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Just One of Those days

pigeon controller

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Finally went out this morning at 08.00 and started to look for birds on the rape after two hours we had found small groups gathered on rape , clover and turnips. We noticed nothing flying and as it was a cold day with bright sunshine and a north wind blowing it was the season for funny hats, that is a peek to stop the sun and a fleece hat to try and keep the brain warm. The next event was the air spring in the Disco decided to loose it's air so we were limpimg about at twentyfive MPH still looking. I tried to pump it up to the off road height but it would not play . As it was now 12.30 we decide to limp our way home and I would crawl about underneath and fit a new air spring and DB would go to work . On our way back we passed an old turnip field which we looked at earlier in the day . The sheep have left it now and it is just a muddy mess as we passed we saw five birds circle and drop straight in so we stopped and watched it for ten minutes and counted thirty plus birds flying in so we rang the farmer and he said ok . We set up for 13.15 and shot till 14.00 after the first shot all the birds lifted and they dribbled back also we had to shoot into the setting sun which made life difficult, this was due to the wind position . We picked up twentynine pigeons and eight crows and jackdaws. When we returned to the Disco the rear end blew up and stayed up all the way home, checking the speedo we had covered eightyfive miles. JUST ONE OF THOSE DAY'S.




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You did well PC :good: :good: After a couple of hours of seeing nothing on the farm , took a long detour home, covering almost the same mileage as you, just to see if they were anywhere. Passed fields of maize stubble, cover crops, rape and the odd grain stubble. Absolutely nothing. :hmm:

Edited by turbo33
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