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Maybe, but some of us are quite fond of these ol' guns. :)

You may already know this and I admit that I tend to harp on about it, but before you take it to bits, please read the manual - you take the stock off *before* taking out the trigger plate screw.

Have fun with your new "baby".



Sorry Mark, I wasn't being flippant. Its just that this is not a sparkling time warp example, that's all. I will leave it as is.


I love interesting older guns, especially ones that don't cost the earth.

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Sorry Mark, I wasn't being flippant.

I wasn't being serious. (Well, maybe just a *little*...:))


Its just that this is not a sparkling time warp example, that's all.

Yeah, *I* have one like that. With hindsight, I shouldn't have bought "sight unseen". :(


I will leave it as is.

Oh, well *done*, that man.


I love interesting older guns, especially ones that don't cost the earth.

Same here.





Edited by ChAoS
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Someone has offered me a Mossberg 500 "Slugster" for £200. It has 24 inch barrel with no choke !! ( It can fire Slugs if you have an F.A.C to buy them )


Your thoughts on this purchase please guys !!! I am sorely tempted but want to know if this thing would be any good for shooting pigeons ?


advice please Pump Clubbers :ninja:

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Someone has offered me a Mossberg 500 "Slugster" for £200. It has 24 inch barrel with no choke !! ( It can fire Slugs if you have an F.A.C to buy them )


Your thoughts on this purchase please guys !!! I am sorely tempted but want to know if this thing would be any good for shooting pigeons ?


advice please Pump Clubbers :ninja:


If your still after after a Wingmaster there's one on guntrader for £425. Looks good to me http://www.guntrader.co.uk/Guns-For-Sale/Remington_Shotgun_870-Wingmaster_For-Sale_130630210058621 :yes:
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If your still after after a Wingmaster there's one on guntrader for £425. Looks good to me http://www.guntrader.co.uk/Guns-For-Sale/Remington_Shotgun_870-Wingmaster_For-Sale_130630210058621 :yes:

Thanks mate, it's a bit out of my price range at the moment !!


Still considering the Winchester SXP for £350 or the Slugster for £200.


So many options........so little money !! Bah humbug !! :/

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Someone has offered me a Mossberg 500 "Slugster" for £200. It has 24 inch barrel with no choke !! ( It can fire Slugs if you have an F.A.C to buy them )


Your thoughts on this purchase please guys !!! I am sorely tempted but want to know if this thing would be any good for shooting pigeons ?


advice please Pump Clubbers :ninja:


I thought the Slugster had a rifled bore? thats going to play havoc with your shot pattern.


I've got my old 500 you can have for £150, it is sec 1 so you'd need to get it strangled and proofed to sec 2, might be an option for you.




I've got some synthetic furniture for it also.



Edited by thepasty
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Bloomin eck !! How much would it cost to get the beast strangled ? and can it be un-strangled when I choose to get an FAC ?


In relation to the Slugster........the bloke says it aint got a rifled barrel........it's just 24 inches long, with no choke !! Is he telling porkies d'you think ??


I would be interested in buying yer gun matey........and yer furniture.


Perhaps I should go for the old F.A.C after all eh ?? My mate has permission to shoot on 6 farms and I always go with him........he asks me to go and reccy them as I live closer.........I said could he ask the farmer to give me written permission so I can do the hedgerow thang while I'm out and about? My so called mate said "No way man, that's MY permission.........you go get your own!! " I am close to falling out with my so called mate. What a prize *** eh ?


I could get FAC for pest control on all permissions...........but thanks to my " mate" that aint happening.......he won't even give me the farmers address ??!!! :no::no::mad::crazy:

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Bloomin eck !! How much would it cost to get the beast strangled ? and can it be un-strangled when I choose to get an FAC ?


In relation to the Slugster........the bloke says it aint got a rifled barrel........it's just 24 inches long, with no choke !! Is he telling porkies d'you think ??


I would be interested in buying yer gun matey........and yer furniture.


Perhaps I should go for the old F.A.C after all eh ?? My mate has permission to shoot on 6 farms and I always go with him........he asks me to go and reccy them as I live closer.........I said could he ask the farmer to give me written permission so I can do the hedgerow thang while I'm out and about? My so called mate said "No way man, that's MY permission.........you go get your own!! " I am close to falling out with my so called mate. What a prize *** eh ?


I could get FAC for pest control on all permissions...........but thanks to my " mate" that aint happening.......he won't even give me the farmers address ??!!! :no::no::mad::crazy:


Depends on your RFD for cost, luckily my RFD does MOD, general military, deacs etc so things like proofing cost something like £18 as they send away in large batches, strangling maybe £20-£30 at a guess. To un-strangle you'd knock the crimp out with a tapered rod or get a new mag tube.


Have you seen pics of mateys slugster? Does it have rifle sights or a rib? Personally I wouldnt be bothered by having a cylinder choke, I shoot a fixed skeet choke at the moment and do as well as my bro who has the fancy pants multi choke :) Personally I think the whole choke thing is a bit over rated.

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thought id show you all the sexyest pumpgun in the whole world.

my mossberg 590 mariner........


your not far wrong there mate, nice looking gun.. i love that sttyle stock, just took mine off my 870 to make my gun look more respectable for the place i want to use it and am gutted as i loved the look

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well i came home today to find me new 870 stock... as mentioned previously i needed to change the ati stock i had and loved to make the gun more 'normal' for the use i now have for it.. was either that or go buy a new gun and i cant really justify buying another gun... i have to many for the actual amount of shooting i have time to do already..


its a genuine remington black synthetic sure-shot stock and fore-end.. its nice looking, shoulders nice... but i dont like it, as im still gutted to loose my ati :(


i also had to loose my 4 shot shell carrier as the fore-end was an inch to long for it, so i either trimmed the fore-end of lost the carrier







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well i came home today to find me new 870 stock... as mentioned previously i needed to change the ati stock i had and loved to make the gun more 'normal' for the use i now have for it.. was either that or go buy a new gun and i cant really justify buying another gun... i have to many for the actual amount of shooting i have time to do already..


its a genuine remington black synthetic sure-shot stock and fore-end.. its nice looking, shoulders nice... but i dont like it, as im still gutted to loose my ati :(


i also had to loose my 4 shot shell carrier as the fore-end was an inch to long for it, so i either trimmed the fore-end of lost the carrier







do you still have the shell carrier?? interested in selling??

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thats it foxy.. kick a guy when hes down :lol:


yeh still got it, havent decided what im going to do yet so think im going to hang onto it for a while.. its pretty much new and ill loose money if i sell it only to replace it later


on a seperate note.. damn things are expensive, i was shocked when i went to order one.. was about forty quid and theres nothing to it

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no worries mate, i was looking at them on evilbay the other day and the cheapest i could find one was £34. planning another trip to the states next year so may draw up pump gun shopping list. did you have it mounted via the screw fixings? a lot of users fix them via heavy duty self adhesive velcro, this gives you a little more room to position them and their easier to take on and off. i was going to fit one to my mossberg this way as i didnt want to do-away with the drift pin holding the trigger assembily for easy cleaning/stripdown.


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theres a massive difference in costs over there, my stock was well under half price on american websites compared to midway uk's website.


yeh mine was screwed on, the trigger assembley fixings come out and screws go through and into the carrier

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