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Ed Balls


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I do get fed up of this clown popping up, criticising Osbourne yet giving no real idea of what he would do, yet never admitting it was GG and himslelf that mostly got us in the pooh in the first place.


Complains all the tories are toffs yet keeps quite about his own private education and Oxbridge background.


I don't think Ozzy has got it all right but we could not go on as we were. Shades of '79 again..

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youre exactly right. thats labour for you. Complain and object everything that the torries are doing (even if its the right thing to do) then dont say what they would do instead... Arguing for arguments sake. they have done nothing but mess this country up in my opinion. Sadly, i think they may win the next general election, from what ive seen of the opinion polls. so we have the country going in one direction for 5 years then the next 5 years going another way. cant wait :no:

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Both him and Miliband remind me of two petulant teenagers who have trashed their bedrooms and have the cheek to complain about how their parents are tidying it up for them.


The last labour government deliberately spent the nation into the economic mess that they left behind in order to make it impossible for any incoming government to sort out in one term of office. Their actions were no better than Saddam Hussein setting fire to the oil wells of Kuwait, once he knew he was going.


Unfortunately the electorate would prefer the lie they want to hear rather than the truth they don't. Subsequently electing the reckless ******* in to wreck anything that is left.

I don't think the current government has got everything right but Christ on a bike, trying to sort out the **** the last lot left was no small feat.

I just hope the euro referendum gives them the edge.

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Ed Balls is an incompetent fool.

If there were an MP's test he would fail.

G Osborne is less of a heavyweight than he needs to be at the moment but Milliband is much worse.

Politics is sick - its all about popular appeal, personality and personal gain and nothing about intelligent people taking Britain forward to a prosperous future.

Sorry I'm cynical but its the new reality.

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I cannot stand the man and Milliband is another for as much as we can all criticise Labour it seems to me that Camerons people come up with some good ideas and then make a complete mess of everything stopping peoples money when they have got cancer chucking old people out of two bed flats so that there children cannot come to stay with them if they are ill to look after them its seems to me that none of them now what they are doing.

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Do you know why Labour argue? Because they're not in power. There is no other reason. Their aim is to be in power, thus they argue with those in power to make them look bad, to increase Labours own chances of getting elected. Its almost just a big game for them.


I have thought this for a long time it seems to me that most of the politicians today when it comes to the crunch they do not care much about anything its just like they are playing a big game at the end of the day they go home and forget all about it some of the old ones years ago spoke with conviction but for most of them today its just a job.

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I do get fed up of this clown popping up, criticising Osbourne yet giving no real idea of what he would do, yet never admitting it was GG and himslelf that mostly got us in the pooh in the first place.


Complains all the tories are toffs yet keeps quite about his own private education and Oxbridge background.


I don't think Ozzy has got it all right but we could not go on as we were. Shades of '79 again..


Osbourne has to get the debt under control without screwing up the fragile economy, else we pay more interest on our debt when our ratings fall further.


Balls is an idiot who helped get us into this mess. NuLabour not once balanced its budget in the 13 years in power and never sought to regulate the banks...yet he keeps on with his mad protestations.


But, hey...someone is going to vote the SOB back in.



Edited by Robin128
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Osbourne has to get the debt under control without screwing up the fragile economy, else we pay more interest on our debt when our ratings fall further.


Balls is an idiot who helped get us into this mess. NuLabour not once balanced its budget in the 13 years in power and never sought to regulate the banks...yet he keeps on with his mad protestations.


But, hey...someone is going to vote the SOB back in.




I will agree with you on most of that but do not just blame Labour for not regulating the banks more from what I saw at the time the conservatives wanted even less regulation of the Banks.


It was plane to everyone with a brain that things could not go on the way that they was with house prices going through the roof but none of them had the balls to stand up and way stop this is madness so as I see it they are all to blame.


As we speak Osbourne is letting the banks wriggle out of more regulation they will never learn as long as there is money to be made by them things will never change.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I will agree with you on most of that but do not just blame Labour for not regulating the banks more from what I saw at the time the conservatives wanted even less regulation of the Banks.


It was plane to everyone with a brain that things could not go on the way that they was with house prices going through the roof but none of them had the balls to stand up and way stop this is madness so as I see it they are all to blame.


As we speak Osbourne is letting the banks wriggle out of more regulation they will never learn as long as there is money to be made by them things will never change.


Its worth repeating for as long as it takes: it was not the banks, nor bailling out the banks that caused Britain's debt mountain or its present state of fiscal bankruptcy. It was government spending. Britain's state sector as a percentage of GDP is over 40% nationwide. In many parts of the country - dyed-in-the-wool socialist parts - it is well over 50%. The western model of social democracy founded on a vast paternalistic state which apes the Soviet command economy and strings a vote-catching welfare net under the present generation and rolls the bill over onto the next is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. Logic has caught up. It ruins nations. Its ruined Britain, its ruined most of Europe and its now spread to the US.

Balls is an unintelligent juvenile fool who should be tried for treason, and if I had my way, hanged, along with Chairman Brown.

But he and his miserable kith and kin have managed to hoodwink an infantile population into believing their lefist student union rhetoric. Baby-faced Dave and little George are afraid to challenge this nonsense for fear of loosing votes with a naive and gullible electorate. They are followers not leaders. And in any case they are out of their depth. They think economic prosperity is built on comsumption - it isn't, its built on production. But even if they knew what to do and had the spine to do it, they would not be able to because Whitehall answers to the EU, not to Parliament, and major structural change is constitutionally impossible to implement.

Edited by Gimlet
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Its worth repeating for as long as it takes: it was not the banks, nor bailling out the banks that caused Britain's debt mountain or its present state of fiscal bankruptcy. It was government spending. Britain's state sector as a percentage of GDP is over 40% nationwide. In many parts of the country - dyed-in-the-wool socialist parts - it is well over 50%. The western model of social democracy founded on a vast paternalistic state which apes the Soviet command economy and strings a vote-catching welfare net under the present generation and rolls the bill over onto the next is collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. Logic has caught up. It ruins nations. Its ruined Britain, its ruined most of Europe and its now spread to the US.

Balls is an unintelligent juvenile fool who should be tried for treason, and if I had my way, hanged, along with Chairman Brown.

But he and his miserable kith and kin have managed to hoodwink an infantile population into believing their lefist student union rhetoric. Baby-faced Dave and little George are afraid to challenge this nonsense for fear of loosing votes with a naive and gullible electorate. They are followers not leaders. And in any case they are out of their depth. They think economic prosperity is built on comsumption - it isn't, its built on production. But even if they knew what to do and had the spine to do it, they would not be able to because Whitehall answers to the EU, not to Parliament, and major structural change is constitutionally impossible to implement.

An excellent synopsis of the situation ! Fully agree with the treason charge and the punishment.


Sadly ,as others have said,the plebs will vote for whoever tells them what they want to hear.

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