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This turned up in my inbox today, form your own opinion!









I bought a bird feeder.. I hung


it on my patio and filled


it lovingly with seed... It was indeed a beautiful bird feeder.


Within a


week we had hundreds of birds


taking advantage of the


Continuous flow of free and


easily accessible food.


But then the birds started


building nests in the boards


of the patio, above the table,


and next to the barbecue..


Then came the bird sh*t. It was


everywhere; on the patio tiles,


the chairs, the table ...




Then some of the birds


turned mean. They would


dive bomb me and try to


peck me even though I had


fed them out of my own




And other birds were


boisterous and loud. They


sat on the feeder and


squawked and screamed at


all hours of the day and night


and demanded that I fill it


when it got low on food.


After a while, I couldn't even


sit on my own back porch


anymore. So I took down the


bird feeder and in three days


the birds were gone. I cleaned


up their mess and took down


the many nests they had built


all over the patio.


Soon, the back yard was like


it used to be ... quiet, serene


and no one demanding their


rights to a free meal...


Now let's see ......


Brown & our government give out


free food, subsidised housing,


free medical care, and free


education and allows anyone


born here to be an automatic




Then the illegals came by


the millions. Suddenly


our taxes went up to pay for the


free services; small flats


are housing 5 or more families; you


have to wait 6 hours to be seen


by a doctor inan emergency surgery


because it is filled with illegal non tax payers;


your child's year 12 class is


behind other schools because


over half the class doesn't speak




Corn Flakes now come in a


bilingual box; I have to


'press one' to hear my bank


talk to me in English, and


people waving flags other


than 'The Union Jack' are


squawking and screaming


in the streets, demanding


more rights and free liberties.


Its just my opinion but:


maybe, just maybe,


it's time for the government


to take down the damn bird feeder.


If you agree, pass it on; if not,


continue cleaning up the ****!
































Edited by Dekers
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Very ,very true its our country and we are the ones abiding to the other minorities rules Jeeeeesus dont get me started, If i went to canada or india or where ever I d happily adhere to there laws and customs not the ones in UK coz im not in the uk any more, im in another country so must abibe by there laws etc,





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There are alot of current post about immagration, i read the link, and found it interesting. The country is coming to a point, where it wont be able to cope with immagration, regardless of those who come to work, or come for the benefits. Drs surgerys have said they cannot cope with the influx. Its a topical conversation, and i was interested on peoples views.

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It's a tough one and your post is closely connected to a previous one. There is no doubt that over the last 15-20 years, imigration has increased dramatically, mainly as it was a policy of the previous Labour govt. My neighbour is a Muslim, lapsed admittedly and both he and his parents have fully integrated.


I think that some cultures are so different to our own that as i stated on a previous post, they will be overlap at the edges but not much else.

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A very well written article by a lady who obviously still feels love for her country which is steadily being taken away from her. I know how she feels, unfortunatly i think it's to late to do anything about it all the while it doesn't affect the powers that be.If it did start to affect them, maybe something would be done. from Auntie.

Edited by 100milesaway
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That is pretty much it although you could be classed as a xenophobe or at worst a racist should you give that opinion.


Playing the devil's advocate here, should we accept people like the Vietnamese boat people or the Ugandan Asians that Idi Amin kicked out. My personal answer is yes as these are fleeing tyranny.



What i fail to understand is that some groups of imigrants don't like their own country, move here and then try to force the actions/rules that they allegedly left their own country to avoid. I am specifically referring to Pakistani Muslims.

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The main reason i posted the link was becuase of how it read, the lady in question isnt a Racist, and the article wasnt designed to read so. As the previous post has stated, she loves her country, and personally belive that some different cultures make the country great. Unfortunatly, others only want to impose their culture upon us.

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This turned up in my inbox today, form your own opinion!









I bought a bird feeder.. I hung


it on my patio and filled


it lovingly with seed... It was indeed a beautiful bird feeder.


Within a


week we had hundreds of birds


taking advantage of the


Continuous flow of free and


easily accessible food.


But then the birds started


building nests in the boards


of the patio, above the table,


and next to the barbecue..


