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A Moan about this Great Forum


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Is it just me but it seems that just about every time I press reply on a thread and the page loads up my cursor seems to just hover over pointless options such as strike thru everything or make the letters microscopic etc etc.


There I am with my head down typing a load of script only to look up and see I've got to start the whole bleddy thing again, and whatever it was that polluted my hard work wont seem to go away.


Do we really need all these pointless options that you seemingly don't even need to click on to set them in motion, has anyone ever even used them deliberately?


Moan over :blush:

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Is it just me but it seems that just about every time I press reply on a thread and the page loads up my cursor seems to just hover over pointless options such as strike thru everything or make the letters microscopic etc etc.


There I am with my head down typing a load of script only to look up and see I've got to start the whole bleddy thing again, and whatever it was that polluted my hard work wont seem to go away.


Do we really need all these pointless options that you seemingly don't even need to click on to set them in motion, has anyone ever even used them deliberately?


Moan over :blush:


Having just looked at it, I can see uses for 9 of the bottom line and 6 maybe 7 of the top. which means there are probably 25 or so that I'd never use.


For example, the copy and paste tags, I'd never use them, I'd just highlight the text and right click it. Link to Twitter? What would you put on here that you'd want to share with the imbecilic Twitterati?

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Is it just me but it seems that just about every time I press reply on a thread and the page loads up my cursor seems to just hover over pointless options such as strike thru everything or make the letters microscopic etc etc.


There I am with my head down typing a load of script only to look up and see I've got to start the whole bleddy thing again, and whatever it was that polluted my hard work wont seem to go away.


Do we really need all these pointless options that you seemingly don't even need to click on to set them in motion, has anyone ever even used them deliberately?


Moan over :blush:


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must be everyone's computer, because mine works just fine, I'm a one finger type I don't look at the screen whilst typing, the most annoying thing for me, is when I've typed two or three lines, look up and see I've left the caps lock on


Never had an issue either, just click reply and the cursor is waiting where it should be with no font/bold etc options selected??


I can sort of see your point ish, I don't use a desk top/lap top so I don't know what your on about as I use an iPad :lol: but on the reverse side you can have the use of the smiley faces but I don't :( not all of them any way


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Full Version' :good: It will make everything a lot smaller but you can access everything you can from a PC then

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Guest cookoff013

You've got to use plenty of lead on ducks, they're normally quite high and travelling at speed! Oh sorry, you mean lead, not lead . . . :lol::whistling:


oh, i must be confused then, they mean lead, not lead.

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Mine does another thing which is hugely annoying. Very often, when I move the curser back to make changes to text I've written, as I type new text the character in front of the curser is deleted. The only answer I've found is to hit the tab key to start another paragraph, go back with the direction arrows and when finished delete the paragraph space to re-join the text.

This might be a server problem, but to be honest it's never happened in any other programme or on any other forum. I am a computer numbskull though which may have something to do with it.

Edited by Gimlet
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Mine does another thing which is hugely annoying. Very often, when I move the curser back to make changes to text I've written, as I type new text the character in front of the curser is deleted. The only answer I've found is to hit the tab key to start another paragraph, go back with the direction arrows and when finished delete the paragraph space to re-join the text.

This might be a server problem, but to be honest it's never happened in any other programme or on any other forum. I am a computer knumbskull though which may have something to do with it.


Isn't that the 'insert' button on your keypad that is doing that? Press it once and it should stop.

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Isn't that the 'insert' button on your keypad that is doing that? Press it once and it should stop.


I don't think so. 'Insert' just deletes once. My problem continues...............

Actually hang on, you're right. It just started doing it now. I've pressed Ins and it stopped. I'll buy a new laptop one day.

Much obliged to you Hedges. You learn something every day. :good:

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