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not a good start to the day


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Schimitar, i used to call on Fenwicks in Newcastle and Joplings in Sunderland. Having been an egg chaser at school i did not get into football at all so was not aware of the Mackam & Tackam ( not sure if the spelling is right on those), almost tribal rivalry..


Off theread slighlty, no ne coudl ever tell me what these names stood for.


I'm a Yorkshireman, we lurrve all those pretty sheeps..........

Most mackems can't read or write properly, so the spelling doesnt matter.

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How many "dishonest opinions" have you heard??? An opinion is what someone believes - that doesn't make it right (or wrong for that matter)


and consistency could also been seen as fear or change. :good:

Many dont express their real opinion, just one that is popular at the time. Many change theirs daily, they are chameleons. So you see 'honest opinion' is a real term. As for your charge on 'consistency', consistency is seen as a good indicator of honesty! :good:
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Many dont express their real opinion, just one that is popular at the time. Many change theirs daily, they are chameleons. So you see 'honest opinion' is a real term. As for your charge on 'consistency', consistency is seen as a good indicator of honesty! :good:


...or just following the crowd in some cases, and if they don't express their real opinion then why bother posting at all?




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opinions are just that opinions, mine are based on how I find things, like this gem, seems ignorance really is bliss, wonder if I had would get away with the same excuse in say Saudi Arabia, answers on a postcard to, heads in the sand at see nowt hear nowt .com





Edited by kdubya
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I don't care what race, colour or religion he is. He came here illegally in the back of a truck. Where is the problem in deporting him? How many other countries would even consider his so called human rights in such circumstances? Thats the issue in question here, its not about him directly, he is just an illustration of a problem that exists within our legal system.

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KW, we can all find shocking stories in the press, heres one from last week..white middleaged male rapes 6 year old, gets sentanced to 10 years. Flees abroad and appeals sentence. Three white judges hear appeal and slash sentence. One judge even comments that what he did wasn't that bad. And not an Asian in sight.

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I don't care what race, colour or religion he is. He came here illegally in the back of a truck. Where is the problem in deporting him? How many other countries would even consider his so called human rights in such circumstances? Thats the issue in question here, its not about him directly, he is just an illustration of a problem that exists within our legal system.



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The way it's going at the moment people are going to become genuinely racist and not care about who knows. There is only so much people put up with before they say enough is enough. The issue in this country isnt racism towards minorities, its discrimination by the left/liberal 'intellectual' towards the majority indigenous white.


I mean, imagine getting away with a policy called 'positive discrimination' where the obvious choice for a post isnt even considered and a lesser applicant gets the job due to his colour or origin.



A sick disgrace in my opinion. Lets hope they always choose surgeons and doctors by the 'old methods'.



P.s Those that slate kdubya should read his posts, he has an 'honest opinion' and has consistency, unlike many reactionaries on here.


Also mentioned in today's press where public school puplils are being discriminated against by some of the major universities.


I admire KW for have a direct opinion and would fight for him to keep that right to his opinions. If we start to shut down free speech we are no better than Stalin or Hitler (to name but two of the worst), but as Gixer has said, it's what somone believes in, not always fact.


The last labour govt played with social engineering in an effort to garner votes. Remember Ray Hunniford?. He stated that multiculturalism would split rather than unite the country and he was right. Although this really should be on a separate thread, it fits in with what i am try to say.


The first point is that under labour, any view outside the "official" view was classed as being "extreme" One could not have view of one's own.


Secondly, my views have some similarity to KW's views. I am happy to welcome any imigrant from anywhere in the world to the uk as long as they contribute to society, add to the wealth ( or not :lol: ) of the country and intergrate. By intergratoin, i do not mean that they should lose their identity, most cultures, religions and races have managed this over the last few years. For example, if you want Sharia law, live in an islamic country don't expect it here, but i have no problem with a building becoming a mosque for somone to worship in. I agree with KW about the gangs that have recently come to light and that the police and judiciary have not dealt with. I also agree that people are afraid to talk about this, less they be classed as racist.


My issue is that KW does not seem to see that and his views are that every asian is a child molester. Please correct me if i am wrong and i hope i have made sense.





:good: +1

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Sadly that still happens. my neighbour is a (very lapsed) Pakistani muslim who married a white girl night on 25 years ago. he got hassle from his own family and still gets a rare but occasional comment now.


We were talking one day and i mentioned his wedding day. he mentioned he had a muslin wedding one day and a christian one the next. "That's nothing" i replied, "you want to try mixing C of E and Catholic like i did".


I wasn't joking..... the grief my mother gave me was unbelieveable... and my mrs is far devout a christian than me. When i said to my mum that we were all christians, she said that non catholics were not christians.


How to offend everyone in one go eh!....

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The problem in part is the word - multiculturalism. Most British (and in other countries) don't realise what it means, and actually want 'assimilation' of 'foreigners.


I don't agree with multicultural societies and strongly believe they will always fail, simply because some group will eventually push to become superior - it is human nature, survival of the fittest and all that.


So, which are you?? A supporter of multiculturalism, or assimilation. If you put your hand on your heart, most will be the latter, but may not have realised it.


To make your choice, here are the definitions:


Assimilation - where people come to our country and generally fit into our ways, adopt our laws, speak our language and integrate fully into society - it does not prevent them for practicing any religion they wish, but within the bounds of our social structure and legal system.


Multiculturalism - where people come to our country, speak any language they wish, establish mini areas of habit where they collectively live, impose their own rules and laws and beliefs (Sharia, for example) are not expected to integrate with society and generally create mini countries within our country. It is exactly as it says, many cultures sitting side by side - NOT following collective rules but each having their own set of rules, laws, ways etc.


These aren't my definitions, I took them from a United nations field study ;-)


So, if you regularly say 'I don't mind genuine immigrants provided they fit in and do like we do, you are not a supporter of multiculturalism :-)


And , assimilation has been a firm belief of many people for centuries. Indeed, the exp<b></b>ression of 'when in Rome, do as the Romans' is an excellent example of assimilation.


Happy days :-)

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Having thought about the last post from Beretta, it made me think about a conversaton i had with my best and closest friend on the same subject. For a number of years i argued that multiculturalism was the way forward. He argued that it would not work, there would be a bit of overlap at the edges but overall cultures do not mix.


Sadly after much thought i think he is right.


Beretta, in answer to your question, i do not support multiculturalism.

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