Then came the bird sh*t. It was


everywhere; on the patio tiles,


the chairs, the table ...




Then some of the birds


turned mean. They would


dive bomb me and try to


peck me even though I had


fed them out of my own




And other birds were


boisterous and loud. They


sat on the feeder and


squawked and screamed at


all hours of the day and night


and demanded that I fill it


when it got low on food.


After a while, I couldn't even


sit on my own back porch


anymore. So I took down the


bird feeder and in three days


the birds were gone. I cleaned


up their mess and took down


the many nests they had built


all over the patio.


Soon, the back yard was like


it used to be ... quiet, serene


and no one demanding their


rights to a free meal...


Now let's see ......


Brown & our government give out


free food, subsidised housing,


free medical care, and free


education and allows anyone


born here to be an automatic




Then the illegals came by


the millions. Suddenly


our taxes went up to pay for the


free services; small flats


are housing 5 or more families; you


have to wait 6 hours to be seen


by a doctor inan emergency surgery


because it is filled with illegal non tax payers;


your child's year 12 class is


behind other schools because


over half the class doesn't speak




Corn Flakes now come in a


bilingual box; I have to


'press one' to hear my bank


talk to me in English, and


people waving flags other


than 'The Union Jack' are


squawking and screaming


in the streets, demanding


more rights and free liberties.


Its just my opinion but:


maybe, just maybe,


it's time for the government


to take down the damn bird feeder.


If you agree, pass it on; if not,


continue cleaning up the ****!






























Maybe you should have used fat balls.

Edited by ack-ack
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Who has fat balls? i am trying to lose a bit...


Don't get me wrong, we have issues with our own so called "underclass" or chavs who have been growing as a group for some time.


true, but they are uk born and bred, they need educating/training which we could afford to do ( not that i agree , they should still get off there harris and get a job) but paying for the rest of the worlds dregs is a different matter its hard enough sorting our own out!!!!!!!!





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I agree, immagration that is controlled, like they do in Australia is a great way to keep the economy going. The ones who are only interested in benefits, and not intergration, can stay away.


If you need immigration in a country of 60 million to keep your economy going there is something fundamentally wrong with your economy.

We have created a society that consumes itself, with a system of government so vast and pervasive, and a network of entitlements so extensive that the incumbent generation can never afford to fund its own lifestyle, so the bill is continuously passed on to the next generation with a cumulative deficit that forces bills and taxation skywards and prosperity proportionately downwards. This situation is insane. We are utterly unable to sustain the feather-bedded western social democratic lifestyle they have constructed so the politicians have calculated that a continual tidal wave of immigration will somehow keep this crazy show on the road, and them in power, and we won't notice what is happening. They appear not to have grasped that mass immigration does not benefit the economy but places it under still greater strain as the immigrants themselves come to expect the same unaffordable entitlements as the natives while simultaneously stripping the country of cash by sending their earnings overseas.


This country has been ruined, in every sense, and the political response is to throw fuel on the fire.

Edited by Gimlet
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There are alot of current post about immagration, i read the link, and found it interesting. The country is coming to a point, where it wont be able to cope with immagration, regardless of those who come to work, or come for the benefits. Drs surgerys have said they cannot cope with the influx. Its a topical conversation, and i was interested on peoples views.

The point has well been crossed my friend,next year will be the deciding factor when more dregs of europe invade us :ninja:
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A very well written article by a lady who obviously still feels love for her country which is steadily being taken away from her.


No it isn`t, it appears she is very conniving and adept at twisting words, halal fish and chippy and Indian takeaway, gis a break.

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No it isn`t, it appears she is very conniving and adept at twisting words, halal fish and chippy and Indian takeaway, gis a break.


I suppose this woman was conniving as well? try watching the full thing on I player





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Most asian fish and chip shops sell sausages and burgers which could well be halal,I often wonder why when 90% of the asian takaways don't admit to being Pakistani or Bangladashi,when they are not Indian. Iv'e seen lots of places advertising REAL English fish and chips, at least we seem to be proud of our heritage.from Auntie.

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