i will do is get myself a second pair of prescription glasses for shooting albeit quite an expesive pair of shooting glasses but i think well worth it if it helps my shooting.

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Hi guys

Thanks for all your suggestions and opinions,i had a word with a mate whos friend is a instructor apparentley and he said similar to you Wymberley that ideally you would try and change to left handed but you need to be shooting quite alot to get used to it, which i cant do on live quarry due to lack of good permissions or clay due to expense.

So as an alternative as you said Wymberley the next thing to try is the patch/dot trick, which after a quick experiment on my prescription glasses seemed ok (not tried on live shooting yet) so if that works for me then all i will do is get myself a second pair of prescription glasses for shooting albeit quite an expesive pair of shooting glasses but i think well worth it if it helps my shooting.


I wear prescription glasses - varifocals. To keep the cost down for shooting I have plastic lens' (safer anyway) and bifocals. Just be sure that you're still looking through the lens as you shoot/aim (rifle) without interference from the frames.


Also, unless you're absolutely certain that your left eye is dominant, there's no harm in getting it checked by a coach. You wouldn't be the first (certainly not the last) to find out that after all the fuss, that it was a low comb causing the trouble.


Hope that I've been of help.

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Hi Wymberley good point, although when mounting the gun i find that im looking down the side of the barrels until i close my left eye, which then im looking straight down the centre of the gun

God knows how ive shot for all these years like it (although not that often it has to be said) probably explains why i missed so often LOL which i put down to lack of practice.

Plastic lenses Good Idea will ask my opticians for a price


Thanks Been A Great Help :good:

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just keep shooting right handed,but keep your left eye shut. you have been shooting for to long to change to left handed,though if it was the start of carreer in shooting thats what you should have done. glasses with a dot to cover the left eye might help if you need a perscription for the right eye. ( x international shooter and a coach so save ya money )

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